- 增加了新的使用全局世界存储的驯服宠物数据存储系统,新系统将自动重构老的存储数据。而新驯服的宠物使用新的追踪/传送系统。
- Added pet super amulet to facilitate transition to MoCreatures v.6
- Added Name, Type, Owner to mouseover of new Pet Amulets
- Added class name to amulet mouseover window
- Added '/moc killall' command which kills all entities in loaded chunks ignoring tamed vanilla and mocreatures.
Note: This new command will kill all entities in loaded chunks of all dimensions.
- Added '/moc killall tamed <playername>' command which kills all tamed mocreatures in loaded chunks of given player.
Note: This new command will kill all loaded tamed animals of player that are found in every dimension. It will not kill pets that are in unloaded chunks.
- Added '/moc killall <modtag|entityname>' command which kills all entities of given type ignoring tamed.
- Added '/moc tp <petname> <playername>' command to transport any entity known by our new storage system to the player.
Note: This will only work with previous tamed entities if they have were loaded with this update.
- Improved '/moc list tamed' command which will now display Type, Name, Owner, Location, Dimension of all tamed entities in loaded chunks.
- Fixed imbalanced spawning with CMS/Vanilla by copying vanilla entries to CMS at game start.
Note: This fixes the issue where 1 type of entity could appear overrun rest such as Thaumcraft's Angry Zombie.
- 修复op不能与非其所有的宠物互动的bug。
- 修复蜿龙(双足飞龙)困在蜿龙巢穴的bug。现在,当它们掉落出这个世界时,会死掉。
- 驯服宠物的数据使用的新的存储系统,因此移除了原来在player.dat中存储的相关数据。


- 增加对更好的世界生成4(Better World Generation 4)模组的支持;

- 修复最新版本中安装Biomes O' Plenty模组后生物刷新问题;

- 修复当生物破坏方块(mobgriefing)设置为假时傀儡方块的复制bug;

- 修复试图离线升级玩家的dat文件时造成的文件分离问题;

- 修复增加生态群落组到默认组时的崩溃问题;

- 修复错误匹配后造成生态群落不被添加的问题;

- 修复一个潜在的世界上生成崩溃(ChunkProviderServer WorldProviderWyvernEnd);

- 修复自动生成的"net.cfg"可能导致某些生物不能正常刷新的问题。

注意: 当你出现生物刷新问题,打开MoCGlobal.cfg,如果出现 "S:net"就删除掉mod-mappings后面的所有行。


- 修复玩家骑乘掉线造成的鞍的复制问题;

- 修复配置文件在世界载入时不能正确加载的问题;

- 修复载入世界后GUI选项被复制的问题。


- 修复CustomMobSpawner与getBlockLightValue相关的崩溃(自定义刷怪与取得方块亮度的方法的冲突);

- 修复单机情况下双足飞龙造成的崩溃;

- 修复驯服后的动物在重载区块后备复制的bug;

- 修复指令/moc min以及/moc max;

- 移除keepVanillaOnlyWithLight配置选项;

- 修复热带草原以及平原不自然刷新斑马的问题;

- 使得WorldProviderWyvernEnd类继承自WorldProviderSurface,这应该能缓解客户端的卡顿问题。


- 修复使用CMS(自定义生物刷新)后豹猫依然按照原版方式刷新的问题。

[5.2.0a] 注意:依然兼容5.2.0版本

- 修复蝴蝶界面崩溃;

- 修复豹猫界面崩溃;

- 修复雪人界面崩溃;

- 修复自定义生成配置的bug;

- 增加新的golemDestroyBlocks(傀儡是否破坏方块)选项;

- 重写MoCEntityAmbient中的isCreatureOfType方法。




-fixed bug with invisible ropes on goats

-fixed bug with fire an cave ogre spawns frequencies

-fixed bug when obtaining a white fairy horse

-big cats now check surrounding bigcats and will try to spawn the same species

-bears will check spawning surroundings, if within 12 blocks of bamboo / reeds, it will become a panda.  If the biome where the bear is spawning has the word bamboo on its name, it will also be a panda.

-bunnies and mice will always spawn white on cold biomes

-komodo dragons will not spawn near torches and can now spawn on sand (for those who want to add them to the desert biomes)

-changed tall grass and leaves on the wyvern dimension blocks

-improvements done for the wyvern dimension FPS

-wyverns will drop eggs on death even if they're not spawned in the wyvern lair

-Mother wyverns spawn 5% of the time (up from 3%)

-insects, scorpions and crabs are now targeted by bane of the arthropods enchantment

-undead MoCreatures are now targeted by the smite enchantment

-fixed bug with kitten textures

-crocodiles, komodos, sharks, big cats won't attack players on creative mode

-partial migration of entityID use, all non tameable creatures and new creatures now use an internal entity ID number instead of global IDs.

