






#Gui Configs(界面设置)


#Range: > 0(下行范围数值应大于0,后同)

"Gui X" = 5(界面横坐标)

#Range: > 0

"Gui Y" = 5(界面纵坐标)

#Textformatting codes for the display of the difficulty(难度文本格式代码)

#Allowed Values: BLACK(黑色), DARK_BLUE(深蓝), DARK_GREEN(深绿), DARK_AQUA(深青), DARK_RED(深红), DARK_PURPLE(深紫), GOLD(橙色), GRAY(灰色), DARK_GRAY(深灰色), BLUE(蓝色), GREEN(绿色), AQUA(青色), RED(红色), LIGHT_PURPLE(浅紫), YELLOW(黄色), WHITE(白色), OBFUSCATED(模糊), BOLD(加粗), STRIKETHROUGH(删除线), UNDERLINE(下划线), ITALIC(斜体), RESET(重置,恢复原貌)

"Difficulty color" = "DARK_PURPLE"(难度文本颜色,等号后面引号内填入上述代码。若代码填入错误,则会恢复原貌)

#Scaling of the difficulty text(难度文本缩放比例)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308(缩放范围)

"Text Scale" = 1.0(文本缩放比例)

#Show the the difficulty text(显示难度界面)

"Show Difficulty" = true(是否显示,true为真、是,false为假、否)

#Relative location of the difficulty text in regards to the screen.(难度文本相对于屏幕的相对位置)

#Allowed Values: TOPRIGHT(右上角), TOPLEFT(左上角), BOTTOMRIGHT(右下角), BOTTOMLEFT(左下角)

"Difficulty location" = "TOPLEFT"(难度界面位置,等号后的引号填上述代码)



#Default difficulty caps at 250(难度上限默认为250)


#Disable/Enables the whole difficulty scaling of this mod. Requires a mc restart(禁用或启用难度变动,即难度是否会自然增长变化。修改后需重新启动游戏。)

"Enable difficulty scaling" = true(是否启动难度变动。true为真、是,false为假、否)

#Time in ticks for which the difficulty shouldnt increase at the beginning. One full minecraft day is 24000 ticks(游戏开始后推迟难度增长的时长,即进游戏后要经过多长时间,难度才会开始增长。此外MC一天的时间为24000刻,而20刻=1秒。下列用到的时长均以“刻”为单位,请注意!)

#Range: > 0(上述推迟时间的数值范围)

"Difficulty Delay" = 0(难度增长推迟时间)

#If true ignores mobs from spawners(如果下行代码填写的是true,那么怪物增强会无视刷怪笼生成的生物,也就是加强不带上刷怪笼生成的怪,如果是false则带上)

"Ignore Spawner" = false(是否忽略刷怪笼)

#Handles increase in difficulty regarding current difficulty.(难度增长设定)

#Format is <minimum current difficulty>-<increase every 2400 ticks>(格式:当前最小难度-每2400刻增长的难度)(2400刻=120秒=2分钟)

#Example ["0-0.01","10-0.1","30-0"](例如: ["0-0.01","10-0.1","30-0"])(即游戏难度可以分阶段增长,每个阶段增长的难度量级可不同)

#So the difficulty increases by 0.01 every 2400 ticks (->0.1 per mc day since a mc day has 24000 ticks) till it reaches a difficulty of 10.(从上述举例可得,难度每2400刻增加0.01,加到10难度为止。由于一个MC日有24000刻,因此每个MC日增加0.1)

#Then it increases by 1 per mc day till it reaches 30 and then stops.(接上文,长到10难度之后,进入第二个阶段,每天增长1的难度,长到30难度为止,接着进入下一个阶段,最后0增长了)

"Difficulty Increase" = ["0-0.1", "250-0"](难度增加,正式修改游戏难度增长的地方)

#Wether difficulty should only increase with at least one online players or not(无论是否至少有一名玩家在线,难度都会增加)

"Ignore Players" = false(难度增长忽略玩家的存在。true为真,忽略后即便没人,难度也正常长;false为假,只有有人的情况下难度才会增长)

