
-Added the option "addBloodTo" to the mod's config file. This option lets you (deactivate the blood)/(define the blood color) for every given entity.

-Added blood colors for all vanilla entities.

-Added the options "addBloodTo" and "blackList" to the plugin system.

-The "addRendererTo" and "blackList" options do now accept class names instead of block IDs (e.g. -addRendererTo=better-grass:net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass).

-The "addRendererTo" option does now accept renderer followed by multiple values separated by ";"-signs (e.g. -addRendererTo=better-grass:1;net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass;3;4;5).

-The "addRendererTo" and "blackList" options do now accept negative (block IDs)/(class names) to remove the given value (e.g. blackList=-1, -net.minecraft.block.BlockGrass).

-Fixed the plugins-not-working-issue, in case you've installed mods that try to occupy the same block IDs.

-Fixed the no-particle-issue, that prevented entities/tile-entities from spawning particles.

-The plugin system is now accessible from resourcepacks.