-vanilla creatures are now despawned on areas not illuminated by artificial lights instead of checking for nearby fences

-aquatic creatures now avoid 'block inwall damage'

-ostriches won't lay eggs if tamed

-maggots turn red when hit

-eggs notify players with chat messages when hatching, egg hatching time reduced

-custom key bindings disabled when chatting

-stingrays can be catched on fish nets

-mantarays can be tamed by riding them. Tamed mantarays can be catched on fish nets.

-crabs can be tamed by using a fishnet on them

-增加 蚂蚁。

-added Raccoons

-added Silver Skeletons

-added Mini Golems

-added Small fish

-added Medium fish (cod, salmon, bass)

-piranhas are now a separate entity

-Added fish nets that can be used to capture and tame fish

-fish can be hooked with the fishing pole


- 升级到 1.5.2

- Fixed CMS verboseConsole not being set

- Fixed many more GUI bugs

- Fixed inMenu check in MoCClientTickHandler

- Fixed defaults not being used properly

- Fixed issue preventing GUI from adding biomegroups for entities that had no entries.

- Fixed crash when using Reset to Defaults

- Fixed issue with CMS not detecting custom entities such as Project Zulu's.

- Fixed CMS bug with creatures spawning in homes.

- Fixed MoCreatures not removing vanilla entries from all biomes when adding to CMS

- Fixed duplicate entity names not being handled correctly by spawner

- Fixed duplicate biomes not being handled correctly by spawner

- Fixed entities not being removed from vanilla structures when disabling a specific type from spawning

- Fixed possible NPE when calling CustomSpawner's RemoveCustomSpawn method.

- Fixed issue with entities not being removed from vanilla spawn lists when their biomegroups were empty and frequency set to 0.

- Fixed '/moc listbiomegroups' command

- Fixed '/moc help' command not displaying pages correctly

- Fixed NPE's with MoC custom blocks.

- Fixed Wyvern's flying away after being tamed.

- Fixed potential NPE with MoCBlockGrass and MoCBlockTallGrass.

- Fixed Mooshrooms spawning in non-Mushroom biomes

- Fixed MoCreatures not spawning in BOP overridden vanilla biomes

- Fixed Pet names not enabled by default

- Fixed ownership working in singleplayer when it shouldn't.

- Fixed certain default biomes being placed in wrong groups.

- Added better CMS debug output

- Added debugCMS config option

- Added disallowMonsterSpawnDuringDay config option

- Added despawnLightLevel config option

- Added checkAmbientLightLevel config option

- Added CMS lightLevel check for Monsters

- Added comment support to MoCProperty constructors

- Added InstaSpawner support for all entities including custom

- Added brand new configuration for entities, biomes, structures, and global settings.

- Added vanilla structure spawn support to CMS. All detected structures will be generated in config/MoCreatures/MoCStructures.cfg

- Added Spigot's spawner optimizations to CMS

- Added new config option 'lightLevel' which ignores sunlight and acts as a light threshold for whether or not to spawn a creature.

- Added new monsterSpawnRange config option

- Added canSpawn option to all entities

- Added missing BOP/XL biome entries to default config

- Added support for unknown CreatureTypes

- Added new spawntickrates for Ambients and WaterCreatures

- Added new maxSpawnInChunk config option to all entities.

- Added CMS support for handling maxSpawnInChunks

- Added new Creature Type 'UNDEFINED'. This group will get assigned entities that CMS couldn't detect a creature type for.

- Added new teleport command '/moc tp' which can transfer tamed pets from any dimension to their respective owners.

- Added new tamed command '/moc tamed' which lists currently loaded tamed pets of player with their total recorded tamed count.

- Added new tamedcount command '/moc tamedcountwhich displays current tamed count from player's dat file.

- Improved performance when updating settings via commands and GUI.

- Changed tall grass and leaves on the wyvern dimension blocks

- Improvements done for the wyvern dimension FPS

- Removed default resource config files since they are no longer used

- Removed default configs from resources. All configuration will now be generated on the fly.


