

This is a minor point release which improves some error diagnostics.


  • Startup errors caused by out-of-date graphics drivers will now show a popup message on Windows.

  • Error diagnostics now link to the improved wiki pages.

  • Attempts to schedule chunk rebuilds from the wrong thread is now an error, potentially catching broken mods that are causing memory safety issues.


  • 由过时的图形驱动程序导致的启动错误现在将在 Windows 上显示弹出消息。

  • 错误诊断现在链接到改进的 Wiki 页面。

  • 尝试从错误的线程计划区块重建现在是一个错误,因为它可能会捕获导致内存安全问题。


Sodium 0.4.7 is now out, fixing a memory leak and adding optimized cloud rendering.
Sodium 0.4.7 现已发布,修复了内存泄漏并添加了优化的云渲染。

This release includes a workaround for crashes on NVIDIA drivers. On first boot, if you are affected a notice will appear explaining the problem.
此版本包括针对 NVIDIA 驱动程序崩溃的解决方法。首次启动时,如果您受到影响,将出现一条通知,解释问题。

Added optimized cloud rendering
Added a workaround for a crash on NVIDIA drivers
添加了 NVIDIA 驱动程序崩溃的解决方法。
Fixed a critical memory leak with textures


Sodium 0.4.6 is a critical bug fix to fix texture animations on many resource packs.
Sodium 0.4.6 是一个关键的错误修复,用于修复许多资源包上的纹理动画。


Sodium 0.4.5 is now out, updating to 1.19.3. This release also fixes a small texture corruption issue.
Sodium 0.4.5 现已发布,更新至 1.19.3。此版本还修复了一个小的纹理损坏问题。

This release no longer includes JOML, as Minecraft 1.19.3 has it bundled.
此版本不再包含 JOML,因为 Minecraft 1.19.3 捆绑了它。

Supports Minecraft 1.19.3.
支持 Minecraft 1.19.3。
Removed JOML 删除了 JOML。
Fixed compact vertex format texture overflow.


This is a hotfix release to revert Adaptive VSync, as it broke VSync on AMD cards.
这是一个修补程序版本,用于恢复自适应 VSync,因为它破坏了 AMD 卡上的 VSync。

This release also fixes a memory leak.


This release includes multiple bug fixes, lighting improvements, and better support for the Fabric Fluid API. It also includes native support for the Flawless Frames API, which fixes compatibility with Replay Mod.
此版本包括多个错误修复、照明改进以及对 Fabric Fluid API 的更好支持。它还包括对 Flawless Frames API 的原生支持,该 API 修复了与 Replay Mod 的兼容性。

Added Flawless Frames support
添加了 Flawless Frames 支持
Modified lighting to match Vanilla 1.19.2
修改了照明以匹配原版 1.19.2
Fixed multiple lighting bugs
Made FPS limit a multiple of 10
使 FPS 限制为 10 的倍数
Updated Fabric Fluid API compatibility
更新了 Fabric Fluid API 兼容性


This is a straight port of the previous release for Minecraft 1.19.
这是 Minecraft 1.19 上一版本的直接移植。

Sodium 0.4.1

 标语:This release is a mostly straightforward port of the most recent version, with some additional bug fixes. Also, we're dropping the alpha version and making this a proper release.




Requires Minecraft 1.18.2.




  Fixed a problem where the game could crash at random when teleporting or loading chunks.

-修复游戏在传送过程或加载时 可能遇到的随机崩溃的问题。

  Fixed a problem where biome colors would be incorrect at the edge of chunks which neighbor empty space.


Sodium 0.3.2 for Minecraft 1.17.1

This release fixes a few more issues in Sodium 0.3 for Minecraft 1.17.1.

  • Fixed an issue where OpenGL 4.x buffer targets would be accessed on
    OpenGL 3.x hardware, leading to a flood of OpenGL errors and degraded

  • Fixed the "Use Block Face Culling" option not applying

  • Fixed some strings not being translatable in the Video Settings screen

  • Fixed a number of cases where the world would suddenly disappear at specific camera angles

  • Fixed an issue where particles using animated sprites would not be animated

  • Merged the cloud toggle and quality controls into one option to reduce confusion

  • Fixed entities with spectral effects not being rendered through walls due to entity culling

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Sodium 0.3.0 for Minecraft 1.17.1

This release adds official support for Minecraft 1.17.1 and with it many new improvements and fixes.

