这是一个Lib Mod,为玩家添加基于物品设计的技能槽位;
你可以使用 KubeJS 或 Java代码来创建自己的技能槽位,也可以简单地将现有的物品放入槽位中,绑定相关键位并以此使用该技能(基于鼠标右键)。
以下为通过 KubeJS 创建的示例代码:
// priority: 0
// Server script
// Make your item can be put in skill slots
// If the item already has a right-click function, the skill already works now
ServerEvents.tags('item', event => {
event.add('skillslots:skill', 'minecraft:diamond')
// Of course, you can use KubeJS to create an item, and add some fancy right-click function to it
ItemEvents.rightClicked('minecraft:diamond', event => {
event.player.tell('You right clicked a diamond!')
// Cooldown, works
event.player.addItemCooldown(event.item, 60)
// This event will also be called when using the skill
BlockEvents.rightClicked(event => {
// Check the item cooldown by yourself
event.player.tell('You right clicked a block!')
// Here you will know how to get access to the skill slots from a player
ItemEvents.rightClicked('minecraft:emerald', event => {
let handler = Java.loadClass('snownee.skillslots.SkillSlotsHandler').of(event.player)
let diamond = Item.of('minecraft:diamond')
// Here are some NBT options to customize the skill
diamond.nbt = {}
diamond.nbt.SkillSlots = {
UseDuration: 20,
IconScale: 1.5,
// CanBeToggled: true, // make your skill work as a passive skill. the player can toggle it on/off
ChargeCompleteSound: 'minecraft:entity.player.levelup', // leave it empty to mute
// In config, you can disable the player ability to change skills
// Here is an example to change the skill through KubeJS
handler.setItem(0, diamond)
// Example of checking if the player has a skill that can be toggled and currently activated
let index = handler.findActivatedPassiveSkill(skill => skill.item.id === 'minecraft:diamond')
if (index !== -1) {
let skill = handler.skills.get(index)