
- Updated Mods

- Added Ping and LazyDFU



- Added Advancement Plaques

- Fixed incorrect coffee jei info

- Fixed incorrect excavated variants config leading to ores not dropping xp

- Fixed mulch advancement being loaded despite mulch being disabled

- Updated Complementary Shaders


- Updated mods to the latest versions



WARNING: If you're loading this onto an old world, please re-enable Mob Griefing by running the following command /gamerule mobGriefing true

The pack's setup Mob Griefing has changed since the previous version. The behaviour will be the same, but you have to change the world setting to ensure it's enabled for things like villagers or sheep.

If you're making a new world, you don't have to worry about this.

警告:如果您要加载旧存档,请使用/gamerule mobGriefing true指令来重新启用Mob Griefing。

先前版本的Mob Griefing设置已被改变。虽然生物行为是一致的,但你必须重新设置以确保它在村民和羊上能启用。



- Added Mods: Twigs, Smarter Farmers

- Changed the mob griefing game rule setup, the behaviour should generally be the same but it should fix an edge case that made villagers breed infinitely, hopefully

 更改了Mob Griefing游戏规则设置,生物行为大体上是一致的,但修复了一个使村民无限繁殖的个例,希望如此。

- Disabled Immersive Weathering Weeds

- Fixed unix server setup script line endings


- Updated Complementary Shaders, now with Mac M1 support

 更新Complementary光影,现在支持Mac M1。

- Updated mods to their latest versions



- Added Moralle's corn delight textrues

- 添加了Moralle的玉米乐事纹理。
- Added Note on Overweight Crops being disabled if Wither Roses are nearby

- 添加了如果附近有凋零玫瑰,Overweight作物将被禁用的说明。

- Added Violet Moon Community Taters

- 添加了Violet Moon社区小土豆。
- Fixed Biomes O'Plenty ladders not having Sawmill recipes

- 修复了Biomes O'Plenty模组中的梯子没有锯木机配方的问题。

- Fixed Deepslate Furnace being uncraftable

- 修复了深板岩熔炉无法合成的问题。
- Fixed game crash with Overwight Farming

- 修复了Overweight Farming导致的游戏崩溃。
- Fixed incorrect Crate documentation

- 修复了板条箱文档错误。
- Fixed Quark spawn eggs being marked as disabled

- 修复了夸克模组的刷怪蛋被标记为禁用的问题。
- Fixed Snowy Night song never playing

- 修复了雪夜音乐无法播放的问题。
- Fixed Trading Post advancement not generating

- 修复了交易站进度无法获得的问题。
- Mud can be dehydrated into Clay with Dripstone. (Bobisnotaperson)

- 泥巴可以用滴水石锥脱水变为粘土块。
- Mud spreads onto dirt when in contact with water and in swampy biomes. (Bobisnotaperson)

- 沼泽群系中泥巴与水接触时可以扩散到泥土上。
- Recipe Book is now enabled on crafting blocks

- 现在在工作台中可以启用配方书
- Sand and Gravel can be generated underneath Sandstone and Cobbles respectively when they have a bubble column under them. (Bobisnotaperson)

- 当砂岩和圆石下方有上升气泡柱时,会生成沙子和沙砾。

- Updated mods to their most recent versions

- 更新各模组。


- Fixed the link to Vallen's video being missing



Initial release

