
Bump version (modmuss50);

Fix build + crash (modmuss50);

Update REI (modmuss50);

add shulker extraction and fix storing techreborn storage (#3111) (AngelBottomless, modmuss50);

Add Pump (#3092) (Maxim Varfolomeyev);

optimize RollingMachineBlockEntity (#3124) (AngelBottomless);

leave free space for creative tank (#3125) (AngelBottomless);

prevent spamming packets (#3126) (AngelBottomless).


Set curseforge version (modmuss50)

Update energy (modmuss50)

1.19.4 stable (modmuss50)

Port/1.19.4 new recipes (#3120) (Ayutac)

fixed orange tulip extraction recipe (Ayutac)

Fix build. (modmuss50)

1.19.4-pre1 (modmuss50)

Fix chemical reactor concrete powder recipe (jlortiz0)

Only validate GUI types from TR. (modmuss50)

Cleanup @Environment annotations. (modmuss50)

Auto convert grinder recipes to datagen (modmuss50)

Update to loom 1.1 (modmuss50)

Data gen alloy smelter recipes (modmuss50)

Remove old code (Mark)

Fixes #3104 (ayutac)

changed the upgrader textures so that their display matches the new storage unit textures (ayutac)

added solar panels to the other generators (ayutac)

Updated Nanosaber sprites and models (#3064). Thanks to Spearkiller. (Spearkiller)

Fix crash. Closes #3091 (modmuss50)

1.19 fishing station (#3071) (Ayutac, modmuss50)

Remove access widener now provided via fabric API (modmuss50)

added uu matter recipe provider hook and some examples (#3072) (Ayutac, modmuss50)

made ore gen more configurable (#3086) (Ayutac)

Add some basic spotless formatting rules. (modmuss50)

Remove santa hat easter egg. (modmuss50)

Update Gradle + deps. Use spotless for license header checks. (modmuss50)

Added debug tool to OP tab (#3089) (Ayutac, ayutac)

Fixes #3087 and keeps #3083 fixed (Ayutac)


Config for Quantum Armor flight and speed. Closes #2362#2011
Fix CTM compatibility (#2372). Thanks to YuRaNnNzZZ
fix Omni-Tool, Rockcutter and Jackhammer being damageable (#2368). Thanks to Fourmisain
Use tags in steel and refined iron blast furnace recipes (#2367) Thanks to saltyseadoggo
Add rubber planks to #c:planks_that_burn (#2363). Thanks to saltyseadoggo
Fix fluid replication in fluid replicator. Closes #2352


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Do not start craft until it recipe is locked."
(modmuss50) Allow any RC version, will change this at a later date once I revist the build script
(modmuss50) Use new getTorusSizeCache


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix smelting rubber logs. Closes #2315
(drcrazy) Ability to grind whole coal block at once. Closes #2293
(modmuss50) Port to new fabric networking api
(modmuss50) Dont allow batteries to charge other batteries in the inv. Fixes #2297
(modmuss50) Update deps
(modmuss50) Optimise Iron furnace recipe lookup
(drcrazy) Chunkloader handles wrench properly. Closes #2308
(drcrazy) Recycler should use energy. Closes #2304
(drcrazy) Fix crash with AE2 and FluidIngredient
(drcrazy) Use internal map in RebornRegistry.registerBlockNoItem method
(drcrazy) Oh The Biomes You'll Go Compat. Closes #2276
(drcrazy) Nerf Jackhammer speed on ores. Closes #2246
(drcrazy) Fix unpowered speed for chainsaw. Closes #2268
(drcrazy) Batteries can't get mending anymore. Closes #2263
(drcrazy) Fix drop for solid canning machine. Closes #2290
(github) Recipe fixes for Grinding head, wrench and painting tool. Kudos to Birgliss
(drcrazy) Do not start craft until it recipe is locked.
(drcrazy) Partially recipe output zindex. Closes #2288
(drcrazy) Astromine compat plates. Closes #2259
(modmuss50) CableElectrocutionEvent
(drcrazy) Fix blockus barrels in storage unit recipe. Closes #2274
(drcrazy) No title for inventory. Closes #2287
(drcrazy) Grinder compat for astromine. Closes #2257
(drcrazy) Translation for Fusion Coil tooltip
(drcrazy) Tags for silicon plates. Closes #2284
(drcrazy) Tooltip refactoring


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix rubber sapling, closes #2281
(modmuss50) Pass the worlgen json's through the ConditionManager
(github) Use tags for all vanilla ores in grinding recipes (unearthed compat) (#2283)
(drcrazy) Rubber sapling could be potted. Closes #2279


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(drcrazy) Grinder tag for diamond ore. Closes #2275
(justin vitale) Add smeltable items to fuel registry closes #2278
(modmuss50) Add 1.16.4 as a supported version on curse
(drcrazy) More tags in recipes. Closes #2270
(drcrazy) Update to release version of 1.16.4
(modmuss50) Nerf solar panels
(modmuss50) Remove recipe exploit
(modmuss50) Nerf gem tools, remove config option to skip registering them as conditional registration is a bad idea, use mods such as KubeJS to hide the items.
(modmuss50) First pass on data driven worldgen
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(modmuss50) Dep updates
(drcrazy) No sap from player placed rubber wood. Closes #2212
(drcrazy) More translations for TR & RC
(drcrazy) Translation for powered items.
(drcrazy) Added translation for upgrades
(drcrazy) Couple of warnings
(drcrazy) Charge-o-Mat back in business. Closes #2264


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix drain container. Closes #2261
(github) Update en_us.json (#2260) Thanks to Romz24 for spotting


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added recipes for ancient debris. Closes #2254
(drcrazy) Fix cells to tank drain. Closes #2239
(drcrazy) Fix warnings in GUI
(drcrazy) Fix tooltip
(drcrazy) Fix license
(drcrazy) Use new canAccept/canProvide methods
(drcrazy) Fixes due to PowerAcceptorBE changes.
(drcrazy) Recipe for chunkloader. Some work on #2244
(drcrazy) Use tags in some recipes. Closes #2245 and #2247
(modmuss50) Add basic github actions
(modmuss50) Update loader and API
(drcrazy) Jackhammers can't break obsidan anymore. Closes #2235
(drcrazy) Jackhammers can't break obsidan anymore. Closes #2235
(drcrazy) Fix omni-tool ore mining. Closes #2196
(drcrazy) Fix drill speed on non-stone blocks. Closes #2225
(github) Fix properties being recreated for several blocks (#2238)
(drcrazy) Lamps require energy to work. Again. Closes #2227
(drcrazy) Should fix crash with wrenched storage units. Closes #2183


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Cleanup the build.gradle file, and add AE2
(modmuss50) 1.16.3 - just mappings
(drcrazy) Batteries should be able to charge items when active. Closes #2099
(drcrazy) Jackhammers should have correct speed. Closes #2223#2217
(drcrazy) JackHammers should respect ores when AoE mining.
(drcrazy) Creative tank will void excessive fluid. Closes #2205


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(modmuss50) Remove LibCD support due to it needing a rewirite.
(drcrazy) Creative storage unit will void excessive input items. Some work on #2205
(drcrazy) Formatting for PlayerDetectorBlock
(justin vitale) Improve cell/bucket withdrawing from tank closes #2209


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix Greenhouse hologram. Closes #2195
(drcrazy) Rubber wood strip logic moved to a separate class
(github) Added back initial Applied Energistics 2 compatibility. (#2199)
(drcrazy) Fix FoV for quantum leggings. Closes #2198
(drcrazy) Drop wooden plate on cover remove. Closes #2190
(drcrazy) Cleanup of CableBlockEntity
(justin vitale) Revert back to OG getMiningSpeedMultiplier closes #2185
(justin vitale) Fix #2197 and add ability to withdraw via right click [only bucket/cell]


(github) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Revert later, fix build"
(modmuss50) Fix rubber saplings.


(modmuss50) 1.16.2 #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert later, fix build
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(drcrazy) Discharge cable on shock. Closes #2178
(modmuss50) Fix major worldgen issues
(modmuss50) 1.16.2-rc1
(modmuss50) Rewrite world gen, in preperation for json based config files
(modmuss50) Fix ore gen
(modmuss50) Mappings update
(modmuss50) first pass on 1.16.2 - no world gen
(github) AutoSwitch support (#2175). Thanks to dexman545
(github) Add rails and minecart to blast furnace to get iron back. (#2177) Thanks to KnatteAnka
(modmuss50) Show a bounding box around all the blocks that are going to be broken.
(modmuss50) Some general cleanup
(modmuss50) Cleanup jackhammer code a bit
(modmuss50) Rebalance drill speed and mining level
(modmuss50) Add a basic fallback model for the bucket and cells when no renderer is present.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) remove pack.mcmeta fabric api handles it


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(modmuss50) Fix #2170
(modmuss50) Fix #2147
(modmuss50) Remove stack hud its annoying, and I have better ideas
(modmuss50) Fix (well add) ore mining levels
(modmuss50) update fabric api and loader
(github) Create soul_soil.json (#2168)
(drcrazy) Small cleanup
(github) Epic REI displays. Thanks to shedaniel! (#2167)
(github) wool > string (extractor), gravel > flint (extractor) and gravel > sand (grinder) closes #2164 (#2165)
(github) Fix #2163
(justin vitale) Tidy up Storage Unit Renderer with new found knowledge
(drcrazy) Stairs, Walls and Slabs got their names
(drcrazy) Update datapack version
(drcrazy) FabricBlockSettings updated to v1
(justin vitale) Refactor and import cleanup (Excluding network PR changed files)
(justin vitale) Check multiblock before crafting vacuum freezer
(github) Deduplicate multiblock verification from BlockEntities and Guis (#2133)
(justin vitale) Get state from blockstate instead of saving it as NBT resin basin