- fixed bug where crocodiles wouldn't attack players

- tamed animals will not attack other tamed animals

- mother wyverns now drop eggs 1/3 of times instead of 1/10

- further adjustment of rider position on wyverns

- adjusted name of T2 wyverns

- finished crab animations

- added crab meat and cooked crab meat

- changed init creature settings, spawning eggs now check the environment to spawn the right subtype

snow variants will now spawn if biome temperature is less than 0.06 instead of checking the name of biome

- changed instaspawner code, it now adds all available creatures using a list

- fixed bug with missing vanilla particles

- birds are now pre tamed with thrown seeds and tamed by right clicking on them with seeds


- Added new mobSpawnerTickRate.

- Adjusted CustomMobSpawner to use each entity's maxGroupCount instead of maxSpawnedInChunk.

This fixes issue where world gen was spawning too many creatures and not following our configs.

- Fixed typo with commands.

- Fixed bug with spawn lists not properly clearing during initial world generation.

- Disabled DespawnVanilla option. This options is no longer required since all vanilla spawns

are now handled by CMS.

- Updated default MoCProperties.cfg to include new mobSpawnTickRate and worldGenCreatureSpawning.

spawnTickRate has been renamed to animalSpawnTickRate.

- added moths (they're attracted to torches)

- added maggots

- added crabs (pending animations)


- fixed bug with nightmares when animate textures was set to off

- fixed bug when shearing ostriches

- Fixed another bug with Reset to Defaults.

- Fixed issue with config comments being removed after starting game

- Fixed GUI duplication bug when issuing a command or resetting to defaults

- Fixed static litter, static k. bed, particlefx not properly saving in GUI

5.1.2  - DEV version

- Added Tier 2 wyverns. The mother wyvern spawns rarely in the wyvern lair. It has a 10% chance of dropping eggs that can be used to obtain a tamed mother wyvern.

essences are used on tamed mother wyverns to obtain the other tier 2 versions.

- Added new server command '/moc' which can adjust all options in MoCProperties.cfg without restarting

- Added biomes in GUI will now be placed alphabetically

- Added comments to config

- Added new Ogres

- Added new Undead Wyvern

- Finished overhaul of ogres, replaced models, textures and AI

- The spawn options for cave ogres and fire ogres is slightly different. New settings are added to the config: Fire Ogre Chance (chance of spawning a fire ogre in the surface of the overworld)

and Cave Ogre chance (chance of spawning a Cave ogre if the Y position is less than 50).

- Increased Wyvern's size and speed

- Fixed issue with MoCreatures not spawning on custom blocks like the ones found in the Twilight forest dimension

- Fixed In-Game GUI not closing/operating correctly(F9 is default)

- Fixed indent issues with configs

- Fixed General Settings GUI option not saving correctly

- Fixed Reset to Defaults GUI option not properly restoring all settings

- Fixed Male Ostrich's showing incorrect chest name

- Biome Groups are now sorted in GUI

- Removed legacy Ogres

- Removed duplicate biomes from default biome groups and cleaned up code

- Removed timestamps from configs

5.1.1  - DEV version

-added new entity spawn settings option in GUI. removed old frequency/min/group options.

-added new biome group option in GUI.

-added partial animation for new ogre models.

-fixed few bugs with saving certain options in GUI.

-cleaned up debug log output.

5.1.0a - DEV version

-added roaches

-added new ogre models, pending animation and AI

-added builder hammer, the hammer places blocks far away, the blocks are taken from the player's belt inventory

-added staff of teleport


-wyverns 'stay' when using a whip near them, or by right clicking on them while holding a whip

-fixed bug despawning tamed Scorpions

-the spawner doesn't check anymore for the doMobSpawning gamerule

changes to the ownership code:

-added Scroll of Reset Owner that can be used by OPs on servers. The Scroll will 'clear' the owner of the creature.  The tamed counter on that owner will be reduced by 1

the creature will have no owner until is renamed.

-added setting to enable/disable said scroll through the config file

-OPs have their separate taming limit.  Added such option to the config file

-amulets now store the owner of the horse

-horses stored in amulets that are spawned by a player different than the owner, will become property of the player spawning them,

and the previous owner will have his tamed counter reduced accordingly.

This is done to allow trade of amulets without losing a taming spot on servers enforcing ownership.


