

















なおこの後もバグ報告を受け付けていますがJST 20:00を目途に修正版1.2.1をアップする予定です


・乘坐直升飞机时掉落(d i s ableFirstPersonItem Render)

・携带武器相关(Light WeaponManager<init>)



お待たせしました!Ver. 1.1.1を公開しました。








ホントに起動不能などバグ発生の可能性は無限な部分だけ許してください! common-第1张图片https://t.co/rw1t472vBa



・機体に乗り Ctrl + C で自動射撃のON/OFFを切り替えられる
・攻撃範囲は mcheli.cfg から変更可能
 RangeOfGunner_VsMonster_Horizontal 対モンスター用 水平方向の攻撃範囲

onster_Vertical   対モンスター用 垂直方向の攻撃範囲
 RangeOfGunner_VsPlayer_Horizontal  対他チームプレイヤー用 水平方向の攻撃範囲
 RangeOfGunner_VsPlayer_Vertical    対他チームプレイヤー用 垂直方向の攻撃範囲
・スポンジの上のみに生成できるようにする PlaceableOnSpongeOnly を有効にした場合、
 ボートだけスポンジの上に 3 x 3 の水ブロックが無いと設置できないようにした
・マルチプレイ向けにヒットボックスを遅延させる delayhitbox コマンドを追加
・PZL W-3PL グウシェッツ (ヘリコプター)
・クルップ C/34 沿岸砲 追加
・オート・メラーラ127mm砲 追加
■ヘリMOD全体の設定 (mcheli.cfg)
・マルチプレイ向けに機体が破壊されたときに全員大ダメージを受ける KillPassengersWhenDestroyed を追加
・ヘリコプターの回転を制限する設定を追加 (サーバの設定が優先される)
・墜落後のデスポーン時間設定 DespawnCount を追加
・地上兵器が爆風などで移動しないようにする FixVehicleAtPlacedPoint を追加
・機体設定 CreativeOnly を追加。
 CreativeOnly = true を記載した機体はクリエイティブのプレイヤーのみ設置またはアイテム化が可能になる。
・機体設定 Invulnerable を追加。
 Invulnerable = true を記載した機体は無敵になる。
modlist でプレイヤー名がTABで出ない不具合修正
modlist でプレイヤーIDだけ表示される不具合修正


Parts in italics are added by me/additional notes.
My Japanese is a little better now, so I'm relying less on Google Translate for these changelogs - so hopefully they'll be a little more accurate :D

■ Added Automated Gunner
· 2 types- target monsters, or target players on enemy teams
· Right-click the seat with a spawn egg to create a gunner
· Right-click the gunner to remove them again
· Gunners despawn when the player exits (Maybe translation error here)
· Gunners made while in creative mode have infinite ammo and are invincible (maybe, not sure on invincible translation?)
Survival-created gunners use aircraft's loaded ammo, and have 20hp (same as a player)
· Toggle auto-gunner with Ctrl+C
- Attack range can be changed in mcheli.cfg;
RangeOfGunner_VsMonster_Horizontal - Horizontal attack range for monster
RangeOfGunner_VsMonster_Vertical - Vertical attack range for monster
RangeOfGunner_VsPlayer_Horizontal - Horizontal attack range for other team player
RangeOfGunner_VsPlayer_Vertical - Vertical attack range for other team player

■ Other changes
· If "create on sponge only" is enabled, the sponge needs a 3x3 area of water if you're placing a boat.

This may cause issues with mods/plugins that add functions to sponges - let me know of any issues and I can pass them on to EMB4.
· Flan's Mod vehicles can now deploy flares to throw off missiles fired from MC Heli vehicles.
· Add delayhitbox command to delay hit box for multiplay. Not sure what this is?
· Aircraft will now render from further away. Yay!

■ Additional aircraft
· PZL W-3PL Gauschetz (helicopter)
· Krupp C / 34 coast gun
· Automatic / Mellara 127 mm gun

■ Configuration changes (mcheli.cfg)
- Added KillPassengersWhenDestroyed - when the vehicle is destroyed everyone inside will be killed (Currently, buffs from potions etc can let you survive - this will override that.)
· Added setting to restrict rotation/pitch/roll of helicopter (server setting takes precedence)
· EnableRotationLimit
· PitchLimitMax
· PitchLimitMin
· RollLimit
· Add despawn time setting DespawnCount after crash
· Added FixVehicleAtPlacedPoint to prevent ground weapons from moving due to explosions and so on.

■ Client settings changes
· The default distance of the 3rd person viewpoint is now set for each aircraft
Fixed a problem - Real helpful change here EMB4 ;)
Fixed bug where the player name does not appear in TAB with modlist
Fixed a problem where only player ID is displayed in modlist


New Mechanics:
- Support for Flan's Mod Missiles. Missiles will now correctly lock on, and MCHeli will play the lock-on sound for a locked missile.
- New sounds for locked missiles
- Adjusted gunner seat positions for some vehicles to make it easier to aim

New Vehicles:
- Kurganets-25 infantry fighting vehicle
- M1129 self-propelled mortars
- M26 Pershing
- MXT-MV Husky TSV
- Guraura ITV

Bug Fixes:
- Tanks can now be made in the Drafting Table
- Fixed a bug where sometimes you would get stuck in a vehicle part (eg wing) when dismounting
- Fixed a bug that prevented changing the "BulletBreakableBlocks" list in mcheli.cfg
- Fixed the GUI in land vehicles (Tanks/cars) not visually displaying the throttle depleting when auto-throttle is on
- Fixed an old bug which caused containers to sometimes fall through the floor
- Fixed the Yaw value in the GUIs. 0 is now North, previously it pointed South.