(justin vitale) #betaBuild
(github) Cable distribution hotfix (#2159)
(justin vitale) Don't sync stack greater than 1 for locked item stack (byte overflow)
(justin vitale) Only allow items to be inserted if empty and not locked or issametype
(justin vitale) fix accessing storage unit with nothing in hand
(justin vitale) Sync storedStack via NBT instead of registry (Keep tags)
(justin vitale) Allow players to rightclick tank unit with fluid to deposit (initial)
(justin vitale) Return if client
(justin vitale) Storage unit text display, QOL withdraw by attacking, misc sync fixes
(justin vitale) fix lock and optimize client-side sync for stored item
(justin vitale) Uncomment the actual fix
(justin vitale) Storage unit cleanup, optimization and fix displayed item
(justin vitale) add Spearkiller's retextures
(justin vitale) Have chance to yield two sap closes #2014
(justin vitale) Merge branch 'feature/sapper' into 1.16
(justin vitale) Fix holding position, fix chat sending on server, drop sap if broken
(justin vitale) Cleanup and drop when no log connected
(justin vitale) Fix sound
(justin vitale) Put back original sap generation speed
(justin vitale) Resin basin finished (Recipe, functionality, textures, models)
(justin vitale) Merge branch '1.16' into feature/sapper
(modmuss50) Fix sulfur recipes
(justin vitale) Random crash complaining about no sulfur_ores.json, add placeholder
(justin vitale) fix storage unit bugs with locking closes #2155
(github) Create basic sulfur grinding recipes for compatibility with Cinderscapes (#2153)
(justin vitale) Refactor and cleanup, awaiting new model.
(justin vitale) Reference issue #2014
(justin vitale) Add sapper base logic code (MVP) along with rest of it
(justin vitale) Make drill break blocks slower when it's flat #2147
(justin vitale) Fix rubber door dupe closes #2149
(modmuss50) Dont use --refresh-dependencies on everybuild
(modmuss50) Recipes
(modmuss50) Add stair, slab and wall blocks for all metal storage blocks


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) 1.16.1
(justin vitale) Fix Nuke flying away when lit


(justin vitale) #betaBuild
(github) Fix crash opening GUIs on dedicated servers (#2139)


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(justin vitale) Tank/Storage unit stat squish
(justin vitale) Remove ugly shadows from IN/OUT on units
(justin vitale) Remove everything related to depreciated digital & quantum chest + tank
(modmuss50) opps
(modmuss50) Fix #2137
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/screeenhandler_pr' into 1.16
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(modmuss50) 1.16 Release Candidate 1
(justin vitale) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.16' into 1.16
(justin vitale) Fix in/out position and translation for percent on storage/tank unit
(modmuss50) Fix #2135
(modmuss50) remove usages of reflection, should help cut down on errors and IDE warnings.
(modmuss50) 1.16-pre8
(justin vitale) Import cleanup and reorganization
(justin vitale) Merge branch '1.15' into 1.16
(github) Drain block for liquid gathering
(justin vitale) Fix typo in basalt recipe
(justin vitale) Cobblestone > Gravel > Sand grinder flow #2107
(justin vitale) Basalt, marble, andesite and granite craftable #2046
(justin vitale) Diorite dust from diorite blocks instead of quartz #2046
(justin vitale) Compress prismarine crystals to shards (Reverse recipe) #2046
(drcrazy) Updated FabricBlockSettings
(github) StorageUnitBlock: Implement locking mechanism (#2124). Thanks to Sturmlilie
(modmuss50) 1.16-pre2
(modmuss50) 20w22a
(modmuss50) post merge compile fix
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.15' into 1.16
(modmuss50) loom + loader + api updates
(github) Show tooltip only for TR items. Kudos to Shedaniel (#2122)
(modmuss50) Example of using the WIP Screen handler API


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix build
(modmuss50) Remove towelette bug fix.
(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) 20w21a


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Rework rubber tree generation
(modmuss50) 20w18a


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix some issues
(modmuss50) 20w17a compile pass
(modmuss50) Fix bad merge
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.15' into 1.16
(modmuss50) fix license warnings
(modmuss50) Fix #2097
(github) Blockus compatibility (1.15+) (#2091)
(github) Allow grinding of vanilla basalt blocks (#2094)
(drcrazy) More usage of rubber wood
(github) Add rubber wood and stripped rubber wood (#2086). Thanks to haykam821
(drcrazy) Ore spawn rates config. Closes #2087


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #2083
(modmuss50) Merge fixes
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.15' into 1.16
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #2084
(modmuss50) Display flying when an elytra is used with the trinkets mod. Closes #2074
(modmuss50) Fix #2070
(modmuss50) Add plant products to the Composter. Fixes #2075
(drcrazy) Fix cloaking device texture. Closes #2067


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) 20w15a
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.15' into 1.16
(github) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Rubber trees are less frequent and have configs. Closes #2079
(drcrazy) More fixes for unused configs
(drcrazy) Fix copper oregen config typo
(modmuss50) Add constructor that allows passing a custom Block.Settings
(modmuss50) Refactor guis
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Support latest energy version
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Sodium explodes in water, closes #2069




(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) We actually care abt NBT for cells
(drcrazy) Fusion reactor should respect maxOutput config value
(drcrazy) Use oreDict name for lapotron crystal


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) more fixes, this is giving me a headace.
(modmuss50) Merge fixes
(modmuss50) Revert "Revert "Facing went back to block. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#24""
(modmuss50) Add a message suggest adding heating coils to increase temp


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Should fix TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#35
(modmuss50) Fix energy storage not outputting to the correct side
(modmuss50) Dont depend on an RC version, its prob not updated, doesnt allow me to run it in dev.
(modmuss50) update gitignore
(modmuss50) Revert "Facing went back to block. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#24"


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Facing went back to block. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#24
(drcrazy) Fix crash with auto crafting table
(drcrazy) Fix tungsten uu-m recipe. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#21
(drcrazy) Fix iridium ore in IG. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#23
(drcrazy) Black wool in extractor. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#22


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix compressor recipes. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#19
(drcrazy) Fix solar panels. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#17


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fusion PAWA!! Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#9
(drcrazy) Zero warnings!!
(drcrazy) Fix facing property
(drcrazy) Centrifuge recipes moved to praesriptum
(drcrazy) Fix JEI crash. Closes TechReborn/TechReborn-Legacy-Issues#14
(drcrazy) Update mappings
(drcrazy) Updated forge version + fixed warnings
(drcrazy) Update graddle + downgrade GraddleStuff
(drcrazy) Updated GradleStuff version
(estebes) Improvements to the MachineTile.
(estebes) Fix Centrifuge GUI.
(estebes) Rebuild.
(estebes) Re-write the Centrifuge and Recicler. Bump version. Minor refactoring.
(estebes) Re-write the fluid generators.
(estebes) Re-write the fluid generators.
(estebes) Fix license headers.
(estebes) Improve the diesel generator.
(estebes) Bump version.
(estebes) Small fixes and cleanup.
(estebes) Code refactoring. Move compressor to the new recipe system.
(estebes) New crafting recipes. New compat.
(estebes) Change the grinder to use the new recipe system


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Removed CT Doc gen from build file


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Micro clean up
(drcrazy) Fix JEI transfer and chemical reactor recipes. Closes #1841
(drcrazy) FIx grinder energy usage. Closes #1849
(drcrazy) Better error handling for IBF heat calc. Should help with #1740
(drcrazy) Iron Alloy furnace is back in a saddle. Closes #1846
(drcrazy) Fixed item for rubber slab. Closes #1738
(modmuss50) Finalise 1.12 translations
(drcrazy) Fixed solar panel translation. Closes #1834


(estebes) #releaseBuild
(estebes) #releaseBuild
(estebes) Bump TRCompat version. Fix duplicate Uranium Ore recipe.
(estebes) Update to RebornCore 3.16.2
(estebes) Fix not using OreDictionary for plate bending machine recipes.
(estebes) More work on the recipes.
(estebes) Move more machines to the new recipe system. Don't play with this build since it crashes.
(estebes) Implement the Thorium material tree. Thorium nuclear fuel. General cleanup.
(estebes) Fix #1773
(estebes) Improve the Iridium processing tree.
(estebes) Fix #1744
(estebes) Fix not calling CheckTier.
(estebes) Rebalance a few recipes and generator values.
(estebes) Introduce Bio Fuel. An early-mid game energy source.
(estebes) Rebalance Solar Panels Recipes. Solar Panels now generate power during rainy days.
(estebes) Rebalance Solar Panels.
(estebes) Finish implementing the EV transformer.
(estebes) Small cleanup.
(estebes) New machine - Solid Canning Machine - used for compatibility with IC2 and reactor resources. Layout the ground work for IC2 reactor compatibility.


(estebes) #releaseBuild
(estebes) Move compat config options to the compat module.
(estebes) Rebalance the Distillation Tower Oil recipe.
(estebes) Rebalance the Distillation Tower Oil recipe.
(estebes) Update the Assembling Machine to use the new recipe system. Improvements to output distribution.
(estebes) Few fixes.
(estebes) Bump version. Add WireMill recipe. Fix missing license headers.
(estebes) New machine - WireMill. For all your wiring needs. Also makes use of the new recipe system.
(estebes) Bump RebornCore dependency version
(estebes) Fix Assembling Machine lapis recipe. Fix fluid generators fluid containers handling.
(estebes) New textures.


(github) #releaseBuild
(estebes) New machine - Plate Bending Machine. Use it to craft related parts.
(estebes) New machine - Plate Bending Machine. This is now the way to
craft plates. This improves compatibility with IC2 recipes.
(estebes) Use OreDictionary for scrap related operations.
(estebes) Fix empty cell NBT.


(estebes) #releaseBuild
(estebes) Fix #1733.


