


· 焦黑石英

·工具: 深度挖掘(手柄,绑定结) +锯齿(顶端)

·护甲 勘探(护甲板,护甲夹板) + 残暴(基底)

· 红石水晶

·工具: 晶态 + 压电(顶端)

·护甲: 非凡

· 青金石水晶

·工具: 晶态 + 老成

·护甲: 雄心


· 钻石水晶

·工具: 晶态 + 余震

·护甲: 保护

· 煤晶很好奇这货和虚空水晶(Void Crystal)有什么关系

·工具: 晶态 + 吝啬

·护甲: 吝啬

· 绿宝石水晶

·工具: 晶态 + 冷血 (头部) + 动力 (附件)

·护甲: 复仇(未添加特性,由于某人在匠魂堪比100%的否决率,故添加困难)


· 铁晶(原文Enori Crystal所以叫末影水晶也行)

·工具: 晶态 + 磁力

·护甲: 沉重+ 磁力



·(未完成) 一些彩虹水晶合金

·  一电池可以用于强化通量注入

·(未完成) 太阳能可以用于强化光伏






· 光子锭

·工具: 光合作用 + 辉光 (可能是下一步要实装光合)

·护甲: 光合作用 + radiant


·(未完成) 超级/高级太阳能可以强化光伏效果




[AE2] 应用能源2 (Applied Energistics 2)


· 陨石

·工具: 坍毁 (顶端) + 石缚

·护甲: 异形 (基底) + 石缚


· 赛特斯石英 

·工具: 晶态 + 轻便

·护甲: 轻便


· 福鲁伊克斯水晶

·工具: 晶态 + 震击

·护甲: 光伏

· 福鲁伊克斯钢锭 (懒人AE2)

·工具: 压电 (顶端) + 磁力

·护甲: 稳定 + 磁力






· 星辰: 装备可以进行星能力共振

· 星能力共鸣【】: 在晚上,如果星象符合共鸣星座,将会获得加成


·生息座: 在全力打击后,工具给予你生命恢复,用于护甲则是受伤后给予(tools grant regen after hitting something, armour grants regen after getting hit)

·遁甲座: 在全力打击后,工具给予你抗性提升,用于护甲增加基础防御(tools grant resistance after hitting something, armour has increased protection)

·非攻座: 造成更高的伤害/反弹30%的伤害(tools deal more damage, armour reflects a portion of incoming damage)

·解离座: 增加挖掘速度/给使用者急迫效果(tools mine faster, armour grants haste)

·虚御座:全力打击后获得移速加成/受到伤害后获得移速加成 tools grant move speed after hitting something, armour grants move speed after getting hit

·牧夫座: 获得精准采集效果/受伤后有几率生成耀斑(tools have silk touch, has a chance of spawning a flare after getting hit)

·天炉座: 攻击点燃目标/护甲会使得你获得抗火(tools ignite enemies, armour grants fire resistance)

·时钟座:攻击冻结目标/护甲可以冻结攻击者 tools freeze enemies on hit, armour freezes attackers

·圣芒座: 攻击造成发光/护甲使得你获得夜视(tools apply glowing on hit, armour grants night vision)

·晶金座: 工具获得时运/护甲可以对正在采掘的方块进行透视(tools gain fortune, armour grants the block x-ray effect)

·南极座: 水下速掘/获得水下呼吸tools mine faster in water, armour grants water breathing

·唤生座: 工具和护甲会自我修复(tools and armour repair themselves over time)



· 海蓝宝石

·工具: 星辰 (顶端) + 晶态

·护甲: 星辰 (基底) + 吸水

· 星辉锭

·工具: 星辰(顶端) + 超自然

·护甲: 星辰(基底) + 磁力



·(未完成) 水晶石的效果会取决于水晶石的属性?