-fixed bug causing despawning of tamed creatures on servers when unloading chunks

-ghost horses are now named when they spawn

-fixed nightmare missing texture when animate textures is set to off

-undead horses will show stages of decay even with animate textures set to off

-tamed ostriches no longer retaliate if attacked by player

-hunter animals won't attack anything bigger than themselves

-tamed kitty and bigcats will drop medallions on death

-fixed bug that prevented changing flag colors on ostriches

-fixed bug when 'shearing' elephants.


fixed bug that added entities with a frequency of 0 to spawn lists, causing random crashes

fixed bug that prevented change of max - min settings through the GUI API

scorpions and horsemobs now spawn in nether by default

changes made to decrease lag caused by horses

reduced frequency of scorpion drops

game crashing bug when using staff in a bukkit server fixed on f639-279 snapshot

mounts drop their gear and inventories if a shear is used on them

fixed duplicated mount on server disconnect bug. However code that was used to avoid despawn bug on chunk unload was deactivated, it appears the bug was fixed in Minecraft 1.5, but needs to be tested


fixed bug causing crash when turning customspawner off

yellow and purple fairy horses now drop a full amulet when trapped

fixed cyan fairy horse texture typo

fixed typo on fx undead particles

fixed max ambient GUI setting, reduced default maxAmbient to 30

fixed bug causing massive FPS drops in the wyvern lair

wyvern portal staffs that have no saved coordinates (cheated or crafted at the wyvern lair) will teleport the player close to the spawn point instead of 0,0,0

if no empty space around the spawn point is found, the staff won't work.

despawn and spawn code will only run on dimensions that have a player

jellyfish and rays won't poison players riding a boat

piranhas will no longer cause damage to a player that riding another entity

sharks will no longer cause damage to a player on a boat

turtle soup restores hunger


-using SRG Forge obfuscation

-chicken eggs are no longer called 'spoiled egg'

-improved despawning of Wyverns on wyvern lair to increase FPS / performance

-kitty beds no longer consume pet food if the food is already there

-newborn foals obtained by breeding will trigger naming on the owner of the mother horse.

-activated red fairy horse

-white pegasi now carry bags

-elephants, komodos, wyverns and horses drop armor, inventory contents and bags on dead

-cave spiders and witches default spawning setting changed

-staffs of wyvern lair are no longer damaged if they are used outside the portal

-set harvest levels for Wyvern Lair blocks

-Wyvern tall grass is no longer shearable

-to reduce overhead and game freezing, the despawnVanilla check will only work for the overworld. Increased default despawn check interval to 199

-decreased default spawn frequencies of vanilla mobs

-vanilla animals won't despawn if they're within 8 blocks of a fence (down from 10)


-fixed game crashing bug when feeding horses

-wyverns no longer take the whole statch of saddles when saddled

-wyverns are no longer attacked by the rider's sword

-removed unnecesary console debug messages, some debug messages are activated with the debugLogging option

-reduced customspawner processing cost

-added despawn tick setting to menu so the frequency of despawn checks can be adjusted

-if modify vanilla spawns is not selected, the vanilla spawn rates and biome assignment will be left untouched

(you will  need to restart minecraft for the default settings to be used)

-elephants no longer spawn on deserts, and instead spawn on arctic biomes

-kitty beds and litter box can be picked up and thrown, render height fixed as well (please test SMP)

-fixed texture error with kitty beds

-sugar lumps now behave as a food item

-mounts receive damage from mobs

-mounts now dive with the shift key and are dismounted with the configurable dismount key (default 'F')

-increased health of wyverns


fixed dependency issue that prevented servers from running MoCreatures

fixed game crashing bug when naming a pet

fixed ambient creature spawn settings

added missing sounds


-code rewrite and organization, to comply with forge tendencies

-splitted sprites to make it compatible with Minecraft 1.5

-fixed bug causing despawns of tamed custom mobs

-Amulets now store name, health, armor, saddle status of Horses

-Ogres and Golems will now respect the mobGriefing game rule

-all fairy horses can now go into amulets

-added alternative fairy amulet recipe that replaces unicorn for a vial of light

-overhauled the spawning code, now you can design and assign group of biomes and spwaning frequencies to the entities,

including vanilla mobs and mobs added by other mods.

-changed the block used to prevent despawning of vanilla mobs. instead of light sources, vanilla mobs within 10 blocks of fences won't despawn.

-added Wyverns:

Wyverns are poisonous drakes, they can be found on the WyvernLair.

Wyvern eggs can be obtained by slaying wyverns (but only on the wyvern lair). A wyvern has a 10% chance of dropping an egg.

The egg can be hatched in the overworld by placing it near a torch and once the wyvern grows, it can be saddled and armored.

The wyvern lair can only be accessed by using a Wyvern Portal Staff. The staff has only four uses before it's destroyed.

The staff can be activated on any dimension, and it will teleport the player to the center of the wyvern lair dimension.

