  • 很大程度地扩展了设置选项的范围。洞穴尺寸、3D群系,和含水层现在可以以非常详细的方式被自定义;
    Dramatically expanded the range of config options. Cave sizes, 3D biomes, and aquifers can now be customized in very detailed ways.

  • 增加了对3D群系的设置和修改。“真正的3D群系”默认启用,稍微倾向于繁茂洞穴
    Added configuration and modification for 3D biomes. By default, 'true 3D biomes' are enabled, with a slight bias towards Lush Caves.

  • 增加了含水层设置。含水层默认比以往稍微多一些,以及它们现在倾向于形成洞穴湖泊。
    Added aquifer config. By default, there are slightly more aquifers than before, and they are biased towards forming cave lakes rather than flooded caves.

  • 增加了设置!这项工作仍在进行中。Fabric版和Forge版的设置文件均位于/config/cave_tweaks.json。在Fabric版中,你可以利用模组菜单在游戏内自定义设置;这还不能用于Forge版;
    Added configuration! This is still a work in progress. The config is located at /config/cave_tweaks.json for both Fabric and Forge. In Fabric, you can customize the configuration in-game using the Mod Menu; this is not available for Forge yet.

  • 意面洞穴现在基于一个复杂的算法被扭曲。它们的形状会根据区域出现惊人的差异;有多种不同的变量改变它们的形状。也有区域的意面洞穴基本上和原版保持一样;
    Spaghetti caves are now distorted according to a complex algorithm. Their shapes can vary tremendously by region; there are multiple different variables influencing their shape. There are also regions of spaghetti caves that remain essentially the same as vanilla.

  • 意面洞穴遇到地表时有不同类型的行为。它们通常被夹住封闭,但它们也可以扩展成为更大的入口,或者任何介于两者之间的;
    Spaghetti caves have different types of behavior when they meet the surface. They are usually clamped shut, but they can also expand into large entrances, or anything in between.

  • 除了面条洞穴以外的所有类型的噪声洞穴现在可以在设置中被禁用。
    All types of noise caves besides noodle caves can now be disabled in the config.

  • 给地下芝士洞穴增加了更多变化。在特定区域,岩层会在洞穴中部附近下垂,来给予它们更多“重量”感;
    Added more variation to underground cheese caves. In certain areas, layers will droop down near the middle of the cave, to give them more of a feeling of 'weight' to them.

  • 修复了所有在洞穴入口减少洞穴柱子频率的情况时破损的插值。
    Fixed all cases of broken interpolation when reducing cave pillar frequency in cave entrances.

  • 将模组分开成Fabric和Forge版本来避免崩溃;
    Split the mod into Fabric and Forge versions to avoid crashes.

  • 暂时禁用了对意面洞穴的修改来防止当地形高度快速改变时的破碎生成。
    Temporarily disabled spaghetti cave changes to prevent broken generation when the terrain height changes quickly.


Initial release