· 中子凝聚: 杀死敌人有非常小的几率产生中子素尘埃

· 亘古永恒: 装备是不毁的

· 全知全能: 装备拥有世界崩解之镐的挖掘属性,和寰宇支配之剑的攻击力



· 四大皆空: 免疫25%任意伤害

· 永垂不朽: 获得不朽效果


· 水晶矩阵

·工具: 晶态 + 余震III + 贪心

·护甲: rough + 坚定意志 + 傲慢


· 中子锭

·工具: 中子凝聚 (顶端) + 致密 + 沉重

·护甲: 应激 + 致密 + 沉重


· 无尽

·工具: 全知全能 (顶端) + 亘古永恒

·护甲: 四大皆空 (基底) + 永垂不朽 (基底) + 飞仙 (基底) + 烈风 + 亘古永恒











· 水晶剑: 产生虚弱气血碎片

· 血缚: 使用自残的方式修复工具使用LP修复工具

· 感知: 消耗恶魔意志增益自身

· 恣意: 杀死生物会掉落恶魔意志或填充地狱魂石


· 御魂: 用对你造成伤害的方式来抵消伤害消耗LP抵消伤害

· 感知: 消耗恶魔意志增益自身

· 恣意: 攻击敌人有几率给予你恶魔意志


· 束缚锭 (把聚合矩阵扔进300滴血)

·工具: 水晶剑(顶端) + 血缚

·护甲: 御魂 (基底) + 血缚

· 感知锭(用炼狱熔炉加工聚合矩阵

·工具: 感知 (顶端) + 恣意

·护甲: 感知 (顶端) + 恣意


·(未完成) some kind of "sanguine steel" alloy(大概是拿血魔法的材料做合金)

·(未完成) maybe allow tablets to be used as modifiers like on bound armour(可以用手册手镯来强化)






· 蕴魔:用植物魔法的魔力自我修复。

· 汲魔:一部分造成的伤害会被转换为魔力。

· 精灵细语: 满蓄力的攻击会有几率召唤小精灵。

· 盖亚之怒: 全力打击会射出魔力射线,同泰拉钢剑


· 魔力亲和: 穿上时减免魔力消耗。

· 更高的等级有更高的减免。

· 蕴灵:和泰拉钢护甲一样被动产生魔力。

· 精灵细语:受伤有几率召唤小精灵。


· 活石

·工具: 天崩地裂 (顶端) + 石缚

·护甲: 扼制 (core) + 石缚

· 活木

·工具: 可塑 + 生态

·护甲: 可塑 + 生态



·工具: 汲魔 + 生态

·护甲: 蕴灵 + 生态


· 魔力钢

·工具: 动力 + 蕴魔

·护甲: 轻便 + 蕴魔 + 魔力亲和

· 泰拉钢

·工具:  步履蹒跚(顶端) + 盖亚之怒(其他部件,手柄) + 致命创伤 + 蕴魔

·护甲:  坚定意志 (基底) + 东山再起(护甲板,其他部件) + 沉重 + 蕴魔 + 魔力亲和II

· 源质钢

·工具: 精灵细语 (顶端) + 投机 (手柄,其他部件) + 串联 + 蕴魔

·护甲: 精灵细语 (基底) + 圣恩 (护甲板,护甲夹板) + 保护 + 蕴魔 + 魔力亲和

· 蕴魔丝线

·弓弦: 蕴魔

· 魔力钻石

·魔力(奇术焦镜): 晶态 + 蕴魔

· 魔力珍珠

·魔力: 折跃 + 蕴魔

· 龙石

·魔力: 精灵细语 + 蕴魔


· 泰拉钢头盔支持的强化可以用于匠魂。(已经实现)

·(未完成) 拥有泰拉粉碎者的挖掘范围的材料。(个人建议:魔力石板绑定结拥有该特性)

·(未完成) 拥有召星者召雷者效果的合金(个人建议:魔力钻石绑定节,龙石绑定结)




Draconic evolution


· evolved: unbreakable, runs on rf, upgradable via fusion crafting

·arrow damage: increases damage of projectiles

·arrow speed: increases range of launchers

·attack aoe: increases aoe of weapons

·attack damage: increases damage of weapons

·dig aoe: increases mining aoe of tools

·dig speed: increases mining speed of tools

·draw speed: increases draw speed of launchers

·energy capacity: increases rf buffer

· soul rend: tool has inherent reaping

armour traits

· evolved: unbreakable, runs on rf, grants energy shield, upgradable via fusion crafting

·energy capacity: increases rf buffer

·shield capacity: increases shield point buffer of energy shield

·shield recovery: speeds up entropy dissipation of energy shield

·move speed: increases move speed on boots

·jump boost: increases jump height on leggings


· draconium

·tools: soul rend (head) + alien

·armour: alien

· wyvern metal

·tools: evolved (head) + soul rend

·armour: evolved (core)