(estebes) #releaseBuild
(estebes) Merge branch '1.12' of github.com:TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.12
(estebes) Tentative fix to #1732.
(drcrazy) Revert change and warning suppressed
(drcrazy) Warnings and License
(estebes) Use the util methods in RebornCore. Small recipe changes. New textures.
(estebes) Some refactoring. Fix #1731
(estebes) Fix wrong textures.
(estebes) New textures for several things. New translations.
(estebes) Rebalanced the Blst Furnace and its recipes. Blast Furnace now
supports the coils. Improved Iridium processing on the industrial
(estebes) Fix  #1727
(estebes) Improve Nanosaber code. Buff to damage (#1714) and add config option for it.
(estebes) Fix #1723
(estebes) Energy Storage blocks now have several redstone modes.
(modmuss50) Eu support for cables (#1730)
(modmuss50) Implement IMiningDrill for IC2 miner compatibility with TR Drills (#1729)
(drcrazy) Dedupe for iron fence #1665
(drcrazy) Dedupe carbon plates for #1665
(drcrazy) Lapotron Crystal dedupe for #1665
(drcrazy) Energy Crystal dedupe for #1665
(drcrazy) De-dupe for re-battery. Some work on #1665
(drcrazy) Updated rubber log usage. Some work on #1706
(drcrazy) Filter compressor and extractor recipes from JEI if IC2 dedupe is true


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Make creative solar panel quicker
(modmuss50) Optimise matter fab a bit
(modmuss50) Add tank support for Fluid Replicator, fixes #1698
(drcrazy) Removed unused import.
(drcrazy) Transformers\Energy storages will use vanilla rotation. Closes #1692
(drcrazy) Updated freezer multiblock. More work on #1672
(github) Update build.gradle
(drcrazy) Check blast furnace upgrades both on client and server. Closes #1694


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fixes #1695
(modmuss50) Fixes #1693 and Fixes FTBTeam/FTB-Sky-Odyssey#102
(drcrazy) Should fix #1691
(modmuss50) Improve creative solar panel
(modmuss50) Fix super conductor output on aesu's
(modmuss50) Superconductor update, adds cables, and new upgrades.
(modmuss50) Fix a bug with the auto crafting table.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Improve auto crafting table performance with large amount of recipes.
(modmuss50) Hold shift to go faster in the AESU gui, closes #1686
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix #1688
(modmuss50) Fix RollingMachine tile not updating its active state (#1687)
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add scrap box to matter fab, fixes #1682.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add shear mode to chainsaw, closes #1668
(modmuss50) Add toggle for drill AOE effect, shift click to enable/disable. Fixes #1670
(modmuss50) Much better wood searching, should now handle large and complex trees well, closes #1680
(modmuss50) Fix #1679
(modmuss50) Fix #1674
(modmuss50) Dont allow recycling of upgrades
(modmuss50) Fix #1678
(modmuss50) Add some bad code to stop the creative solar panel from exploding when FE is disabled.
(modmuss50) Increase the AESU max power to 16192
(modmuss50) Update Auto crafting table to use the better code from the rolling machine, should fix some issues.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Machine cases drop them selves to fix FTBTeam/FTB-Ultimate-Reloaded#90
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix #1669


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix LED lights not using correct cables
(modmuss50) After complaints that the manual is a scam, you can now refund it back into its ingredients.
(drcrazy) Iron and gold armor recycling in blast furnace.
(modmuss50) Create a WrenchContext to allow for ic2 mod compat to register support for using ic2's wrench
(drcrazy) Iron alloy smelter should consume right amount of inputs. Closes #1667
(drcrazy) DRY for IronAlloySmelter fuel burn time


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports
(drcrazy) More efficient diamond grinding and armor recycling


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Should fix #1666


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild fix Advanced alloy.


(modmuss50) Added config for classic dedupe, #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Move type registry to before the ic2 dict, add advanced alloy to classic dedupe.
(modmuss50) Dont register refined iron smelting recipe with classic dedupe enabled
(modmuss50) Move IC2_PROFILE to a config, the event is fired too early to be used.
(modmuss50) Added support for ic2 exp classic profile.


(github) #releaseBuild fixes issues with transformers.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Improve rolling machine item balancing, it will no longer move items around when there isnt a better distribution
(modmuss50) Fixes some possible NPE locations
(github) Merge pull request #1660 from coderbot16/1.12-multipackets
(coderbot) Transformers now declare that they can output multiple packets per tick
(modmuss50) Fix Alarm recipe with IC2 Dedupe


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix fusion coil not being crafted with ic2 de-dupe.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild - New IF and Baubles integration
(modmuss50) Always add refined iron ingot to smelting, I forgot to remove it
(modmuss50) Fixes to retro gen
(modmuss50) Pull back power output on Thermal gen as I made it a bit too much last commit. Now 16
(github) Thermal Generator now outputs 32 eu/tick
(github) Added pack count to readme


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild Fix startup crash
(modmuss50) Update。


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Remove Refined Iron from ic2 duplicates
(drcrazy) Fixed i18n usage on server. Closes #1655
(drcrazy) Bumped forge to
(drcrazy) Adjustments for updated power output icon.
(drcrazy) Plasma generator got its icon in JEI. Closes #1653
(drcrazy) More on #1654
(drcrazy) Fix JEI info for sawmill energy usage. Some work for #1654


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) addHologramButton is now in RC
(drcrazy) Draw hologram button on background
(drcrazy) Power bar tooltip should be on top of hologram button
(drcrazy) Lock button works again
(drcrazy) Updates due to TR GUI builder gone.
(modmuss50) Finalize IC2 electric item support (#1644)
(drcrazy) Rolling machine can now charge from battery. Closes #1645
(modmuss50) Remove almost all explicit uses of CapabilityEnergy (#1643)
(drcrazy) AESU poweroutput icon fixed


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added config for Rubber Tree plantations in villages. Closes #1639
(drcrazy) Removed more excessive this-es.
(drcrazy) Removed excessive this-es. WIP
(drcrazy) scrap slot same is usual slot.
(drcrazy) Fixed license and unused imports


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild Large refactor, ensure you update TechReborn and RebornCore
(drcrazy) Adjusted JEI clickareas
(drcrazy) Updated JEI button location.
(modmuss50) Move gui code to reborn core
(modmuss50) Move container builder to Reborn Core


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Cleanup ic2 support
(modmuss50) Dont force a crash, just let it happen naturally,
(modmuss50) Tweak incompatible message
(modmuss50) Fix bad rename
(modmuss50) Clean up ic2 support
(modmuss50) Abstract ic2 in RebornCore, rewrite Reborn Core's configs.


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix config going into wrong dir
(modmuss50) Include TechReborn Mod Compatibility using jar in jar
(modmuss50) Fix build?
(modmuss50) Stage one of moving compat code out into a separate project
(modmuss50) Add ae2 api to try and fix and odd crash with mekanism


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Clean up of compat code
(modmuss50) Use mekanism's gas registry to register mek gases to be used in the gas turbine. Closes #1575
(modmuss50) Fix retro gen. Fixes #1622
(drcrazy) Cables got tooltip update. Closes #1627
(drcrazy) Refactoring of tooltips
(drcrazy) Progress for matter fabricator finally works. Closes #1630
(drcrazy) Legacy code removed
(drcrazy) Updated JEI compat to use VanillaTypes once again.
(drcrazy) More marble dust required to make calcite dust. Closes #1629


(github) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Should fix electric furnace progress + formatting. Closes #1621
(drcrazy) Matter fabricator got progress arrow back. Closes #1617
(drcrazy) WaterMill and neutron reflectors deduplicated. Closes #1620
(drcrazy) INitial work on #1620
(drcrazy) Rubber wood block will give more slabs and stairs. Closes #1619
(github) Fix running in dev?
(drcrazy) Fix dependencies
(drcrazy) Updated forge to


(modmuss50) Fix build #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix build
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1614
(modmuss50) Fix #1602
(modmuss50) Make empty cells require a glass pane due to thermal expansion changing their gear recipes to clash. Config to disable + add old recipe to rolling machine
(modmuss50) Work towards #1614 still need to move all the other recipes that need it to use the ore dict


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fixes issues with ores, closes FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#461
(drcrazy) Iron machines got their names back. Closes #1606
(drcrazy) Cleaned up translation keys
(drcrazy) Reorganized items json registration
(drcrazy) itemRubber already oredicted in proper class
(drcrazy) Organized items. MOved creative tab setter to parent.
(modmuss50) Use static fuse in static way. cherry-pick from: 8cac9a9
(drcrazy) Buffed oreCoal processing in Industrial Grinder


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Updated JEI compat to use VanillaTypes"
(modmuss50) Fix language issues


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Log more when building #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Updated machine names in JEI.
(drcrazy) Cleaned fluid translation keys.
(modmuss50) Add configs to the nuke, closes #1594
(modmuss50) Fix crowdinExport task
(modmuss50) Trigger a crowdin export before downloading the translations
(drcrazy) CLeanup of blocks
(modmuss50) Fix small naming issue
(modmuss50) Fix odd name for Auto Crafting Table
(drcrazy) Changed translation keys for block and items
(modmuss50) Translations are now handled over at https://translate.techreborn.ovh/ using crowdin
(drcrazy) Fix for cells in CT scripts. Some work on #1590
(drcrazy) Updated JEI compat to use VanillaTypes
(drcrazy) Updated JEI createDrawable usage for fusion reactor.
(drcrazy) Updated ru_ru lang. Should fix FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#437
(drcrazy) Update ru_ru.lang (#1582)
(drcrazy) Removed excessive not null check
(modmuss50) Fixes FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#428
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports
(modmuss50) Should fix #1587
(github) Merge pull request #1588 from YuRaNnNzZZ/1.12-rockcutterfix
(yurannnzzz) rock cutter no longer gets enchanted on recraft


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Hot fix for #1574 #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Coolant part also craftable from water cells
(github) Merge pull request #1573 from DYColdWind/patch-5
(github) Update zh_cn.lang