#If true will increase difficulty by the amount of time skipped. Else will only increase difficulty once.(如果下行代码填的是true,那么玩家跳过时间将增加相应量级的难度,否则最多增长一次难度)(比如开启跳过时间的惩罚,从正午跳到午夜,那么惩罚所增长的难度等同经过这半天时间所增长的难度,就是你跳过了没事,难度我会给你补上来)

"Punish Time Skip" = true(是否开启跳过时间后的惩罚。true为真,false为假)

#Disable/Enable friendly fire for owned pets.(禁止或允许宠物的队友伤害。即你的攻击会不会伤害到宠物)

FriendlyFire = false(宠物友伤。true为真,false为假)

#Blacklist for pet you should't be able to give armor to. Pets from mods, which have custom armor already should be included here (for balancing reasons).(不该给宠物提供盔甲的黑名单。出于平衡性考虑,已经有定制盔甲的模组宠物也该包括在内)

"Pet Blacklist" = [](不该穿盔甲的宠物黑名单,想平衡的话填相应生物代码进去)

#Treat pet blacklist as whitelist(将上述宠物黑名单视作白名单)

"Pet Whitelist" = false(视为宠物白名单,false为假,不视为,true为真,视为,视为后只有名单内的宠物才会获得盔甲)

#Increase difficulty with time(随着时间的推移增加难度)

#Here untill its back as a gamerule(这里直到它回来作为游戏规则)(教程作者不理解此功能的目的及运作方法,欢迎各位解答)

"Difficulty toggle" = true(难度切换。true为真,false为假)

#How the difficulty at a position is calculated. Supported values are: (一个位置的难度应如何计算。支持填入的数值为:)

#GLOBAL: Serverwide difficulty value(全世界:服务器范围内的难度值)

#PLAYERMAX: Maximum difficulty of players in a 256 radius around the position(取最高:位置周围256半径范围内玩家的最大难度)

#PLAYERMEAN: Average difficulty of players in a 256 radius around the position(平摊:该位置周围256半径范围内玩家的平均难度)

#DISTANCE: Uses the distance to the position defined in Center Position to define the difficulty(距离: 使用到中心位置到定义的位置的距离来定义难度)(就是相距多少距离涨多少难度,越远越高)

#DISTANCESPAWN: Uses the distance to the world spawn to define the difficulty(出生距离:使用到世界出生的距离来定义难度)

#If the type is any of the distance types the functionality of Difficulty Increase is changed to the following where the 1. value is the minimum distance and the 2. is the difficulty that applies. (如果类型是上述两个距离类,那么难度增加的格式将更改为以下:1.值是最小距离;2.值是增长的难度。)

#E.g. ["0-0","1000-5"] translates to 0 difficulty between 0-1000 distance and 5 difficulty for distance >= 1000(例如["0-0", "1000-5"]表示0-1000距离之间的难度为0,距离>=1000时难度5)

#You can also define it as a triple x-y-z instead where z is the increase per block in for that area.(你也可以将其定义为三维坐标轴x-y-z,其中z是高度)

#E.g. ["0-0-0.1","1000-5-1"] the difficulty increases between 0-1000 by 0.1 per block and >= 1000 by 1 per block with a starting value of 5(又例如["0-0-0.1", "1000-5-1”]难度在0-1000之间增加0.1,每间隔>=1000,该地区的难度增长为1,初始难度为5)


"Difficulty type" = "GLOBAL"(难度类型,等号后的引号内填入上文类型)

#Position used for DISTANCE difficulty type(用于距离难度类型的设置)

"Center Position" = "0-0"(中心位置,等号后的引号内填入相应数值,用法见上文)

#Black/Whitelist for various stuff(各种白名单、黑名单的列表)


#Entities added here will be blacklisted from their assigned flags. Usage:(这里添加的实体将会从他们指定的标志中被列入黑名单。用法:)

#<entity registry name> or <namespace> or <#tag> followed by any of:(<实体注册表名称>或< 名称空间>或<#标签>后面跟下列任意一个:)


#Having no flags is equal to ALL. Use REVERSE to reverse all flags. Some flags do nothing for certain mobs!(没有标签等于上文的全部ALL标志。使用反转REVERSE标志将会反转后面跟着的所有标签。某些标志对一些怪物不起作用!)

