



(更新一下,难度上限需要通过命令, /apocalypse difficulty max @a ***,***自己定义







#Determines the interval in which rain damage should be dealt in seconds. A value of 2 will inflict rain damage on players every 2 seconds.

#Range: 1 ~ 1000

rainTickRate = 3     伤害间隔,单位是秒

#Set to false to disable rain damage, or to true to turn it on.

enableRainDamage = false   是否激活下雨的伤害(false/true)

#The amount of damage that should be dealt to players on rain tick.

#Range: 1 ~ 10000

rainDamage = 1      雨点的伤害




#A list of dimensions that should give difficulty penalty. Difficulty increases more in these dimensions.

dimensionPenaltyList = ["minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end"]   哪些维度有难度惩罚。

#(Currently unused) If enabled, players that are close to each other will have the average of their difficulty added together used instead of the nearby player with the highest difficulty.

averageGroupDifficulty = false  根据说明这一条似乎暂时没有启用。原本的作用是当服务器中难度等级不同的玩家靠近时,他们的难度是否会被平均计算。

#If enabled, world difficulty will increased by the configured multiplier

multiplayerDifficultyScaling = true     多人在线时是否会根据在线人数调整难度。

#Only relevant if multiplayer difficulty scaling is enabled. For example, a value of 0.05 will apply an additional +5% difficulty increment per online player (If only one player is online this multiplier will not be active)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0

difficultyMultiplayerRateMult = 0.2    如果上一条设置生效,每位在线玩家所提升的难度比例,只有一人时不生效。(0.05=5%,以此类推)

#The difficulty rate multiplier used when a player enters a dimension with difficulty penalty.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

dimensionPenalty = 1.0   维度的难度惩罚数值。1.0的时候是这样,注意难度后边的百分比。




#Sets the multiplier used to increase world difficulty when players sleep through a night or thunderstorm.

#Range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0

sleepPenalty = 2.0  当玩家睡觉时难度的提升倍数(相比于熬过夜晚/雷暴天来说)。




#How many levels of difficulty must pass before the additional full moon mob counts increases. For example, a value of 30.5 will increase the number of full moon mobs spawning during sieges for every 30.5 levels of difficulty passed.

#Range: 0.1 ~ 100000.0

difficultyUntilNextIncrease = 50.0    满月攻城事件中,提升参与攻城的怪物数量需要提升多少难度等级。

#The maximum amount of a specific full moon mob that can spawn during a full moon siege. Keep in mind that since the additional moon mob count increases over time, these values should be carefully considered. Too many mobs will definitely cause problems.



#Range: 0 ~ 100

breecher = 20

#Range: 0 ~ 100

ghost = 0          <===没错,我不想看见这货

#Range: 0 ~ 100

seeker = 8

#Range: 0 ~ 100

destroyer = 8

#Range: 0 ~ 100

grump = 18

#The additional amount of a specific full moon mob that can spawn during a full moon siege. Increases with difficulty.



#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

breecher = 3.0

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

ghost = 0.0

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

seeker = 1.0

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

destroyer = 1.0

#Range: 0.0 ~ 100.0

grump = 2.5

#The minimum amount of a specific full moon mob that can spawn during a full moon siege.



#Range: 0 ~ 100

breecher = 4

#Range: 0 ~ 100

ghost = 0

#Range: 0 ~ 100

seeker = 1

#Range: 0 ~ 100

destroyer = 1

#Range: 0 ~ 100

grump = 2

#The difficulty at which a specific type of full moon mob can start to spawn during sieges (It might be smart to let at least one type spawn at 0).



#Range: 0 ~ 100000

breecher = 50

#Range: 0 ~ 100000

ghost = 10000

#Range: 0 ~ 100000

seeker = 0

#Range: 0 ~ 100000

destroyer = 100

#Range: 0 ~ 100000

grump = 150




#If enabled, only hostile mobs will be given attribute bonuses and potion effects.


mobsOnly = true



#A list of entity types that do not gain any knockback resistance bonuses. Empty by default. Example: ["minecraft:creeper", "abundance:screecher"]

knockbackResBlacklist = []   黑名单。在黑名单中的生物不会获得击退抗性的加成。

#The difficulty value for each application of the below values.

#Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0

knockbackResTimeSpan = 40.0   每增加多少难度会提升生物的击退抗性(所谓的“时间奖励”,下同)。

#The flat bonus gained from a full moon in percentage. Default is 0.2 (+20% on full moons)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

knockbackResLunarFlatBonus = 0.2  满月时生物额外获得的击退抗性。这里的flat bonus我不太清楚应该怎么翻译……就先这样吧。(0.2=20%)

#The flat bonus given each "_time_span" days. Default is 0.05 (+5%).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

knockbackResFlatBonus = 0.05  生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的击退抗性(0.05=5%)。

#The maximum flat bonus that can be given over time. Default is 0.3 (+30%).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0

knockbackResFlatBonusMax = 0.3  生物从“时间奖励”中获得的击退抗性上限。



#The maximum multiplier bonus that can be given over time. Default is 5.0 (+500%).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0

damageMultBonusMax = 5.0  生物从“时间奖励”中获得的伤害倍数上限,百分比。(5.0=500%)

#The difficulty value for each application of the below values.

#Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0

damageTimeSpan = 100.0  获得“时间奖励”所需要的难度间隔。

#A list of entity types that do not gain any damage bonuses. Empty by default. Example: ["minecraft:creeper", "abundance:screecher"]

damageBlacklist = []   黑名单。

#The flat bonus gained from a full moon. Default is 1.0 (+1 damage on full moons).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

damageLunarFlatBonus = 1.0  满月时生物额外获得的伤害,数值。

#The flat bonus given each "_time_span" days. Default is 1.0 (+1 damage)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

damageFlatBonus = 1.0   生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的伤害提升,数值。

#The maximum flat bonus that can be given over time. Default is -1.0 (no limit).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0

damageFlatBonusMax = -1.0   生物从“时间奖励”中获得的伤害提升上限,-1.0代表无上限。

#The multiplier bonus gained from a full moon. Default is 0.2 (+20% on full moons).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

damageLunarMultBonus = 0.2  满月时生物额外获得的伤害,百分比。

#The multiplier bonus given for each "_time_span" days. Default is 0.3 (+30%).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

damageMultBonus = 0.3  生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的伤害提升,百分比。



#The difficulty value for each application of the below values.

#Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0

healthTimeSpan = 100.0   获得“时间奖励”所需要的难度间隔。

#The flat bonus given each "_time_span" days.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

healthFlatBonus = 1.0  生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的生命提升,数值。

#The multiplier bonus gained from a full moon in percentage. Default is 0.5 (+50% on full moons)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

healthLunarMultBonus = 0.2  满月时生物额外获得的生命,百分比。

#The maximum flat bonus that can be given over time. Default is -1.0 (no limit).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0

healthFlatBonusMax = -1.0    生物从“时间奖励”中获得的生命提升上限,-1.0代表无上限。

#The flat bonus gained from a full moon. Default is 10.0 (+10 hearts on full moons).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

healthLunarFlatBonus = 10.0  满月时生物额外获得的伤害,数值,10.0代表10颗心。

#The maximum multiplier bonus that can be given over time. Default is -1.0 (no limit).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0

healthMultBonusMax = -1.0   生物从“时间奖励”中获得的生命提升倍数,-1.0代表无上限。

#A list of entity types that do not gain any health bonuses. Empty by default. Example: ["minecraft:creeper", "abundance:screecher"]

healthBlacklist = []  黑名单。

#The multiplier bonus given for each "_time_span" days. Default is 0.8 (+80%).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0  生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的生命提升,百分比。

healthMultBonus = 0.8



#The maximum multiplier bonus that can be given over time. Default is 0.2 (+20%).

#Range: -1.0 ~ 10000.0  

damageMultBonusMax = 0.2   这里应该是文件写错了,感觉是speedMultBonusMax,生物从“时间奖励”中获得的移速提升上限,百分比。

#The difficulty value for each application of the below values.

#Range: 0.1 ~ 10000.0

speedTimeSpan = 50.0  获得“时间奖励”所需要的难度间隔。

#The multiplier bonus gained from a full moon in percentage. Default is 0.1 (+10% during full moons)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

speedLunarMultBonus = 0.1  满月时生物额外获得的移速,百分比。

#A list of entity types that do not gain any speed bonuses. Empty by default. Example: ["minecraft:creeper", "abundance:screecher"]

speedBlacklist = []  黑名单

#The multiplier bonus given for each "_time_span" days. Default is 0.05 (+5%).

#Range: 0.0 ~ 10000.0

damageMultBonus = 0.05  感觉也是写错了,应为speed。生物从每次“时间奖励”中获得的移速提升,百分比。




#The explosion power of Destroyer fireballs.

#Range: 1 ~ 10

destroyerExplosionPower = 2     Destroyer的爆炸威力。

#The explosion power of Seeker fireballs.

#Range: 1 ~ 10

seekerExplosionPower = 4     Seeker的爆炸威力。

#A list of blocks that the destroyer cannot explode. Generally speaking this list should be empty since destroyers are supposed to destroy any block, but if an exception is absolutely needed, the block in question can be whitelisted here.

destroyerProofBlocks = ["minecraft:bedrock"]    Destroyer不能摧毁的方块。默认只有基岩。

#This is the chance in percentage for grumps to spawn with a bucket helmet equipped. Grumps with bucket helmets are heavily armored against arrows.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

grumpBucketHelmetChance = 5   Grump戴头盔(桶)的几率,可以让它更好地抵抗弓箭。