- Error with previous upload. No code changes.


- Fixed a bug with logging out in vehicles

- Fixed a conflict with another mod that caused a crash when pressing M


It's a big one guys - 1.0.0!  (这是一个重大的更新!)

(?) signifies I'm unsure on the translation.

New vehicles:

- NH Industries NH90-TTH

- Skyline GT-R BNR32

- Centauro reconnaissance vehicle

- M1A2 Abrams

- Merkava Mk.4

- T-90 main battle tanks

- KV-2 Gigant additional

- P-51 Mustang

- T-84 Opuroto M

New Commands (Require op/cheat mode)

I've not tested these commands yet, translations may be wrong. Please let me know if a command doesn't work and I'll check the code.

/mcheli reconfig - Reload the mcheli.cfg file

/mcheli title - Display characters in mcheli title screen. (?)

/mcheli fill - fill the designated area in the block. (WorldEdit kind of thing, odd to include but oh well)

/mcheli status load Tell you how many entities are loaded (Possibly just relates to vehicles)

/mcheli showboundingbox - Show the entity bounding box, similar to the GUI control that already existed but easier to access. (Servers can force this off)

/mcheli killentity - kill all the entities of the specified class name (player excluded)

/mcheli removeentity - Remove the entity of the specified class name (player excluded - bypasses deaths I believe, so won't drop stuff maybe?)

/mcheli attackentity - damage to the entity of the specified class name (player excluded)

/mcheli modlist - View the mod list of specified player (to avoid cheaters)

/mcheli list - Lists these commands in-game for reference.

New Features

- Added Brakes (space bar) - only in certain vehicles (I assume cars)

- Added Javelins (Like a stinger but goes up then down, if it works like the real one.)

- Breaking mobile weapons will not cause them to loose their ammo

- Added cars & tanks!

- Cars can take damage if partly in a block (Hopefully all vehicles can - meaning you need enough room to move.)

- Hitting mobs etc in a vehicle damages them (basically you can run people over in your new car.)

- Vehicles shake when they are shot at (?)

- Using Ctrl+R and Ctrl+F you can switch seats including the pilot seat (previously was only passenger seats)

- Machine guns now have muzzle flash and smoke

- New animation/effects for explosions

- When vehicles turn back to items they now keep their fuel

- Vehicle sounds can be heard from further away (Up to 500m apparently!)

- Realistic sound physics (From what I understand, it means things change how they sound as they pass you, like how a siren goes to a lower pitch when it's passed you)

- In creative mode, use shift to change how things hit the airframe (?) 

- Better collision detection with other mods (including vanilla arrows)

- Switching to Free Look mode no longer makes a click

Server-only new features

- Vehicles can be set to execute commands when destroyed (eg rollback the area for damage, or spawn a new one? A lot of useful things for servers here)

- Allow placement only on sponges (PlaceableOnSpongeOnly) - I assume to create special "launch areas"?

New asset features

- RepairOtherVehicles option, allows it to repair nearby vehicles (Like the fuel tank fuels them)

- SubmergedDamageHeight to allow vehicles to go underwater (SUBMARINES!!!)

- TurretCameraRotationSpeed to change the speed in which turrets can rotate

- Ability to change shooting, seat, and camera locations for turrets

- DamageFactor to scale weapon damage

- Make weapon groups which can be reloaded and use single ammo between them (?)

- Button to reload weapons and HUD (?)

Bug Fixes

- Fuel didn't take the right amount of coal when refilled via right-click.

- Explosions were slowed by grass and spiderwebs - they now blitz straight through them.


- Fixed mouse inversion not working correctly while plane is upside down

- Fixed crash when shift-clicking fuel and parachute stuff

- Ejection seats added

- Vehicle types (Heli/Plane/Turret) divided into individual creative categories

- Planes can now do barrel rolls. (The big one!)

- There is now an in-game configuration system for keys and certain options which can be live-changed.

- When your plane is destroyed, you will fall from the sky on fire instead of instantly exploding. You explode on impact with the floor, which does cause terrain damage (so watch out for that!)

- Some planes can now emit smoke (red arrow syle)

Some non-heli related server admin features are added (Suggesting EMB4 is playing with servers more now? Cool!)

- New player list (?)

- Specific ops player list (Described as "authoritative", so assumed ops)

- Ops can request screenshots from the player to see their screen (anti-xray system) with /mcheli sendss <username>

- Ops can also request a modlist in a similar way with /mcheli modlist <username>



2016.2.18 搬运特正式更新




2015/04/01 Version 0.10.6


?C-5ギャラクシー 追加




?Mk.5 特殊任務艇 追加

?ゴムボート 追加

?スティンガー 390X 追加




ラペリング(SH-3, MH-60G, CH-47, MH-6, SH-60のみ)

機体の耐久値が 50% 未満になると自動回復しないように変更(コンフィグから変更可能)




由于版本较多 以前版本请到wiki查看


Minecraft 1.7.10 对应版本添加