To return back, the staff has to be activated on the quartz portal of the wyvern lair.

two new files are created inside /.minecraft/config they can be edited with any .txt editor.

MoCBiomeGroups.cfg => the biome groups are defined here

MoCProperties.cfg => all the other settings are here.

Biome groups defined on MoCBiomeGroups.cfg can be used in MoCProperties.cfg to define on which biomes do the creatures spawn.

(including vanilla and other custom mobs besides mo creatures).

These files are used for both client and servers. All of the settings can be changed through the in-game menu

except for biome groups and biome group assignation.

As MoCreatures now adds blocks, the block IDs can also be edited through the MoCProperties.cfg or the GUI.  

However there are three blocks that can't have an ID higher than 255: blockDirt, blockGrass and blockStone,

as they're used for the custom dimensions generation.


-Made elephants grow slower

-Adjusted fall damage for elephants

-Elephants now retaliate when attacked

-reduced frequency of Elephant spawns in deserts

-renamed croc hide /armors as reptile hide / armors

-A player riding a Komodo dragon can now use tools

-turtles are again afraid of bigger entities

-komodo dragons no longer fight other komodo dragons

-removed 'custom spawner deactivated' message from console

-fixed light green horse texture error.

-Added seven new Fairy horses

-snakes are healed with raw rat

-changed bunny textures and added a new spotted bunny


wild scorpions no longer attack other mobs

fixed server crashing bug with the ownership code

pet scorpions that are set free now drop the saddle, and can't be ridden

horses obtained from an amulet are set to the player using the amulet.

horse transformation animation is synchronized in multiplayer

foals and ghost horses now spawn tamed and are owned by their parent's owner

tamed birds won't be named every time they eat seeds.

bunnies shouldn't suffer damage when on top of a player's head

enders should spawn on the End biome

fixed bug that removed swords on pigmen and bows on skeletons

-Added Elephants and Mammoths

Elephants spawn on Deserts, Jungles, Plains and Forests.

Mammoths spawn on cold biomes.

Elephants drop Hide

A calf elephant can be tamed by giving it 10 Sugar lumps or 5 cakes

Tamed elephants are healed with baked potatoes, bread or haystacks

Indian Elephants can be given a special luxurious garment.

In addition to the garment, a nice throne can then be given to the Elephant.

Two chest sets can be put on each elephant, allowing it to carry inventory

A key is used to open the inventory.

Mammoths can also carry two extra regular chests.

Three different kinds of tusk reinforcements can be crafted: wood, iron and diamond.

They can be given to tamed adult elephants and mammoths, and taken off with a pickaxe.

While wearing them reinforcement and ridden by the player, they will break blocks.

(However that feature is disabled by default in multiplayer, to prevent griefing)

Mammoths are more effective at breaking blocks than elephants.

A harness can be put on tamed adult elephants.

If a player 'sneaks' near their elephant, it will sit for a short time, where it can be mounted

To dismount an elephant, the rider has to make it sit first and then it can be dismounted.

A platform can be put on the Songhua Mammoth, allowing them to carry a second player.

To have a passenger, first the rider makes the mammoth sit, then the second player 'sneaks' while close to the mammoth.

The second player can dismount the mammoth by pressing the sneak key.

-Added Komodo Dragons

Komodo dragons spawn on swamps and plains.  They attack small animals or players.

Komodo dragons poison their prey.

They drop reptile hide and the bigger Komodo Dragons have a 25% chance of dropping eggs.

An egg can be hatched if placed near a torch and the resulting baby Komodo Dragon will be tamed.

You can heal your tamed Komodo dragon by giving it raw rat or raw turkey.

A saddle can be put on a Tamed adult Komodo dragon so it can be ridden.

-Ostrich overhaul:

hatched ostriches won't follow the player

Ostriches now can carry helmets that will reduce the damage received

A chest can be given to an ostrich and they can carry a small inventory

cloth colored cubes can be given to saddled ostriches to make them carry colored flags

Nether ostriches now are obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of fire

Nether ostriches will fly in a way inspired by the game 'Joust'. (It's tricky but fun!)

added three new types of ostriches:

-Unihorned ostrich that is obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of light.

They buckle animals in a similar way than with the unicorns

Unihorned ostriches can drop a unicorn

-Black wyvern ostriches are obtained by giving a tamed ostrich an essence of darkness

they can fly if the jump button is used on a timely fashion. They propel themselves forward once flying.

They're tricky but fun to control in the air.

-Undead ostriches are obtained by giving any tamed ostrich an essence of undead.