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Update licenses
(modmuss50) Add creative versions of the Quantum tank and chest, they provide unlimited amount of the specified item/fluid
(modmuss50) Fix most modded fluids not working in our machines
(modmuss50) Fluid config work
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Initial fluid config work
(drcrazy) Fix for typo in world config name.
(drcrazy) Less chance for overworld TR loot and made in configurable. CLoses #1572
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Revert: [ImgBot] optimizes images - Fixes textures having a solid background
(drcrazy) Allow oregen in non-vanilla dimensions. Closes #1571


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add a transparent grey overlay over recipe output slot
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Write locked to nbt
(github) Merge pull request #1569 from TechReborn/imgbot


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) thanks idea for importing the best imports, fixes build
(modmuss50) Add JEI support for recipes in auto crafting table
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Rework the auto crafter to not use the recipe book, will fix
it being impossible to use in some mod packs like continuum for
(drcrazy) Max energy for matter fabricator is 10M EU \ 40M FE
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix possible dupe bug, and allow better support for larger item stack sizes
(drcrazy) Added blaze dust and HOP graphite dust recipes.
(drcrazy) Overriden setContainerToEmpty. I thought this was already in GH.
(github) Merge pull request #1568 from TechReborn/imgbot
(imgbotapp) [ImgBot] optimizes images
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix some small issues with the json files
(modmuss50) Should make this serverside only for now
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix potential issues
(drcrazy) Removed excessive finals.
(drcrazy) Changed Blocks.AIR to Material.AIR in multiblock checks.
(drcrazy) Unused anymore.
(drcrazy) More loot tables.
(drcrazy) Moved Event Bus registration to compat module.
(drcrazy) Moved IC2 compat recipes from postInit to event. Closes #1565
(drcrazy) Added TR loot to basic Overworld chests.


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) adv/diamond electric tools charge rate buff (#1558) (Kudos to YuRaNnNzZZ)
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports )
(modmuss50) Fix incorrect usage of item stack checking
(drcrazy) Shift for more info on powerbar. Closes FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#261
(modmuss50) Remove range upgrade as it didnt do anything
(drcrazy) Speed up items charge.
(drcrazy) Fix crash with non-TR items charge.
(drcrazy) Fix for Assembly Machine JEI GUI progress. Closes #1555
(drcrazy) More formatting changes.
(drcrazy) Fusion reactor consumes resources. Fixes #1551 (#1556)
(drcrazy) Lot of formatting.
(drcrazy) Updated OC version.
(drcrazy) Fixed water mill animation.
(drcrazy) Fixed charging \ discharging items items. Closes #1547
(drcrazy) Corrected the ADVANCED_JACKHAMMER recipe (#1553)
(drcrazy) Made batteries charge configurable for non-basic batteries.
(professorprospector) Add Silk Touch to the rock cutter in the recipe and creative tab, so it's more obvious of what it does
(professorprospector) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(professorprospector) Remove accidental refined diamond
(modmuss50) Fix #1546
(drcrazy) Updated wrenching logic for energy storages and casings. Closes #1543
(drcrazy) Updated wrenching for lamp and alarm
(drcrazy) Updated wrench logic for cables.
(professorprospector) New ore textures
(professorprospector) Merge branch '1.12' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.12
(professorprospector) Merge branch '1.12' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.12
(drcrazy) Updated block wrenching
(drcrazy) Fixed inventory drop for DSU. More work on #1543
(github) Update README.md
(drcrazy) Fixed build, but DSU blocks are not done yet.
(drcrazy) Updated wrenching logic. Some work for #1543
(prospector) Unify creative tabs
(prospector) Merge branch '1.12' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.12-v2.16
(prospector) Add a gradle task to output libs
(drcrazy) Fixed unused and override warnings.
(modmuss50) Test commit


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fusion reactor uses inputs before the craft starts to prevent power exploit, closes #1539
(modmuss50) Make fusion reactor recipe shapeless, so it can work either way around
(modmuss50) Fix #1541
(modmuss50) Show required stacks when building fusion reactor
(github) Merge pull request #1542 from DYColdWind/patch-4
(github) Update zh_cn.lang


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Fixed warning in stack tooltip event."


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add rubber tree biome blacklist, closes #1529
(modmuss50) Tweak power output of fusion reactor, closes #1521
(modmuss50) Fix some final issues with the slabs + add recipes
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Copy itemstacks before checking them for valid wood recipes, should fix #1538
(github) Merge pull request #1537 from yaroslav4167/patch-2
(github) Update ru_ru.lang
(modmuss50) Rubber plank stairs and slab
(modmuss50) Add slot config to iron furnace, fixes #1536
(modmuss50) Fixes #1533
(modmuss50) Allow repairing gem tools and armor in anvil
(drcrazy) Fixed electric tree tap. Closes #1535
(drcrazy) Added contributing checklist.
(drcrazy) Made transfer rate per connection


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Decrease speed of by 3 ticks electrical furnace when using 4 overclockers


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Updated industrial electrolyzer crafting recipe.
(drcrazy) Made cable not able to receive energy if full. Same for provide/empty
(drcrazy) Updated JEI support for rolling machine.
(drcrazy) Bumped requred forge version
(drcrazy) Removed unused variable
(drcrazy) Fixed warning with TE registration
(drcrazy) Fixed license and updated Thermal and Forge deps
(drcrazy) Fixed BC fuel energy gen. Closes #1524
(modmuss50) only check tiles on the minecraft resource domain, should be a bit quicker
(modmuss50) Rewrite tile registry + rename all tiles. Worlds should upgrade fine using datafixers


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add energy storage to RebornCore's wrenableBlocks list
(drcrazy) Bumped up lighting rod
(drcrazy) Fixed warning in stack tooltip event.
(drcrazy) Cleaned up supressed warnings
(drcrazy) Nano Saber energy storage is now configurable.
(drcrazy) Updated storage values for powered items
(modmuss50) Make Craft Tweaker removeInputRecipe less strict, FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#58
(modmuss50) Fix minor mistake
(modmuss50) Final changes to the item power storage
(modmuss50) Item charging + discharging is now done using the caps
(drcrazy) Fixed durability bar
(drcrazy) Remaining changes for powered items.
(drcrazy) Started work on capability for powered item
(drcrazy) Started work in switching powered items to capability


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix FTBTeam/FTB-Continuum#52


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Load recipes a bit earlier to fix some issues with
crafttweaker, hopefully this doesnt break anything thing else. Fixes #1520
(modmuss50) Fix #1517
(modmuss50) Reduce the time on some recipes
(drcrazy) Fixed charge of TR items.
(modmuss50) Fixes #1513
(modmuss50) Fixes #1515
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fix #1516
(drcrazy) Fixed excessive energy usage to charge RF items
(drcrazy) Fixed unchecked warning


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Add a config to disable sawmill recipes
(drcrazy) Updated i18n usage.
(drcrazy) Updated IC2 and BC versions
(drcrazy) Added JEI support for assembly machine. Closes #1512


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) GUI update for assembly machine. Some work for #1512
(drcrazy) Fixed license. )
(modmuss50) Register recipes later, fixes some recipes not loading


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add grinder and extractor recipes for ic2 tin cans, closes #1508
(modmuss50) Remove rolling machine recipe transfer as it was broken
(modmuss50) Fix typo in OC driver
(modmuss50) Industrial Grinder now makes Coal instead of Pulverized Coal, Closes #1511
(modmuss50) Add Immersive Engineering Creosote to semi-fluid generator
(modmuss50) Fixes some issues with the storage chests, closes #1481
(drcrazy) Removed tesla dependency.
(github) Update to use new discord link
(modmuss50) Tweak rubber plantation loot table
(modmuss50) Fix cells not working with thermal expansion tanks, closes #1504
(modmuss50) Fix #1503
(modmuss50) Add rubber plantation to villages
(modmuss50) Remove last direct GL class


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1500


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1497
(drcrazy) Formatting + set proper frame drop for advanced machines
(drcrazy) More sorting work.
(drcrazy) Sorted out blocks between tiers
(drcrazy) Changed names for parameters in createTE.
(drcrazy) This is an actual CT support for fluid replicator.
(drcrazy) This should be a CT support for fluid replicator
(drcrazy) Added more recipes for fluid replicator.
(modmuss50) Nerf the fusion reactor a little.
(drcrazy) Added creosote to semifluid generator. Closes #1498
(drcrazy) Fixed unused import and missing javadoc
(drcrazy) Fixed possible issue with sendingFace persistence.
(drcrazy) Fixed energy ping-pong in cables.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Ores that drop the product will now grind to the product. e.g coal ore now grinds to coal, not coal dust
(modmuss50) Don't clear the button list in random places, also fixes #1494


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix server crash, closes #1495 and closes #1496


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add configs to cables, closes #1491
(modmuss50) Remove old code
(modmuss50) Fix #1492
(modmuss50) Fix #1489
(modmuss50) Fix #1493
(drcrazy) Made craft for data storage circuit more balanced.
(modmuss50) Small tweaks
(modmuss50) Finish off the reactor changes, feel free to suggest some more tweaks to it.
(modmuss50) Fixes #1490
(modmuss50) Add larger fusion reactor sizes
(modmuss50) Right click the fusion control computer with coils to autoplace them.
(modmuss50) Update Fusion reactor to use new method for coil location.
(drcrazy) Updated buildcraft version to 7.99.16
(github) Update README.md
(modmuss50) Fix #1488
(modmuss50) Fix #1484
(modmuss50) Fix #1485


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Decreased amount of energy required to make UU-matter.
(drcrazy) License )
(drcrazy) Update zh_cn.lang (#1483). Thanks to DYColdWind
(modmuss50) Add copy / pasting of slot configs.
(modmuss50) Fix block inventory dropping in some situations
(modmuss50) Fixes #1476
(modmuss50) Add config for #1478
(modmuss50) Add some missing RebornRegistry annoations
(modmuss50) Fixes #1480
(github) Feature/fluidreplicator (#1482)


