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当玩家进入暮色森林中尚未解除封印的区域时,玩家附近将生成一只手持险家笔记的哥布林。解决掉这个充满敌意的怪物,即可取得它手中的笔记。笔记标题笔记以第一人称的叙事口吻写就,其中的内容会给予玩家关于打破结界方法的提示。笔记题目通常为"Notes on ..."(关于......的笔记),作者为"A Forgotten Explorer"(一个被...
险家地图(Explorer Map)是一种特殊的地图 ,用来帮助寻找罕见的结构,包括海底神殿、林地府邸和埋藏的宝藏。林地险家地图和海洋险家地图只能与制图师交易获得(包括创造模式),制图师是白色长袍村民的一个分支。为了换取险家地图,你必须解锁制图师的至少第四层交易。海洋险家地图的价格为12到20个绿宝石以及一个指...

注册名: thebetweenlands:explorers_hat

作为战利品生成,详情请查阅战利品表。提供1点(半格)护甲值,只是看起来比较好看而已。可以与元素宝石合成,来得到元素克制机制提供的效果。根据剧情设定,险家帽子就是知识碎片的作者 Marsh Runner 的帽子。

注册名: lycanitesmobs:explorers_risotto


注册名: thebetweenlands:the_explorer

矿物词典: record

可以作为战利品获得 参阅教程 战利品表也可以在活化器中活化物品卷轴获得需要放在杂草木唱片机中播放内容是一首叫The Explorer的歌(并不是歌颂浏览器的)游戏中,地精矮人所演奏的音乐与Greebling Coracle所哼唱的歌均为此唱片音乐的变奏。
Ancient history lies everywhere.The empire that once resided here is no more,but I have found remnants of their existence to dot the landscape,both above and underground.Of their riches,I have found some pots with a few relics,but nothing particularly valuable.Danger is unceasing,nevertheless.There are people that look like ghost that stalk me,only they are definitely physical beings.I'm always threatened by the decay aura of the realm,which ...
Holy...what is this?There was this massive tower that I found,and as foreboding as it looked,I figured it could be a place to settle down for a while to figure out what to do.Not a chance.The ghosts were in tremendous numbers.They flew through the walls before I could take a step into that place,and I was out of there in an instant.It seemed to be a pretty major landmark and I'm sure it had great loot,but...I can't do this anymore.I thoug...
After my encounter in the tower,I crossed a muddy marshland.All I could see was a bleak flatness for the longest time...and then suddenly,there it was.No doubt one of the largest standing forts of the empire.I approached and entered warily,still very aware of the possibility that everything imaginable would instantly try to kill me.At first,there was a strange...quietness about the place.But just as I approached a pot to smash it,I heard a dement...
That was quite a tussle,but well worth it.I had been in one of the expansive caverns underground when I came across a pool of black,liquid tar,with some ruins around it.It was the perfect place to find submerged loot!Only,when I approached it,the tar suddenly rose into the air and molded into a red-eyed beast before my eyes.The creature exploded,and I was hurt severely.It began to clamber toward me,and it was only with a few lucky arrow shots tha...
When I found that giant stone head,I thought I had already stumbled upon an ancient idol relic.Turns out there is treasure under the head,but nothing of that sort.Instead I found what appear to be pebbles with unpleasant faces.They feel dangerous,as if they are pulsating fiercely with ander.I took them,but I don't know what harm they might give me,considering their nature.The idol heads themselves are surprisingly not weathered in any way by ...
These shrines...are found in the most despicably creepy and frightening of places.Vast flat of nothing but mud that wants to swallow you and sludge that clings to you,pulling you down...ugh.And the floating crystals at the center of these shrines - they seem to attract more of those ghosts and some rotting undead folk.I only just managed to take the loot before one of the ghosts suddenly turned into some sort of soul thing that flew toward me and...
I'm not liking the vibe of this place.It was pretty terrible before,but now...I feel as if I'm always being watched everywhere I go.I've been down in the caverns again,quite deep now where there's lakes of water and scattered ruins.Some of them had decent loot,but I was more worried about the things that were looking for me rather than the things I was looking for.There's a thick fog surrounding me,and it keeps trying to close...