· draconic metal

·tools: evolved (head) + soul rend 2

·armour: evolved (core) + celestial (plates) + gale force (trim)

· chaotic metal

·tools: evolved (head) + soul rend 3

·armour: evolved (core) + celestial (plates) + gale force 2 (trim)


· reaping: grants chance for mobs to drop mob souls

· entropic: deals greater entropy to enemy energy shields

· flux burn: burns off energy from opponents' powered armour

· primordial: converts a portion of outgoing damage to chaos damage

armour modifiers

· chaos resistance: reduces incoming chaos damage

· final guard: saves its wearer from death at a large energy cost

other stuff

· wyvern/draconic flux capacitors should apply fluxed modifier






· ember-aspected: uses ember before durability


· caminite

·tools: crude + stonebound

·armour: mundane + stonebound

· dawnstone

·tools: overwhelm + ember-aspected

·armour: heavy + ember-aspected

· antimony (soot)

·tools: shredding + ember-aspected

·armour: indomitable + ember-aspected

· ember crystal

·magic: superheat + ember-aspected




(未完成)Ender Io



· ender crystal

·magic: endspeed

· pulsating crystal

·magic: enderference

· vibrant crystal

·magic: chain lightning

· weather crystal

·magic: thundergod's wrath

other ideas

· inventory chargers should apply fluxed

· maybe allow dark steel upgrades to function as modifiers?(建议:别加存入,会冲突)




Env Tech


· litherite

·tools: jagged + petramor

·armour: rough + petravidity

· erodium

·tools: lightweight + depth digger

·armour: lightweight + subterranean

· kyronite

·tools: battle furor

·armour: infernal (core/plates) + invigorating (trim)

· pladium

·tools: relentless

·armour: bulwark (core/plates) + second wind (trim)

· ionite

·tools: deadly precision + chain lightning

·armour: shadowstep (core/plates) + gale force (trim)

· aethium

·tools: executor + corrupting

·armour: celestial (core/plates) + spectral (trim)

· lonsdaleite

·tools: modifiable + crude

·armour: modifiable + mundane

· mica

·tools: modifiable 2

·armour: modifiable 2

other ideas

·(未完成) solar cells can apply photovoltaic






· apatite

·tools: fertilizing + cheapskate

·armour: absorbent + cheapskate

armour modifiers

· apiary affinity: provides protection from bees

other stuff

· kama functions as a scoop

· thermionic fabricator can execute casting recipes




ic2 (and icc?)


· electric: has an EU buffer that is consumed before durability

·if possible, should be mutually exclusive with energized/fluxed


· rubber

·tools: squeaky (head) + crude (extra)

·armour: bouncy + thundergod's favour

· advanced alloy

·tools: dense + force of impact

·armour: dense + indomitable

· energetic metal (canning machine infuse energium dust + coag matrix)

·tools: electric

·armour: electric

· carbon fiber

·tools: relentless + lightweight

·armour: bulwark + lightweight

· iridium

·tools: overwhelm + momentum

·armour: steady + reactive

· universal metal (canning machine infuse uu matter + coag matrix)

·tools: ruination + crumbling

·armour: aspect of the phoenix


·(未完成) solar panel can apply photoelectric




industrial foregoing


· slimey (pink): has a chance of spawning pink slimes


· metallic essence (fluid sieve essence into coag matrix)

·tools: well-established + sundering

·armour: ambitious + stifling

· meaty (fluid sieve meat into coag matrix)

·tools: rejuvenating + tasty

·armour: second wind + tasty

· pink slime

·tools: slimey (pink)

·armour: slimey (pink) + bouncy

· pink metal

·tools: mortal wounds + unnatural

·armour: divine grace + vengeful

other ideas

·(未完成) maybe add straw handlers for various tcon fluids






· osmium

·tools: dense + stiff

·armour: dense + heavy

· refined obsidian

·tools: duritae + force of impact

·armour: duritae + bulwark

· refined glowstone

·tools: luminiferous + sharp

·armour: radiant + indomitable

· hdpe

·tools: cheap + crude + fleet of foot

·armour: cheap + mundane + reactive

·suitable for arrow shaft

other notes

· energy tablet should apply fluxed (?)