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add ic2 carbon plate recipe to compressor
(modmuss50) Allow upgrades in rollingmachine
(modmuss50) Fix Recycler using power when output full, and made it upgradeable


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix extractor recipes using ore dict when they aren't supposed to.
(modmuss50) Fixed electrical furnace not using the correct amount of power when overclocked
(modmuss50) Allow charge bench to store more power
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Change the way the rolling machine balances itemstacks
(github) Fixed typo
(github) Added link to 1.12 dev build


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix fluid generator client/server desync, fixes #1474
(modmuss50) Fix power tool tip being behind heat bar
(modmuss50) Add logic to lock rolling machine, allows it to be automated. Closes #1412
(modmuss50) Add gui and packets for locking the rolling machine. #1412


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(drcrazy) Added plate recipes for obsidian, garnets and refined iron. Closes #1471
(modmuss50) Add RebornCore's AT to make setting a dev env with both in easier
(modmuss50) Fix 4 more recipes using too much power


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Change recipe to use less power, it was using more than the default input
(modmuss50) Increase blast furnace energy storage
(modmuss50) Fixes #1472
(modmuss50) Add energy change per tick
(modmuss50) Overclocker upgrades give more power input/storage to machine + add some more info to the tool tip in the gui
(modmuss50) Fix machine teirs
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Protect against tiles that return a null capability
(drcrazy) Last piece of refactoring due to TileGenericMachine intro.
(drcrazy) Refactoring for multi-block machines.
(drcrazy) More refactoring for tier1 machines.
(drcrazy) Fixed typos for tier1 tiles folder. New abstract TR machine class
(drcrazy) Cleanup for energy storage
(drcrazy) Cleaned up unused ITickable for transformers
(modmuss50) Improve CraftTweaker documentation
(modmuss50) Start of making CraftTweaker documentation a bit clearer.
(modmuss50) Add RecipeSettings to CraftTweaker supports, allows disabling oredict checking.
(drcrazy) Cleanup and configs. Closes #1469
(modmuss50) Forge update


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Reduce time here as well
(modmuss50) Reduce tungsten process time from 15 minutes to 90 seconds
(drcrazy) Added configs. Some work on #1469
(github) Merge pull request #1470 from drcrazy/1.12
(drcrazy) Refactored AOE break checks


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Update rolling machine to use new gui system. Work towards #1412
(modmuss50) Improve power handling with drill and chainsaw
(modmuss50) Clean up drill and chainsaw breaking logic, closes #1465
(modmuss50) Fixes chainsaw not working on some wooden blocks, closes #1467
(modmuss50) Fixes drill breaking liquids, closes #1468


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Buff speed upgrades again, fixes #1466
(modmuss50) Increase electrolyser energy storage


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fixed license header.
(drcrazy) Fixed deprecation warning.
(drcrazy) Updated Advanced Drill behaviour. Closes #1463
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Changes to the overclocker values, feedback wanted.
(drcrazy) Updated AOE block break for advanced drill. Some work on #1463
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports in CT classes.
(drcrazy) Fix Drill break speed in certain conditions (#1428)


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Allow upgrade item to stack to 16 (Still stacks to 1 in machine) + Fix potential loss of items when shift clicking.
(drcrazy) Hide scrapboxes output in JEI by default.
(modmuss50) Cleanup recipe ore dict setting. #1455
(modmuss50) Fix Quantum Chest holding its items when broken, fixes #1462
(modmuss50) Fixes #1461
(modmuss50) Fixes #1457
(modmuss50) Fixes #1459


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix compile
(modmuss50) Add stone variants for the other end ores.
(modmuss50) Add extractor support to craft tweaker
(modmuss50) Add a config option to change the textures of the end ores to use the stone background.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Allow using ore dict entries in CraftTweaker Closes #1396
(modmuss50) Possible fix for #1450
(drcrazy) Temporary fix for #1429.
(drcrazy) Updated API reference for recipes.
(drcrazy) Updated buildcraft version. More oredict for centrifuge.
(drcrazy) Removed duplicate recipe for dirt in centrifuge.
(drcrazy) Removed duplicate recipe for Distillation tower
(modmuss50) Should fix gradle
(modmuss50) Update gradle + Rewrite maven handling to fix #1442
(modmuss50) Fix crash with OC compat
(drcrazy) Made solar panels configurable.
(modmuss50) Some more basic methods for open computers
(modmuss50) Initial work on open computers support, more to come in the future.
(modmuss50) Fix Issues with fake players breaking wood logs, fixes #1436
(drcrazy) Fixed GUI progress for fluid generators. Some work on #1430
(modmuss50) Update zh_cn.lang (#1440)


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Limited Centrifuge bottom slot to cells only.
(drcrazy) Display(in hand) adjustments for Alarm, Led, and led2 (#1439)
(modmuss50) Update year in license
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Revert "Add a config to lock the rolling machine recipe + some optimisations #1412"
(modmuss50) Alarm cleanup + tooltip and techreborn manual UI (#1437)
(modmuss50) Update forge and Sound options for Alarm (#1435)
(drcrazy) Made centrifuge to use oreDict for some inputs
(drcrazy) Added removeAll for reactor and rolling machine. Closes #1427
(github) Update maven
(modmuss50) Add a config to lock the rolling machine recipe + some optimisations #1412
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fixes AutoCrafting table crash closes #1423
(drcrazy) Nerfed oil cell energy output. Closes #1424
(modmuss50) Fixes #1425
(modmuss50) Fixes #1426
(modmuss50) Add back config options for copact modules
(modmuss50) Add some missing configs + small cleanup
(modmuss50) Add config gui
(modmuss50) Fix duplicate config key name
(modmuss50) Revert gradle update Will this fix the build?
(modmuss50) Automatically generate basic CraftTweaker documentation on build
(drcrazy) Updated reactor GUI. Closes #1422
(modmuss50) Might fix #1421


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fixes for wrenching blocks. Closes #1417 and #1418
(drcrazy) Fill\drain fluidgen tank only on server
(modmuss50) Fixes #1399
(modmuss50) Update old tank syncing code, fixes /issues/1377
(drcrazy) RecipeCrafter for scrapboxinator
(drcrazy) Updated scrapboxinator to crafter and new GUI.


(modmuss50) Fix crash when codechicken lib isn't installed. #releaseBuild


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added ability to remove fluidgenerator recipe via CT. Closes #1404
(drcrazy) Work on Advanced Drill (#1411)
(drcrazy) Fixed RemoveAll in CraftTweaker. Closes #1410
(drcrazy) Deprecated ScrapboxList.
(drcrazy) Removed scrapboxlist usage. Closes #1407
(drcrazy) Updated dependencies.
(drcrazy) Updated Buildcraft dependency.
(modmuss50) Fix crash with Fusion Control computer, fixes part of #1395
(modmuss50) Add a null check for RayTraceResult may fix #1393
(drcrazy) Fixed compressor recipe for lapis. Second point from #1396
(drcrazy) Changed carbon fiver recipe to shaped. Closes #1394
(drcrazy) Added oreDict for blockBronze. Closes #1401
(drcrazy) Changed TR solar panel to use paneGlass. Closes #1400
(drcrazy) Fix oredict for smallDusts. Closes #1392
(drcrazy) Updated to the newer version coming soon (pt-BR) (#1408)
(drcrazy) TR part for #1402 done. RC to go.
(drcrazy) Some work on #1402. Teh moar to come.
(modmuss50) Format + license headers.
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.12' into feature-alarm
(github) Merge pull request #1397 from Dimmerworld/feature-alarm
(dimmerworld) Recipe for alarm and misc fixes
(dimmerworld) Animation


(github) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(github) Merge pull request #1391 from DYColdWind/patch-1
(github) Update zh_cn.lang
(modmuss50) Improve it a bit more
(modmuss50) Move JEI item pane out of the way if the slot config goes of the side of the screen.
(modmuss50) Reimplement JEI show recipes button, so it can be disabled when the slot config is shown.
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Fixes crash with auto crafting table.
(drcrazy) Updated buildcraft version
(modmuss50) Fixes crash with recipe book.
(modmuss50) Add removeAll() to all machines in crafttweaker, closes #1389
(github) Update zh_cn.lang


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Small tweak to config gui
(modmuss50) Add support for charging FE based items
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Added the ability to filter inputs on a slot so it only accepts valid items
(github) Merge pull request #1388 from InterPlay02/1.12
(github) Updated to match the new en_us.lang file (pt-BR)
(modmuss50) Allow lang files to specify the location of the fluid name, closes #1386
(modmuss50) More gui fixes for slots
(modmuss50) Fix tank rendering over slot config popup
(drcrazy) Very-very light change in cross colors.
(drcrazy) Fixed texture issue in JEI.
(modmuss50) Fixed a wrong placement of signals (#1385)
(github) Fixed a wrong placement of signals


(modmuss50) #alphaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1378
(github) Added support for individual slot configuration
(github) Merge pull request #1379 from InterPlay02/1.12
(drcrazy) Fix issue with chainsaw cutting speed. Closes #1376
(github) Fixed one single word


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Update libs
(modmuss50) Fixed #1364
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Improve idle auto crafting table tick time, more work still needs to be done. Closes #1374
(drcrazy) Made obsidian grindable.
(github) Merge pull request #1373 from DYColdWind/zh_cn.lang
(github) Update zh_cn.lang
(github) Update zh_cn.lang
(github) Merge pull request #1372 from InterPlay02/1.12
(github) Just fixed a single word
(github) Uploaded pt-BR.lang File
(drcrazy) Make lapis ore grindable to vanilla lapis.


