
Internal build. Optimized a few things.


MJ is no longer supported by Thermal Expansion. The new energy system is Redstone Flux. (RF).  

Ratio is 10:1 RF:MJ. 
Lots of mods already support Redstone Flux - it is now the most widely adopted energy system in modded Minecraft! 


-Bugfix: Cyclic Assembler is less crashy when given troll recipes designed to crash it. (Who does that?!) 
-Bugfix: Fluiduct filters work for forced injection blocks now. 
-Bugfix: Incredibly rare Itemduct corner case crashes have been resolved. 
-Bugfix: Pulverizer Wool recipe has been fixed. 
-Bugfix: Redstone Furnace should now handle legacy-style items properly. 
-Bugfix: Tinker's Alloy Blend is now properly craftable with dusts. 
