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...f ways, then modifying them until they turn into something else. The tools never disappear and can be named and changed to your heart's desire. Once you make them, they're yours forever. Any world generation included in the mod is more efficient, but not required to progress.汉化:匠魂是构建于一个以各种部件为模型自由组装的模组,它允许玩家修改他们,从而使它们得到强化。这些工具永远不会...
...p;users to control Ultimine's clientside behaviour and rendering.# Changes to this file require you to reload the world{# Maximum number of blocks the white outline should be rendered for# Keep in mind this may get *very* laggy for large amounts&n...
...ra 中包含哪些功能的更详细说明,请在此处查看原文。[h2=内部钠的变化 (Internal Sodium changes)][对标原版 (Vanilla parity) ] 将屏幕扭曲效果 (Distortion Effects) 和视场角效果 (FOV Effects) 滑块添加到品质 (Quality) 页面中;[对标原版 (Vanilla parity) ] 将全屏分辨率 (Fullscreen Resolution) 滑块添加到通用 (General) 页面...
...before.  It also lowers network traffic by sending a packet only when needed instead of whenever a slot in changed in the crafting grid.  The mod has a third function, which disables the recipe books that are part of the players, setting them to versions that do not do anything.  This further reduces network traffic that was being wasted on a feature people did not even use.However, these changes only apply in a vanilla workbe...
...你的朋友了。与 PotionCore 不兼容 : 如需要,请调整cfg中的"Fix Effects When Changing Dimensions"的选项改成false。建议安装EnhancedVisuals,以获得更宏大和更激动人心的感觉。主要功能:1.玩家血量为0时并不会直接死亡,而是在原地倒下,此时可以缓慢爬动,且有一个默认为1200t的倒计时,倒计时结束后会强制死亡,也可以选择长按【...
...它用于 OMLib。作者原话:Library for OMT and its companion mods. Provides the basic functionality like change owner command and the support for offline mode and RF/EU conversion. In a future update (Soon) it will also provide a tool with which you can instantly mine your owned blocks. Modders who want to make an addon for OMT also depend on this and thus should check out its source, there is probably a lot of stuff you might find useful i...
...Then this mod is specially for you!)这个mod会以更复杂的方式改变矿物的提取。(This mod will change the extraction of resources in a more complex way.)1.现在挖掘石头不再掉落石头,而是挖掘对应的石头掉落相应的小块岩石,数量随机,不超过4个,可以用来合成对应的石头。2.挖掘矿石不再掉落完整的矿石,而是掉落对应的矿石碎片,可以被时运附魔影响,矿...
...型(4像素或3像素),默认手臂粗细是根据皮肤文件自动判定的。你可以通过点击“Change Skin”和“Yes”来更换皮肤。
... on so it might not be what you desire (that's why right now the easy mode is set to default, this might be changed when i improve the steering).
...minCrouchesToApplyBonemeal = 5#The radius of effect in blocks of applying the growth effect. Not recommended to change due to performance.#Range: 0 ~ 20#玩家跳舞的时候对植物的影响半径(0~20)effectRadius = 5#When true only saplings are allowed to grow with twerking#是否只有树苗受到加速saplingsOnly = false#The chance of growth effect being applied from sprinting#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0#每次植物受到影响时会加速生长...
...y simple mod that nerfs Mending without making it useless. Should you install it, you'll find the following changes in your game:Unmending是一个非常简单的小模组,它削弱了经验修补,但并没有使之变得无用。如果你安装了它,你将在游戏中看到以下变化:Items that already have the Mending enchantment will no longer repair with XP.已经拥有经验修补的物品不会再吸取经验来回复耐久...
英文对照介绍:(翻译来源于 MC百科,转载请注明)。Tall Worlds changes fundamental limitations of Minecraft by raising the build height from 256 blocks, to over 16 million blocks! Build as high as you want in a tall world. Tall Worlds aren't just tall, they're deep too. The sea level is set to 0 and half of those 16 million blocks go up, and the other half goes down, so you can dig as deep as you like as well without ...
...都是亟待完善的半成品。This mod is currently in early alpha, and lots of stuff is WIP or subject to change.
这是一个 Furry 毛毛社区原创游戏 Changed 的同人模组。这是个半成品模组,它有结构生成, 枪, 近战、NPC、各种装饰方块。还没有完善“转变”的内容,作者表示还在完善。Currently, we need people who knows Java and experts in MCreator for possible bug fixing and making better what the mod is at the moment. (even 3D model makers would be good)目前,作者需要了解 Java 的人和 MCrea...
[h1=模组内容]具体内容:- Changes Ex Nihilo sieve outputs to use GregTech crushed ore.修改了无中生有模组筛子的输出来使用 GT 的粉碎矿石。- Add the advanced sieve with replaceable meshes for faster early game progression.增加了更好的筛子和可替换的筛网,你可以更快地渡过游戏前期。- Adds a GregTech auto sieve machine.增加了 GT 自动筛矿机。[h1=源代码]This software is licensed under...