(modmuss50) Should hopefully fix server crash #releaseBuild Fixes #1371


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Clocking device now makes the player fully invisible
(modmuss50) Make smaller cables have a smaller bounding box
(modmuss50) Fixes #1368
(modmuss50) Fixes #1359
(modmuss50) Add ic2 item discharge support, closes #1357
(modmuss50) Fixes #1354
(drcrazy) Fixed amount for empty cells. Closes #1366
(drcrazy) Secondary gem moved to eventHandler. Closes #1365
(drcrazy) Updated Sawmill GUI and TileEntity.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fixed rotation for solar panels. Closes #1358
(drcrazy) Added charcoal dust grinder recipe.
(drcrazy) Added dust->ingot<->block recipes for several materials. Closes #1356
(modmuss50) Revert maven changes
(modmuss50) Use older version of ic2 that has been cached, should be reverted at a later date.
(modmuss50) Use mod maven to proxy around ic2 maven being down.
(modmuss50) Handful of improvements to the electrical furnace, closes #1349
(drcrazy) Fixed cells piping into Industrial Grinder.
(drcrazy) Added filter for fluidSlot. Closes #1352
(github) Merge pull request #1350 from DYColdWind/patch-2
(github) Update zh_cn.lang


(github) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Made solar panel wrenchable
(drcrazy) Fixed unused imports
(github) Merge pull request #1348 from TechReborn/feature/solar-panles
(drcrazy) Item liquidation (#1347)
(drcrazy) Updated recipies and fixed build
(drcrazy) Merge branch '1.12' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn.git into feature/solar-panles
(drcrazy) Fixed TOP\Waila icon for active machine
(modmuss50) Fixes #1344
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.12' into 1.12
(modmuss50) Update mappings
(drcrazy) Merge branch '1.12' into feature/solar-panles
(drcrazy) Updated top texture for solar panels
(drcrazy) Fixed type in zenclass name. Closes #1332
(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Add lang names for new lights
(drcrazy) Implement powered lighting.
(drcrazy) Don't always push to github
(drcrazy) Add support for github releases (Testing)
(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added config for several multiblock machines.
(drcrazy) Fixed warning for FusionReactorRecipeWrapper
(drcrazy) Fixed JavaDoc and CTScrapbox warnings
(modmuss50) Can now charge ic2 items, closes #1202


(modmuss50) Bump version #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Updated multiblock to use BlockPos rather than CoordTriplet
(modmuss50) Added back buildcraft support
(modmuss50) Fix dupe bug, Fixes #1342
(drcrazy) zh_cn.lang (#1341)


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added config for transformers to follow IC2 style. Closes #1326
(drcrazy) Fixed iridium oregen. Closes #1330
(drcrazy) Fixed iron furnace fuel slot shift-click in ugly way. Closes #968
(drcrazy) Fixed duplicate registration for basic machine frame. Closes #1340
(drcrazy) Fixed texture error for fluid itemblocks.
(drcrazy) Removed unused code, added Override annotation


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fixed more warnings
(drcrazy) Fixed imports and suppressed recipe warnings.
(drcrazy) Fixed casing model with CTM enabled
(drcrazy) Fixed CTM version of LESU Storage.
(drcrazy) Added coils check in onLoad. Closes #1337
(drcrazy) Un-oredicted frame for grinder recipe. Closes #1331
(drcrazy) Limited LESU max storage to MAX_INT FE or MAX_INT/4 EU. Closes #1328
(drcrazy) Fixed type in zenclass name. Closes #1332


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Add lang names for new lights
(github) Merge pull request #1334 from ali1234/feature/lighting
(alistair buxton) Implement powered lighting.
(github) Don't always push to github
(github) Add support for github releases (Testing)
(drcrazy) Fixed #texture start up error


(github) Add support for github releases (Testing)
(drcrazy) Fixed #texture start up error


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) fix license warnings
(modmuss50) Fix #2097
(github) Blockus compatibility (1.15+) (#2091)
(drcrazy) More usage of rubber wood
(github) Add rubber wood and stripped rubber wood (#2086). Thanks to haykam821
(drcrazy) Ore spawn rates config. Closes #2087


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #2084
(modmuss50) Display flying when an elytra is used with the trinkets mod. Closes #2074
(modmuss50) Fix #2070
(modmuss50) Add plant products to the Composter. Fixes #2075
(drcrazy) Fix cloaking device texture. Closes #2067


(github) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Rubber trees are less frequent and have configs. Closes #2079
(drcrazy) More fixes for unused configs
(drcrazy) Fix copper oregen config typo
(modmuss50) Add constructor that allows passing a custom Block.Settings
(modmuss50) Refactor guis


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Support latest energy version
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Sodium explodes in water, closes #2069
(drcrazy) Config for Oregen. Closes #2062
(drcrazy) Buff Nano Saber damage. Closes #1714
(prospector) Update almandine dust textures
(prospector) Update some textures and rebalance a few recipes
(drcrazy) Allow to keep enchants only for TR items. Closes #1952
(drcrazy) Enchants persist through crafting. Some work on #1952


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #2055
(github) improved rei compat (#2054)
(drcrazy) End crystals can be used in implosion compressor. Closes #2027
(drcrazy) Added recipe fo flint dust from flint in grinder. Closes #2044
(drcrazy) Bump Omni-tool damage. Closes #2043
(drcrazy) Tags for most of ingredients. Thanks to justastranger


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Should fix #2033
(github) Recipe to get quartz dust from various sources/products of quartz (#2038). Thanks to Jessifir
(github) Add (vanilla) blasting recipes for ores/dusts (#2039). Thanks to Jessifir
(drcrazy) Assembly machine got usage in REI. Closes #2034
(drcrazy) AESU stores inventory correctly. Closes #2018
(github) Fix potential abuse with golden apple recipes (#2029). Thanks to Jessifir


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) test
(modmuss50) Test commit
(modmuss50) Should actually fix the treetap. Closes #2022


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Added quartz dust. Closes #2012
(drcrazy) Steel could be made with carbon cell. Some work on #2012
(drcrazy) Steel could be made with carbon cell. Some work on #2012
(modmuss50) Check rubber logs for sap from the ground level. (#2015)
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Fix #2013
(drcrazy) Nerf glowstone grinder recipe.
(drcrazy) Drills use energy to mine. Closes #2007
(drcrazy) Review nanosaber config
(drcrazy) Review treetap, chainsaw and jackhammer configs
(modmuss50) Redstone config polish
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Possibly fix 1.15.1 support. Should fix #1989
(prospector) Update to latest yarn


(modmuss50) Fix missed mapping. #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) 1.15.2 #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Review Drills configs
(drcrazy) Fix hologram for distillation tower.
(drcrazy) Quantum chest now extinguish fire.
(drcrazy) Fix TNT usage in implosion compressor
(drcrazy) Stripped log got rubber. Closes #1986
(drcrazy) Recipe for gunpowder
(drcrazy) LESU I\O logic change. Closes #1978


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Gui tabs cleanup
(drcrazy) Buff grinder glowstone dust recipe.
(modmuss50) Update mappings
(modmuss50) add developer-mode
(modmuss50) 1.15.2-pre2
(modmuss50) 1.15.2 - mainly mapping updates. Will be backwards compatible with 1.15.1 and 1.15
(drcrazy) Fix industrial jackhammer AOE mining. Closes #1975
(drcrazy) Adjusted recipes for storage units. Closes #1979
(drcrazy) Adjusted recipes for storage units.
(drcrazy) Recipes for fluid tanks upgrades to next tier. Closes #1953
(drcrazy) Sweet berries and kelp got their methane and plantball recipes. Closes #1977
(drcrazy) Sweet berries centrifuge recipe. Some work on #1977
(drcrazy) Lineup batteries and energy storages.
(drcrazy) Slight cleanup. Energy packs uses transfer rates from tier.
(prospector) Seriously clean up loads of unnecessary item classes and add more configs
(prospector) Move a couple advanced unit recipes in the wrong spot
(prospector) Fix various issues relating to armor [Fixes #1952]
(prospector) Minor fix to enchanted golden apple's centrifuge recipe
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Turbine rendering, thanks Spearkiller for the textures and model
(justin vitale) (Spearkiller) Properly capitalize advancement titles
(justin vitale) Fix for fix #1971- Accounted for <= 64 stacks thus not in stored stack
(drcrazy) Sulfur dust got some usage. Closes #1945
(modmuss50) Fix #1971
(modmuss50) Get the light from infront of the storage unit
(github) Merge pull request #1972 from vhd/bugfix/reinforced-glass-rendering
(vhd) Fix reinforced glass rendering


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Powered items should be indestructible now (#1970)
(modmuss50) Slightly better REI fluid handling. (#1968)
(modmuss50) Added config for machines crafting sound (#1969)
(modmuss50) Keep energy in items when crafting
(drcrazy) Cables can now be covered. Thanks to vhd. Closes #1954
(drcrazy) Dispenser can use cells. Closes #1948
(drcrazy) Refactoring for Scrapbox Dispenser behaviour.
(drcrazy) Buff ruby dust to chrome dust recipe. Closes #1955
(drcrazy) Superconductor cable now craftable. Closes #1962
(drcrazy) Fix fusion reactor power gen. Closes #1961
(drcrazy) Fix more UU-matter recipes. Kudos to vhd. Closes #1959
(drcrazy) FIx some of UU-matter recipes in a hacky way
(drcrazy) Make electric tools enchantable on table. Closes #1944
(drcrazy) Storage Units should render content being stored.
(drcrazy) Fix tank fluid tooltip. Closes #1958
(modmuss50) Fix #1949
(modmuss50) Fix #1957 and Fix #1951
(github) Update Jenkinsfile
(drcrazy) BUff Industrial Jackhammer. Some work on #1944
(justin vitale) Add WIP textured drain block without logic
(justin vitale) Removed magic energy converter and absorber (Revert to undo)
(justin vitale) WIP tag to interface, capacity spacing fix, removed Supercondensator
(modmuss50) License updates + fixes