·(未完成) solar generators should apply photovoltaic






· ghostwood

·tools: fleet of foot + ecological

·armour: spectral + ecological

·suitable for arrow shaft + fletching

· bloodwood

·tools: vampiric + ecological

·armour: infernal + ecological

·suitable for arrow shaft

· darkwood

·tools: sundering + ecological

·armour: stifling + ecological

·suitable for arrow shaft

· fusewood

·tools: blasting + ecological

·armour: steady + ecological

·suitable for arrow shaft




Natural absorption

armour modifiers

· absorption: grants additional natural absorption




(未完成)Natural pledge


· lustrebane: applies drab to enemies for a duration

· deafening: applies a status effect that removes the enemy's hearing

· calico: deals bonus damage to creepers

armour traits

· deafening: attacking enemies are inflicted with deafening


· iridescent crystal

·tools: lustrebane (head) + fleet of foot

·armour: radiant (core) + shadowstep

· thundersteel

·tools: chain lightning (head) + battle furor

·armour: indomitable (core) + gale force

· soulroot

·tools: rejuvenating (head) + ecological

·armour: second wind (core) + ecological

· hearth ember

·tools: deadly precision (head) + hellish

·armour: counterstrike (core) + hearth's embrace

· divine metal (craft divine spirit + coag matrix)

·tools: ruination + holy

·armour: aspect of the phoenix + blessed

· sealing oak

·tools: deafening + ecological

·armour: deafening + ecological

· thunderous oak

·tools: thundergod's wrath + ecological

·armour: thundergod's favour + ecological

· calico wood

·tools: calico + ecological

·armour: megaflip + ecological

· circuitree

·tools: shocking + ecological

·armour: voltaic + ecological

other ideas

· alloys that grant the effects of eclipse/sunmaker/fenris' gear




Project: e


· eternal density: dealing damage fills klein stars in the inventory

·higher levels -> higher conversion ratio

·also allows breaking dark/red matter blocks

armour traits

· superdense: additively-stacking 15% damage reduction

· ultradense: additively-stacking 20% damage reduction


· dark matter

·tools: eternal density (head) + culling + staggering

·armour: superdense (core) + infernal (plates/trim) + dense

· red matter

·tools: eternal density 2 (head) + juggernaut + overwhelm

·armour: ultradense (core) + hearth's embrace (plates/trim) + dense






· psion-infused(Psi强化): 使用Psi能量缓慢修复装备


· Psi金属锭

·工具: Psi强化 + 磁力

·护甲: Psi强化 + 磁力

· Psi宝石

·工具: Psi强化 + 余震

·护甲: Psi强化 + 保护


·工具: Psi强化 + 战斗狂热

·护甲: Psi强化 + 沉重


· 乳白色Psi金属锭

·工具: Psi强化 + 冷面杀手

·护甲: Psi强化 + 稳定

other notes(其他事项)

·no trait/modifier for adding spell sockets because rpsideas already does that



Redstone arsenal


· fluxed electrum

·tools: energized + magnetic 2

·armour: energized + magnetic 2

· flux crystal

·tools: energized + aftershock

·armour: energized + shielding



Redstone repository


· gelid enderium

·tools: energized 2 + juggernaut

·armour: energized 2 + chilling touch

· gelid gem

·tools: energized 2 + aftershock 2

·armour: energized 2 + reactive

· fluxed string

·bowstring: aftershock

other stuff

· gelid flux capacitor should apply fluxed





· warping: inflicts temporary warp on enemies

armour traits

· warping: inflicts temporary warp on attackers


· thaumium

·tools: modifiable + opportunist

·armour: modifiable + shielding

· void metal

·tools: ruination + sundering + warping

·armour: chilling touch + stifling + warping

· primal metal (infuse primordial pearl + salis mundis onto coag matrix)

·tools: corrupting + culling

·armour: gale force (core/plates) + aspect of the phoenix (trim)

· amber

·magic: opportunist

· quicksilver

·magic: modifiable 2



Thermal Series


· tin

·tools: crude

·armour: mundane

· aluminium

·tools: lightweight

·armour: featherweight

· nickel

·tools: force of impact (head) + magnetic (extra)

·armour: bulwark (core) + magnetic (plates/trim)

· platinum

·tools: cold-blooded (head) + deadly precision (extra)

·armour: prideful (core) + divine grace (plates/trim)

· invar

·tools: stiff (head) + duritae (extra)