...置)。It also allow you to bypass armor slot Stack Limit and place any item or block in your armor slot or change your armor slot's colour (configable)
...mprehensive view of what magic is like in the TSON universe before the corruption of the Overlords. (This event changed many magical items which is the reason why many of the items in TSON Craft appeared less magical and did slightly different things)
...losion. However CEU still can explode due to overvoltage.Default conversion rate is 1 GTEU : 4 FE. You can change this at config file. Also you can turn off the recipes of CEU, or CEF, or both.And from version, you'll get infinite energy source/energy void for both FE and GTEU.and both of the name, CEU and CEF, has no meaning.
...时为自己获得一些增益与弱点。本模组灵感来源于 alex_n_italy 的 Turned: The Changed Mod 模组。[h1=画廊][ban:title_menu][h1=注意]模组包较大,请确保你至少分配了 4GB 的内存。从 0.9 版本开始,这个 Mod 将使用 Forge 40.2.0。[h1=FAQ]问:这是为 Forge 还是 Fabric 制作的模组?答:这个模组是为 Forge 制作的,我目前没有将其移植到 Fabric 的计划...
...。to use it right click to dash back right click in air to dash shift right click to change mode right click in gun mode to shoot to get ammo hit mobs如果喜欢作者的变形武器风格的模组,不妨试一下吧。
...the loop runs. The Time LoopParabox's time loop is a system where a world checkpoint will be taken, and all changes in the world will then be nullified when the time loop ends.To begin a time loop, all logged in players will need to vote by clicking a button in the Parabox. While the Parabox is active, and the time loop is running, the Parabox will consume power every 20 minutes and generate a prestige point.  The amount of power needed ...
...你可以在上床睡觉期间显示的新按钮中查看“Home Bed”的状态。[h2=Nightmare & Sleeping Change]你连续通过睡觉跳过夜晚的次数越多,你就越有可能受到 Nightmare 影响;每次睡觉过后会受到“睡眠冷却”影响(默认5分钟),如果受到 Nightmare 等事件影响的话还会遭受更严重的惩罚(比如 Nightmare 会让玩家直接在半夜被惊醒,同时延长睡眠冷却);...
...慢动作摄影(减速),测试刷怪塔/刷铁机效率(加速),等等。基础命令:/tickrate change [刻速度百分比] - 改变服务器和客户端的游戏刻计算 ;/tickrate jump [刻] - 跳跃一段游戏刻。
...游戏中各种“logical(逻辑)”进行的调整的组合,使生存模式更加有趣。)Note some of the changes in the mod came from suggestions from forum users - thanks to everyone for the feedback!(一些修改来自论坛用户的建议 - 谢谢大家的反馈!)Mod renamed from "Logical Drops" to "LogicalCraft"!(Mod从“Logical Drops”更名为“LogicalCraft”!)Adjusted drop settings for all animals and many...
...sor_count 指的是线程数,这其中包括物理核心和超线程。minecraftThreadPoolSize (any version): changes size of all pools. Parameters below will overwrite this value.minecraftMainThreadPoolSize (1.16+): changes main thread pool size (used for loading resources).minecraftBootstrapThreadPoolSize (1.16+): changed bootstrap thread pool size (used for rewriting and optimizing DataFixer types).[h1=原理]工作原理:Information below...
...ent Bits has neither hacky code nor fuel requirements nor locked-in radius.The configuration file allows you to change the radius of the Chunk Loader, as well as enable or disable Chunk Loader security if you so desire.Radius:You can configure the radius of the chunk loader. Its' default is relatively well balanced, but if you set it too high, you will need to change the following in forgeChunkLoading.cfg:I:maximumChunksPerTicketI:maximu...
...so easy for you.重生时位置是随机的。destruction of bed on spawn.An FOV clamp to prevent your FOV from changing too much.可以通过配置文件配置该模组提供的所有功能。
...nism Generators.一个很独特的通用机械发电机的拓展。This mod uses a dirty hack called Mixins. It changes Mekanism's code at runtime. By creating a new recipe type and forcing the Fission Reactor to accept it, you can now add custom fission recipes to Mekanism.这个模组使用了Mixins。它在运行的时候更改通用机械的代码,通过创造一种新的配方并且迫使裂变堆接受它。你现在可以给通用机...
...rs. Each option can be configured individually.Note that disabling the new AI overrides  the other AI-type changes like zombies targeting villagers.OptionsDisable the new pathfinding AI; enjoy watching them walk right off cliffs again (1.2 change)Disable baby zombie (and pig zombie) spawns (1.6 change)Set zombie tracking range back to 16 blocks (1.6 change)Old bonemeal mechanics (1.5 change)Make zombies ignore villagers (1.2 change)Disable z...
...bsp;of \\\\\"Straight Line Minecraft\\\\\". This will also be changed in a future version.\\\\n\\\\nWith that out of the way, enjoy your time in a Straight Line. (Literally)\\\\n\\\\nBy XeventoHD\"}'],title:\"Straight Line Minecraft\",author:XeventoHD,generation:3}",Passenger...