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix tooltip for energy storage.
(drcrazy) Added leather recipe for chemical reactor.
(drcrazy) Change iridium from ingot to plate in Iridium alloy plate recipe.
(drcrazy) Do not pass to second hand after cell use on block.
(drcrazy) Tiered tank and storage blocks, GUI improvements, refactoring, cell nerf and misc organisation (#1932)
(modmuss50) Fix the LESU not working
(modmuss50) Update to new reborn core
(drcrazy) Fix rotation with wrench. Closes #1940
(github) Update issue templates
(modmuss50) Add .editorconfig file
(drcrazy) More recipes for assembling machine
(drcrazy) Revert textures for circuits
(drcrazy) Fix for lava cell amount in centrifuge.
(drcrazy) Fixes for AdvancedJackhammer AOE mining. Closes #1935
(modmuss50) Added configurable recycler blacklist (#1934)
(modmuss50) [Proposal] Greenhouse Controller (aka Farming Station) (#1928)
(github) Update issue templates
(github) Update issue templates
(modmuss50) Some recipe fixes (#1929)


(drcrazy) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fixed usage of tags in updated recipes
(drcrazy) 50 advancements and other minor changes (#1927)
(drcrazy) More silver usage
(drcrazy) More lead usage
(drcrazy) Make some use of lead
(drcrazy) Fix drop for some rubber stuff
(drcrazy) Air is not a fuel. Closes #1922
(drcrazy) Fix electric furnace energy usage. Closes #1920
(drcrazy) Make JackHammer great again.
(modmuss50) Temporary fix for REI fluid cells integration (#1921)
(modmuss50) minor fix to the chunk loader
(drcrazy) Remove block moved to utils
(drcrazy) Fix damage and speed for gem tools.
(drcrazy) Active\Inactive switch moved to RC.
(drcrazy) TR root advancement fixed
(drcrazy) Check for energy in tools moved to RC.
(drcrazy) Active\Inactive tooltip moved to RC.
(drcrazy) Energy storage should drop inventory. Closes #1919
(drcrazy) Stripped log got it's drop
(drcrazy) There is no steel in basic tools
(modmuss50) #1913 Improved in-game documentation via tooltips for both machines & upgrades and solar panel exception fix (#1917)
(modmuss50) Readme updates
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Fix #1915
(modmuss50) REI integration for fluid generators (#1916)
(drcrazy) Omnitool WIP mark lost
(modmuss50) Solar panel GUI & internal storage plus misc spelling fixes (#1912)
(drcrazy) Fix drop for wire mill. Some work on #1914


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Fix Cloaking Device
(modmuss50) Bump version
(modmuss50) Quantum Armor
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Fix #1911
(modmuss50) Update cable textures (#1910)


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Use RebornCore's ExtendedRecipeRemainder in the auto crafting table
(modmuss50) Waterloggable fixes with the cell and cables
(modmuss50) Cleanup maven pom, hopefully I havent broken anything.
(drcrazy) Update fabric-api, rei, towelette


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Set curse version to 1.15
(modmuss50) Water and Electricity
(modmuss50) Add Team Reborn as an author to improve searchibility in Mod Menu (#1908)
(modmuss50) Chainsaw fixes
(modmuss50) Auto crafting table fixes and improvements.
(modmuss50) Remove duplicate annotations.
(modmuss50) fix config issues
(drcrazy) Gems added to 'c' tag. Closes #1906
(drcrazy) License + imports
(modmuss50) Move most int fluid values to FluidValue.
(modmuss50) Update gradle versions
(modmuss50) Updates


(github) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) update to new libcd! (#1902)
(modmuss50) Fix #1875
(modmuss50) Performance improvements
(modmuss50) Add comparator support for energy storage and generator blocks (#1901)
(modmuss50) Fix #1900


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1898
(modmuss50) Fixed #1899
(modmuss50) Pre 4 mappings
(modmuss50) More fixes
(modmuss50) Fix a few more issues with the fusion reactor
(modmuss50) Cleanup
(modmuss50) advanced fabric-mining-levels.jar integration (#1895)
(modmuss50) Fix fusion reactor closes #1894


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix fusion reactor not always working.
(modmuss50) Fix auto coil placement in some cases
(modmuss50) multiblock render changes
(modmuss50) 1.15-pre2 loads of new mappings
(modmuss50) Update fabric


(modmuss50) Fix rubber trees #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.14' into 1.15
(github) #releaseBuild


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix server crash
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.15' into 1.15
(modmuss50) 1.15-pre1
(modmuss50) FIx REI Compat for 1.15 snapshots (#1888)
(modmuss50) Fix some block render layers
(modmuss50) merge fixes
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.14' into 1.15
(modmuss50) inital 19w46a port
(modmuss50) Some REI Compat Changes (#1882)
(drcrazy) Fix cell count in centrifuge. Closes #1856
(drcrazy) Bump dependencies
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Fix #1854"
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1873
(modmuss50) Fix #1868
(modmuss50) Fix #1854
(modmuss50) Fix #1874
(modmuss50) Fix #1872
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1867
(modmuss50) Fix #1869
(modmuss50) Tweak cable logic, should fix #1858
(modmuss50) Update libs
(modmuss50) Fix #1844
(modmuss50) Fix #1860
(modmuss50) Fix #1859
(modmuss50) Fix #1857
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.14' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Tweak TR build script, remove some broken things
(mark j) Fix tweaker_test.js.mcmeta (#1855)
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(mark j) Fix a couple typos in the sample script (#1853)
(mark j) Add LibCD Support (#1851)
(modmuss50) Fix #1852
(modmuss50) Cleanup RollingMachineRecipe syncing, should aid with #1851
(drcrazy) Stripped version of Rubber Log.
(drcrazy) New textures for several machines.
(drcrazy) UU Matter face lift. Kudos to Spearkiller
(drcrazy) Fix tooltip for cables and typo for solar panels.
(drcrazy) Solar panels got their tooltip back.
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Warnings and Updated textures
(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Cables can now pull energy out of other mods blocks.
(modmuss50) Cleanup
(modmuss50) Fix charging and discharging items in Energy Storage blocks.
(modmuss50) 19w38b
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.14' into 1.15
(modmuss50) Fix generator's active state being incorrect in some situations
(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) quick fix for translations
(modmuss50) Fix #1827
(drcrazy) Use lithium cell for Li-ion battery. Closes #1840
(drcrazy) Bump REI version slightly
(modmuss50) Merge branch '1.14' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Update energy api
(drcrazy) Fix crash with lamp
(modmuss50) Merge branch 'power' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Finish porting to new power api
(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) More tags fixes #1843
(modmuss50) Possibly fix build? should be able to undo this after 1 build
(modmuss50) Remove some duplicate code
(modmuss50) Move to RC's fluid instance, closes #1826
(modmuss50) Semver + include RC Closes #1831
(modmuss50) Fix #1833


(modmuss50) #alphaBuild

(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/1.14' into 1.15

(modmuss50) 19w37a

(modmuss50) #betaBuild

(modmuss50) Fixes #1836

(drcrazy) Refactoring for rubber blocks

(drcrazy) Helper for rubber stuff

(drcrazy) New textures for nuggets, plates and small dusts.

(drcrazy) New textures for dusts, ingots and gems

(drcrazy) New textures for storage blocks

(drcrazy) Updated textures for rubber planks, door, trapdoor

(modmuss50) cleaup method name

(modmuss50) Cleanup / minor improvements to the chunk loader.

(modmuss50) Made the chunkloader work

(drcrazy) Charge\discharge items on server side only. Should fix #1822

(drcrazy) Move common code for iron machines into abstract class

(drcrazy) Iron furnace accumulates and drops experience. Closes #1817

(drcrazy) Do not forget to call super in GUI init

(drcrazy) UpDown button refactoring

(drcrazy) Iron furnace drops experience. Still need to save fuel time to tag





(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.14' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Do not skip indexes in lists. Closes #1879
(drcrazy) Moved enchanted golden apple recipe to proper folder.
(drcrazy) License + warnings + bumped LibCD version


(github) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Some REI Compat Changes (#1882)
(drcrazy) Fix cell count in centrifuge. Closes #1856
(drcrazy) Bump dependencies


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Revert "Fix #1854"


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1873
(modmuss50) Fix #1868
(modmuss50) Fix #1854
(modmuss50) Fix #1874
(modmuss50) Fix #1872


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(modmuss50) Fix #1867
(modmuss50) Fix #1869
(modmuss50) Tweak cable logic, should fix #1858
(modmuss50) Update libs
(modmuss50) Fix #1844
(modmuss50) Fix #1860
(modmuss50) Fix #1859
(modmuss50) Fix #1857
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.14' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Tweak TR build script, remove some broken things
(mark j) Fix tweaker_test.js.mcmeta (#1855)


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(mark j) Fix a couple typos in the sample script (#1853)
(mark j) Add LibCD Support (#1851)
(modmuss50) Fix #1852
(modmuss50) Cleanup RollingMachineRecipe syncing, should aid with #1851
(drcrazy) Stripped version of Rubber Log.
(drcrazy) New textures for several machines.
(drcrazy) UU Matter face lift. Kudos to Spearkiller
(drcrazy) Fix tooltip for cables and typo for solar panels.
(drcrazy) Solar panels got their tooltip back.


