Tereré with glowberry juice 与 马黛茶 为同类物品/方块。

Tereré with glowberry juice
物品命令:/give @p argentinas_delight:tereglowberryitem 1
此段资料引用于“马黛茶 (Mate and Tereré)”并与其保持同步更新。  编辑

各种马黛茶和冰镇马黛茶,制作方法参见Empty mate

制作后需要拿起来才可饮用,其中Tereré with sweetberry juiceTereré with golden juiceTereré with lemonadeTereré with pineapple juice恢复4点()饥饿值和2.5点()饱和度,其他马黛茶饮用后恢复2点()饥饿值和1.5点()饱和度。饮用后均会返还一个Empty mate

其中Tereré with lemonadeTereré with pineapple juiceBoliviaMod的联动物品。


Traditional mateTranquility 20s
Mate with herbsProsperity 15s
Mate with sugarOut of my way! 30s
Mate with milkDevelopment 30s
TereréFreshfulness 2min
Tereré with sweetberry juiceBerry dangerous 30s
Tereré with golden juiceSueño dorado 2min
Tereré with watermelon juiceWater-drop-melon 1min
Tereré with apple juiceWhats the appeel of it? 2min
Tereré with glowberry juiceEvident 1min
Tereré with lemonadeAcid 1min
Tereré with pineapple juicePunch-apple 2min
Tereré with glowberry juice
Tereré with glowberry juice
最大叠加:1个 / 组
