




Objects added so far:

Valve Pipe
It works like a wooden pipe, but with integrated redstone engine. Also allows to add the lever directly on top.

Golden Iron Waterproof Pipe
It acts like an iron pipe, but has golden pipe speed, so you dont reduce the golden pipe water pressure

Balance Pipe (idea by Oxygene13)
Balances liquid of connected tanks

Round Robin Items Pipe
It works like a stone pipe, but does round robin sorting.

Diamond Liquid Pipe
Like the Diamond Items Pipe but for sorting liquids

Compactor Pipe
combines items(tacks) to larger itemstacks (currently to itemstacks >= 16 items)

Insertion Transport Pipe

Insertion Pipes given the choice between putting a item in the pipe in to an
inventory (A chest or a furnace) and passing it along to another pipe, the
Insertion Pipe will always try to add the item to the inventory.

Extraction Transport Pipe

Extraction Pipe is the opposite of the Insertion Pipe. If the pipe can choose
between an inventory and another pipe the pipe will always go with the next
pipe. Also this pipe behaves the same as a wood pipe where it will pull items
out of an inventory if the pipe has an active redstone engine applied to it.

Bounce Transport Pipe
This pipe will cause whatever enters the pipe to come back out the way it came
unless the pipe is powered by redstone, then it behaves as a normal pipe.

Crossover Transport Pipe
This pipe will direct material entering it to the pipe
(or something accepting material, like chests) directly across from it.
If no such pipe exists, a random direction is chosen.

Power Switch Pipe
Works as transistor for the power pipes. You can/have to power it with redstone to allow power flowing through it.
Also allows to add the lever directly on top.

Iron Power Pipe
acts as a diode/iron pipe for power pipes


Additional Objects planned:

- Accumulator (allows to store/retract power)
- adjustable extractor/wood pipe (so you can change from 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 items per extraction)

AdditionalBuildcraftObjects is open-source.

It is distributed under the terms of my Open Source License.
It grants rights to read, modify, compile or run the code.
It does *NOT* grant the right to redistribute this software or its
modifications in any form, binary or source, except if expressively
granted by the copyright holder.

Mod Packs:
You can include (precompiled) ABO-packages in your modpacks as long you're not making money out of it (so no adfly or something like that!). 
AND: you have to send me a pm in which you post a link to your modpack.

If you want to distribute a custom/modified abo build, you have to ask for permission first!

Last edited by Flow86Dec 9, 2013