(modmuss50) #releaseBuild
(drcrazy) Warnings and Updated textures


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Cables can now pull energy out of other mods blocks.
(modmuss50) Cleanup
(modmuss50) Fix charging and discharging items in Energy Storage blocks.
(modmuss50) Fix generator's active state being incorrect in some situations


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) quick fix for translations
(modmuss50) Fix #1827
(drcrazy) Use lithium cell for Li-ion battery. Closes #1840
(drcrazy) Bump REI version slightly
(modmuss50) Merge branch '1.14' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Update energy api
(drcrazy) Fix crash with lamp
(modmuss50) Merge branch 'power' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Finish porting to new power api


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) More tags fixes #1843
(modmuss50) Possibly fix build? should be able to undo this after 1 build
(modmuss50) Remove some duplicate code
(modmuss50) Move to RC's fluid instance, closes #1826
(modmuss50) Semver + include RC Closes #1831
(modmuss50) Fix #1833


(modmuss50) #betaBuild

(modmuss50) Fixes #1836

(drcrazy) Refactoring for rubber blocks

(drcrazy) Helper for rubber stuff

(drcrazy) New textures for nuggets, plates and small dusts.

(drcrazy) New textures for dusts, ingots and gems

(drcrazy) New textures for storage blocks

(drcrazy) Updated textures for rubber planks, door, trapdoor

(modmuss50) cleaup method name

(modmuss50) Cleanup / minor improvements to the chunk loader.

(modmuss50) Made the chunkloader work

(drcrazy) Charge\discharge items on server side only. Should fix #1822

(drcrazy) Move common code for iron machines into abstract class

(drcrazy) Iron furnace accumulates and drops experience. Closes #1817

(drcrazy) Do not forget to call super in GUI init

(drcrazy) UpDown button refactoring

(drcrazy) Iron furnace drops experience. Still need to save fuel time to tag

(drcrazy) Initial work on experience from smelting for #1817

(drcrazy) Further refactoring of Iron machines


(modmuss50) #betaBuild

(modmuss50) Fixes #1812

(modmuss50) Fix the nano saber might needs its numbers tweaked. Closes #1816

(drcrazy) Refactoring for Iron Furnace

(drcrazy) Facelift for chunkloader. Closes #1806

(drcrazy) Buffed cells recipe

(drcrazy) REI support for two new machines

(drcrazy) Fix null slotconfig for IndustrialGrinder. Closes #181

(drcrazy) Show fluids in REI. Why water is so weird?

(drcrazy) Outline won't match cable model exactly. Closes #1804

(drcrazy) Fix electrolyzer recipes. Closes #1805

(drcrazy) Properly check for recipe inputs. Closes #1803
(drcrazy) Unused imports + warnings 


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Clean up old maven repos, to try and fix build
(modmuss50) Fix some server crashes
(drcrazy) Rubber Wood door for #1739
(drcrazy) Rubber Wood Pressure plate for #1739
(drcrazy) Rubber Wood button for #1739
(drcrazy) More JSONs for rubber stuff
(drcrazy) Rubber fence and fence gate. Some work on #1739
(modmuss50) Start on json based machine tile + guis
(modmuss50) Possible solution for #1798
(modmuss50) Cleanup + remove some TODO's that dont apply anymore
(modmuss50) Fix #1802
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.14' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Fix small issue with blast furnace
(drcrazy) Add heat to REI
(drcrazy) Lava now works for blast furnace. Closes #1800
(drcrazy) tags for rolling machine + some REI polishing
(drcrazy) Fix biofuel model
(modmuss50) Dont jar in jar, it breaks some stuff


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Include RC in the TR jar
(modmuss50) Fix #1796
(modmuss50) Minor cleanup
(modmuss50) Add recipes for the 2 new machines
(modmuss50) Wire Mill
(modmuss50) Remove all awt usage
(modmuss50) Update to REI 3.0-pre (#1793)
(modmuss50) Fix #1797 recipe.fits is client only for some reason :D
(modmuss50) Texture updates
(modmuss50) EV Transformer
(modmuss50) Solid Canning Machine
(modmuss50) Biofuel
(modmuss50) cleanup config field names


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix superconductors overflowing
(modmuss50) Fix AESU and Fusion control buttons
(modmuss50) Fix electric furnace not always turning off
(modmuss50) Fix manual gui. Closes #1792
(modmuss50) Fix Electric Furnace not checking if there is room for the outputs
(modmuss50) Fixes #1785
(modmuss50) Fix ingredients not always using the correct amount of items
(modmuss50) Fix some issues with the fluid handling of items
(drcrazy) Added some recipe texts to REI. Looks ugly
(drcrazy) Fix progress bar for electric furnace
(drcrazy) Fix for #1782, cheap basic tools and fixed some warnings here and there
(drcrazy) Fix armor textures


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(drcrazy) Charge powered items from chest armor
(drcrazy) Filter fluids input for fluid generators.
(drcrazy) Should fix Plasma Generator for #1780
(drcrazy) Rename armor texture


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Add some hardness to more blocks, Fixes #1779
(modmuss50) add a Towelette plugin to blacklist our fluids, fixes the game not loading
(modmuss50) Merge branch '1.14' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) First pass on ISDU rewrite, uses RC's new DataAttachment system
(drcrazy) Itemgroup filler moved to init utils.
(drcrazy) Jackhammer should work
(drcrazy) Make carbon mesh shapeless
(drcrazy) Bumped modloader + recipes + lang for buckets
(modmuss50) Add carbon mesh recipe, fixes #1777
(modmuss50) Fix thermal generator


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Tags in recipes
(modmuss50) Tags, stage 1
(modmuss50) Update ore textures, closes #1768
(modmuss50) Fixes #1758
(modmuss50) Merge branch '1.14' of https://github.com/TechReborn/TechReborn into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Cleanup
(drcrazy) Removed unused imports
(modmuss50) Fix bad rename
(modmuss50) Move configs to one class
(modmuss50) Finish porting all recipes to json, cleanup a lot of old code
(modmuss50) Rolling machine port/fixes
(drcrazy) Add item tags. Closes #1767
(drcrazy) Fix crash with wrench. Closes #1771
(drcrazy) Items use energy to do work. Closes #1770
(drcrazy) Fix Iron Furnace GUI


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Recipe time and power re-balance
(modmuss50) remove euPerFU
(modmuss50) Add rubber planks to tag
(modmuss50) update to use fabric api's offical event
(modmuss50) Dont crash with the rolling machine, wont work just yet.
(modmuss50) Remove block drop overrides, it will come back later and use jsons or something :D
(modmuss50) Fixes #1765


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix build
(modmuss50) Make the machines louder so you can actually hear them. Fixes #1755
(modmuss50) Fix sawmill hologram offset. Closes #1750
(modmuss50) Add endores back
(modmuss50) Fix electric tree tap recipe. Closes #1756
(modmuss50) Scrapbox fixes and recipes. Closes #1752
(modmuss50) Fix manual crashing the game, closes #1754
(modmuss50) Fix optifine crash, still some incompatibilities with shaders. Closes #1749
(drcrazy) Update import to a proper one
(drcrazy) Renamed some fluids to keep underscores so Prospector can read them.


(modmuss50) #betaBuild fix BE's not being loaded at the correct time


(modmuss50) Fix server crash #betaBuild


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Fix iron fence not connecting
(modmuss50) Fix recycler slots not allowing items in it.
(modmuss50) Cells can now pick up and place fluids


(modmuss50) #betaBuild
(modmuss50) Remove rubber plantation loot table, its gone.
(modmuss50) Make obstinate happy
(modmuss50) Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/1.14' into 1.14.4
(modmuss50) Fixes #1747
(modmuss50) Moved things from assets to data (#1745)
(modmuss50) Fix RC child project


First 1.14.4 alpha version, things are broken so please report issues to the issue tracker. #betaBuild


Gigabit101 (1):
Merge pull request #138 from Amamiya-Nagisa/patch-2

Modmuss50 (5):
Merge pull request #134 from Amamiya-Nagisa/patch-1
Inital port to tile based meta
Fixes #44 Closes #139
Fixed a load of crashes becuase of the new rotation system. Fixed powered tiles
Small improvements to the multiblock renderer

Nagisa·Jang (2):
Update zh_CN.lang
Update zh_CN.lang

gigabit101 (1):
Added Ae2 and Logistic pipe support to Quantum Chest

modmuss50 (10):
Fixes #133, can now run standalone without ic2
auto optimise png files
Improvements to the compat manager.
updates to the aesu gui
Beta 0.4.1
Fixed centrifuge block icons
Added forestry api and removed needed source files in output jar
Added some fuels to forestry's api, might write our own and import bc's and forest into ours.
Added fluid power manager, imports from forestry and bc
Beta 0.4.2


Fixed some recipes

Fixed crash when RF is disabled

Fixed #103

Added gui elements to rolling machine. Fixes #95

Tweaked thermal generator, closes #100

A few more recipe tweeks and configs

Added items to the pda

added recipe for PDA

More small changes to pda

PDA will now display mod version

More fancy gui stuff (WIP)

Cleaner gui

Added version page

removed some unneeded code

Added a button to pda to open Ingame configs

Added multiblock page (WIP)

color change a format

fix pda gui texture

Update zh_CN.lang

fixes #125

fixes #117

fixes #112

fixes #122

fixes #118

Fixes #124

fixes #119

fixes #126 and fixes #127

fixes #116

Some work for #115

fixes #129

Fixed minetweaker support for AlloyFurnace

Added more minetweaker support

Added all of the machines to minetweaker. (untested)

fixes #120

  1. Added config's to disable mod integration

  2. Finished Cloaking Device

  3. Added Alloy furnace 

  4. Fixed localization issues

  5. Small improvements to the version checker

  6. Fixed some missing textures 

  7. Added Chinese localizations

  8. Added PDA in game documentation {WIP} 



  • Cloaking device(WIP) - Gigabit101

  • Machine part - Modmuss50

  • Recipes for hulls - Modmuss50

  • Version Checker - Modmuss50


  • Crash without nei when opening some guis - Modmuss50

  • Quantum chests & tanks having no hardness - Gigabit101

  • Power was not getting used up - Modmuss50


  • Cleaned up dungeon loot code - Gigabit101

  • universal tag only appears once in the file name. - Modmuss50


Added a mod :)