·armour: steady (core) + duritae (plates/trim)

· constantan

·tools: aridiculous (head) + freezing (extra)

·armour: hearth's embrace (core) + chilling touch (plates/trim)

· signalum

·tools: relentless + aftershock

·armour: lightweight + invigorating

· lumium

·tools: luminiferous (head) + opportunist (extra)

·armour: radiant (core) + indomitable (plates/trim)

· enderium

·tools: mortal wounds (head) + enderference (extra)

·armour: vengeful (core) + enderport (plates/trim)

other stuff

· flux capacitors should apply fluxed

· the magma crucible should be able to do melting recipes... probably


Tool traits

· energized: the equipment uses forge energy before durability

                    ·higher levels -> higher energy capacity

· photosynthetic: repairs in the sun

· cascading: destroys all gravitating blocks in a column

· blasting: breaking blocks and fully-charged hits create explosions

· modifiable: equipment has more modifier slots 

                     · a clone of writable that avoids the weird quirks of writable

·(未完成) fertilizing: right clicking consumes a lot of durability to function as bone meal




Weapon traits

· chain lightning: fully-charged attacks have a chance of arcing to nearby targets for reduced damage

· battle furor: fully-charged hits grant increasing amounts of attack damage for a short duration

· fleet of foot: fully-charged hits grant a speed boost for a short duration

· mortal wounds: hit enemies have reduced healing for a short duration

· staggering: fully-charged hits root enemies for a short duration

· deadly precision: critical strikes deal increased damage

· relentless: hit enemies have reduced i-frames

· ruination: fully-charged hits deal a percentage of enemies' current health as damage

· executor: fully-charged hits deal a percentage of enemies' missing health as damage

· juggernaut: deal increased damage based on own current health with diminishing returns

· opportunist: deal increased damage to enemies with debuffs

· force of impact: deal increased damage with higher velocity

·(未完成) thundergod's wrath: fully-charged hits strike lightning on full-health enemies

· aftershock: fully-charged hits deal a fixed amount of bonus magical damage

·higher levels -> more bonus damage

· corrupting: fully-charged hits inflict increasing levels of wither for a short duration

· piezoelectric: fully-charged hits charge energetic items in the inventory

· crystalline: do more damage at higher durability

· culling: do more damage to enemies with less max health than the user

·(未完成) shredding: does increased damage to enemy armour

· overwhelm: does increased damage to armoured targets

· vampiric: heals for a portion of damage dealt

· sundering: enemies are inflicted with weakness

· rejuvenating: hit entities are granted regeneration for a duration

· luminiferous: hit entities are inflicted with glowing for a short duration



Armour traits

· reactive: taking hits grants increasing amounts of damage reduction for a short duration

· second wind: taking hits grants regeneration for a short duration

· divine grace: increases received healing

· counterstrike: incoming hits have a chance to be reflected at the attacker

· shadowstep: grants invisibility in low light levels

· strength of will: taking a hit at full health grants immortality for a short duration

· spectral: incoming hits have a chance to be ignored entirely

· aspect of the phoenix: saves the wearer from death and full heals, but breaks the armour piece

· bulwark: all damage is reduced by one heart but does at least one heart of damage

· radiant: attacking enemies are briefly blinded

· celestial: grants creative flight

· gale force: increases speed of creative flight

· hearth's embrace: when set aflame, the wearer is extinguished and granted regen for a short duration

·(未完成) megaflip: exposions deal no damage but increased knockback

· stifling: attacking enemies are inflicted with weakness for a short duration

· thundergod's favour: immune to lightning damage

· chilling touch: attacking enemies are inflicted with slowness for a short duration

· stonebound: increased armour effectiveness at lower durability




· fluxed: the equipment uses forge energy before durability

               ·capacity is determined by the item used to apply it

                ·cannot be applied to items that are already energetic/electric

·(未完成) photovoltaic: the equipment charges itself in sunlight

                                          ·can only be applied to energetic/electric items

                                          ·generation rate is determined by the item used to apply it

·(未完成) disassembling: vein miner




· sceptre: hits things while near or launches projectiles from a distance for magic damage

·(未完成) boomerang: throwable thing that comes back homes in on target(s) that are moused over while preparing the throw can pick up one dropped item and bring it back to the thrower

·(未完成) trident: just the throwable spear thing from the aquatic update