#Examples (without <>):(下文示例,注意不要带<>括号)

#<minecraft:sheep> (equal to minecraft:sheep|ALL) excludes sheeps from all modifications(就单纯输入了原版绵羊的代码,即绵羊后面跟了全部ALL的标签,意味着将绵羊排除在该模组所有修改之外)

#<minecraft:sheep|REVERSE|ATTRIBUTES will> add sheep to attributes modification only(绵羊代码后面跟了反转和属性的标志,意味着仅将绵羊添加到属性修改中)(在黑名单中被反转的标签相当于白名单,允许涉及此项修改)

#<#minecraft:raiders|ATTRIBUTES> will add all entities in the raiders tag to everything except attributes(掠夺者代码后面跟了属性,意味着该模组会对掠夺者进行加强,但属性修改除外)

#<minecraft:sheep|ATTRIBUTES> will add sheep to everything except attributes(绵羊后面跟了属性,意味着该模组会对绵羊进行加强,但属性修改除外)

#<minecraft> disables everything for all minecraft mobs(该代码即禁止对原版所有怪物的加强)

"Entity Configs" = ["minecraft:cod", "minecraft:donkey", "minecraft:squid", "minecraft:glow_squid", "minecraft:mule", "minecraft:skeleton_horse", "minecraft:strider", "minecraft:trader_llama", "minecraft:parrot", "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:zombie_horse", "minecraft:horse", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:polar_bear", "minecraft:cat", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:bat", "minecraft:wandering_trader", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:fox", "minecraft:llama", "minecraft:pig", "minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:tropical_fish", "minecraft:turtle", "minecraft:sheep", "minecraft:snow_golem", "minecraft:mooshroom", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:ocelot", "minecraft:goat", "minecraft:dolphin", "minecraft:chicken", "minecraft:wolf", "minecraft:panda", "minecraft:rabbit", "minecraft:axolotl"](上文的实体配置黑名单)

#Any of the following (以下任意一项标签)


#added here will disable that feature completely.(添加到下面表格里,将会禁止该模组启动相应的修改)

#E.g. ["GUARDIAN"] will disable the guardian feature(例如,填入了骑守护者GUARDIAN的代码,那么怪物将不能骑守卫者游泳了)

"Flag Blacklist" = [](标签禁用填写处)

#Treat ATTRIBUTES flags as whitelist(将属性标签视为白名单)

"Attribute Whitelist" = false(false为假,true为真,下同)

#Treat ARMOR flags as whitelist(将护甲标签视为白名单)

"Armor Equip Whitelist" = false

#Treat HELDITEMS flags as whitelist(将持有物品标签视为白名单)

"Held Equip Whitelist" = false

#Treat BLOCKBREAK flags as whitelist(将破坏方块标签视为白名单)

"Breaker Whitelist" = false

#Treat USEITEM flags as whitelist(将使用物品标签视为白名单)

"Use Flag Whitelist" = false

#Treat LADDER flags as whitelist(将爬梯子标签视为白名单)

"Ladder Whitelist" = false

#Treat STEAL flags as whitelist(将偷窃标签视为白名单)

"Steal Whitelist" = false

#Treat GUARDIAN flags as whitelist(将骑守卫者标签视为白名单)

"Guardian Whitelist" = false

#Treat PARROT flags as whitelist(将骑幻翼标签视为白名单)

"Phantom Whitelist" = false

#Treat TARGETVILLAGER flags as whitelist(将攻击村民标签视为白名单)

"Villager Whitelist" = false

#Treat NEUTRALAGGRO flags as whitelist(将中立敌视标签视为白名单)

"Neutral Aggro Whitelist" = false

#Settings for mod integration(模组联动设置)


#Should the scaling health mods difficulty system be used instead of this ones. (Requires scaling health mod)(是否应该使用Scaling Health模组的难度系统来代替这个系统。需要Scaling Health模组)