  • A brand new chunk rendering backend has been introduced, bringing
    the best performance yet to any hardware that can run Minecraft.

  • Added support for some Fabric API features, such custom fluid rendering and blocks with attached data.

  • Many improvements to how we use and allocate VRAM, reducing stutters caused by loading chunks and overall GPU memory usage.

  • Additionally, chunk loading was improved to prevent overload and to
    better stabilize frame rates. This can help with loading into worlds or
    when many blocks are changing at once.

  • Improved the amount of time it takes to rebuild the chunk graph.
    This can reduce lag associated with moving around in the world or
    loading chunks at higher render distances.

  • Many new optimizations for high resolution texture packs, especially when animated textures are used.

  • Fixes and improvements for fog effects during sunrise/sunset and while underwater, helping to improve visuals drastically.

  • Reduced VRAM usage in ocean biomes and other environments with lots of water.

  • Support for custom translations (to be added in a future release)

  • Improvements to particle rendering/culling, helping performance in particle heavy servers.

  • Additional optimizations for biome color blending.

  • ... and many other smaller, miscellaneous optimizations specific to Minecraft 1.17.

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Sodium 0.2.0 for Minecraft 1.16.5

This is the first major release of Sodium since launch, so there
are nearly a year's worth of improvements and bug fixes in this one!
Hardware support has been greatly improved, and there's been many new
optimizations to help out everyone.


  • Added a new and optimized system for vertex writing. Depending on
    the situation, significant performance improvements can be seen for both block entity rendering, mob rendering, and text rendering.

  • Improved hardware support for AMD and Intel GPUs on Windows,
    allowing the use of multi-draw rendering where it was otherwise broken
    in the past. Multi-draw chunk rendering can drastically improve frame
    rates where supported.

  • Switched to using the new ThinGL library, which allows Sodium code
    to use a stateless abstraction over OpenGL. This helps to improve
    performance, mod compatibility, stability, and future compatibility with
    Minecraft 1.17.

  • Preparing chunk updates for rendering now takes much less time by
    better taking advantage of multi-threading, greatly improving frame
    times while loading or updating chunks.

  • Many new optimizations for our chunk graph and culling algorithm,
    helping to reduce CPU load and improve frame rates while playing.

  • Improved compatibility with many mods depending on additional block
    data to be available during chunk building, such as LambdaBetterGrass.

  • Added an API other mods can use to disable Sodium features.
    Sometimes, incompatibilities can arise, but mods supporting this
    functionality can ask Sodium to disable specific parts of itself
    automatically to avoid these.

  • Fixed large memory leaks that could occur when unloading and loading many worlds repeatedly.

  • Fixed terrain stitching issues caused by high-resolution texture packs and exotic block models.

  • Fixed some issues with smooth block and entity lighting, notably with emissive properties.

  • Fixed issues where the top-face of fluids would disappear at certain camera angle, or while inside a fluid.

  • Fixed many issues causing chunks not to update or appear when looking in certain directions.

  • Issues with render distance and fog effects when using certain mods have been fixed.
    ... and much, much more.

You can find a number of issues that were fixed with this release here. For the complete list of changes, you can review the Git commit log here.

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Sodium 0.1.0 for Minecraft 1.16.2/1.16.3/1.16.4/1.16.5

This is pretty much a verbatim port of the original Sodium 0.1.0 release
for Minecraft 1.16.2/1.16.3/1.16.4/1.16.5. We're doing this as a
temporary stopgap so people do not have to continue waiting for the
upcoming refactor and improvements.

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Sodium 0.1.0 for Minecraft 1.16.1

This is the first official release of Sodium for Minecraft, my free
and open-source rendering engine replacement for the client that greatly
improves frame rates, reduces micro-stutter, and fixes graphical issues
in Minecraft. It boasts wide compatibility with the Fabric mod
ecosystem when compared to other mods and doesn't compromise on how the
game looks, giving you that authentic block game feel.

Note: Sodium is mostly stable at this point, but it
does not yet contain support for the Fabric Rendering API, which a small
number of mods currently use. If you try to use these mods with Sodium,
your game may crash or behave unexpectedly.

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