"Use Scaling Health Mod" = true(使用Scaling Health模组的难度系统代替。true为真,false为假,下同)

#If true and playerEx is installed will use the level from playerEx as difficulty(如果安装了playerEx模组并在下行填入true,则将使用playerEx的等级作为难度)

"Use Player EX Mod" = true

#If true and LevelZ is installed will use the the total skill level from LevelZ as difficulty(如果安装了LevelZ模组并在下行填入true,则将使用LevelZ的总技能等级作为难度)

"Use LevelZ Mod" = true

#Using pehkui to vary the size of mobs(使用pehkui模组改变生物的大小)

"Use pehkui Mod" = false

#The Max scale of mobs. Range [1.0,10], default 2.0(生物大小的最大倍数。范围[1.0,10],默认2.0)

#Range: 1.0 ~ 10.0(大小范围)

"Max size Multiplier" = 2.0(最大倍数)

#The Minimum scale of mobs. Range (0,1.0), default 0.5(生物大小的最小倍数。范围[0,1.0],默认0.5)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0(大小范围)

"Minimum size Multiplier" = 0.5(最小倍数)

#Settings regarding custom ai for mobs(自定义怪物增强的AI)


#Whitelist for blocks, which can be actively broken. (方块的白名单,白名单内的物品可以被怪物主动挖掘破坏)

#Usage: id|namespace|#tag. Put "!" infront to exclude blocks. E.g. "minecraft", "minecraft:dirt" or "#minecraft:planks"(用法:物品名|命名空间|#标签。将“!”放在前面以排除方块。例如“minecraft”、“minecraft:turt”或“#minecraft:boards”,分别将原版所有方块、原版泥土、标签是木板的方块加入白名单)

#Note: If you include common blocks (like grass blocks) the pathfinding can have undesirable results.(注意:如果白名单里包含常见的方块,比如草方块,那么AI行动路径可能会有所出入。)

"Block Break Whitelist" = ["#forge:glass", "#forge:glass_panes", "#minecraft:fence_gates", "#forge:fence_gates", "#minecraft:wooden_doors"](可破坏的方块白名单)(名单内目前有标签带玻璃、玻璃板、栅栏门、木门的方块)

#Treat Block Whitelist as Blocklist(下行代码设置是将上文方块白名单改成黑名单)

"Breaklist as Blacklist" = false(可破坏方块名单视作黑名单,false为假,true为真)(视为黑名单后,名单内的方块不可破坏,不在的皆可破坏,需要工具的,怪物应得有相应工具才能破坏)(例如将方块列表清空,然后把此行的false改成true,那么怪物就能挖所有方块)

#Use the block breaking sound instead of a knocking sound(设定生物破坏方块时的声音是方块碎裂声而不是敲击声)

Sound = false(声音设置,false为敲击声,true为方块碎裂声)

#Chance for a mob to be able to break blocks(怪物在出生后有多少概率有挖掘方块的能力)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0(概率范围)

"Breaker Chance" = 0.3(有破坏方块能力的概率,0.3即30%概率)

#Initial cooldown for block breaking mobs(能破坏方块的怪物挖掘方块的初始准备时间)

#Range: > 0(范围数值,下同)

"Breaker Initial Cooldown" = 120(初始准备时间)(时间单位为刻)

#Cooldown for breaking blocks(怪物挖掘方块后再次挖掘的间隔)

#Range: > 0

"Breaker Cooldown" = 20(挖掘冷却时间)

#Blocks will be restored after x ticks being broken. If set to 0 will never restore(方块被挖掘后还原所需时间,如果设置为0,则被挖掉的方块不会恢复)

#This will not restore block entity data!(这将不会恢复方块的实体数据!)

#Range: > 0

"Restore delay" = 0(复原所需时间)

#If mobs should break blocks when not chasing a target(如果生物在不追逐目标时,应该打破方块)

"Idle Break" = false(空闲时挖掘方块。false为假,true为真)(但实测中没看出此功能的表现,怪物无目标也不会在空闲时破坏方块)

#Chance for a mob to be able to steal items from inventory blocks(怪物有机会从存储方块中偷取物品)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Stealer Chance" = 0.3(偷取机会)

#List of blocks mobs shouldn't steal from. You can also add a modid to blacklist whole mods(怪物不能偷取物品的容器方块列表。你也可以添加一个MOD来将整个MOD列入黑名单)

"Steal Block Blacklist" = [](偷取方块黑名单)

#Items which will be given to mobs who can break blocks. Empty list = no items. Syntax: id;weight(提供给怪物挖掘方块的工具。空列表=没有工具。语法:id;权重)(权重越大,提供概率越高)

#Note: Mobs can only break blocks if the tool they are holding can break the blocks(注意,怪物持有的工具不能挖掘它所不能挖掘的方块,即只能挖工具可以挖的方块)(如持没有工具和有铁镐的怪物都不能挖掘黑曜石)

"Breaking items" = ["minecraft:diamond_pickaxe;1", "minecraft:iron_axe;2"](供挖掘方块的工具)(列表内有钻石镐、铁斧)(该列表可以修改成木镐minecraft:wooden_pickaxe、木斧minecraft:wooden_axe,也可以添加铁镐minecraft:iron_pickaxe、钻石斧minecraft:diamond_axe。记得添加权重)

#Should mobs be able to break block entities? Evaluated before the break list(怪物能破坏方块实体?先于可破坏方块列标前进行评估)(方块实体包括箱子、旗帜、床、熔炉等)

"Break BlockEntities" = true(是否允许破坏方块实体。true为真,false为假)

#Chance for neutral mobs to be aggressive(中立生物敌视概率)(就是中立生物有概率与你敌对,如末影人、僵尸猪灵)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0(概率范围)

"Neutral Aggressive Chance" = 0.1(中立单位敌视概率,当前为10%)

#List for of pairs containing which mobs auto target others. Syntax is [mob id]-[mob id] where second value is the target.(下列是敌对列标,包含哪些怪物自动瞄准其他人。语法是[mob-id]-[mob-id],其中第二个值是攻击目标)

# e.g. minecraft:zombie-minecraft:skeleton makes all zombies target skeletons(例如,原版僵尸-原版骷髅。这使得僵尸单方面自动攻击骷髅,骷髅会在受伤后反击)

"Auto Target List" = [自动攻击列标]

#Difficulty at which mobs are able to break blocks(怪物有破坏方块的能力所需难度值,即难度到这个数值后,怪物才有破坏方块的能力)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Difficulty Break AI" = 0.0(破坏方块所需难度值)

#Difficulty at which mobs are able to steal items(怪物有窃取存储物品的能力所需难度值)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Difficulty Steal AI" = 0.0(窃取所需难度值)

#Chance for mobs to be able to summon an aquatic mount(怪物在水里时有多少概率能骑上守卫者进行游泳)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Guardian Chance" = 1.0(乘骑概率,目前为100%)

#Chance for mobs to be able to summon a flying mount(怪物有多少概率能骑上幻翼跨越障碍追踪目标)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Phantom Chance" = 0.5(乘骑概率,目前为50%)

#Configs regarding mobs spawning with equipment(有关怪物穿戴装备的设置)


#Blacklist items from whole mods. Add modid to prevent items from that mod being equipped. (For individual items use the equipment.json)(下列有将所有模组的物品列入黑名单的列表。进入黑名单的模组的物品不会被怪物所装备。对于个别项目,请使用equipment.json文件设置)

"Item Blacklist" = [](物品黑名单)

#Use blacklist as whitelist(将物品黑名单变成白名单)

"Item Whitelist" = false(是否将物品黑名单视为白名单,false为假,true为真,下同)

#Blacklist for items mobs should never be able to use.(下列黑名单内的物品将不能被怪物使用,可持有)

#Use as in using the item similar to players (e.g. shooting bows)(禁止怪物使用物品如同禁止玩家使用一样,例如射箭)

"Item Use Blacklist" = ["bigbrain:buckler"](物品禁止使用黑名单)(当前名单内是Big Brain模组里的圆盾冲刺)

#Turn the use blacklist into a whitelist(将物品使用黑名单变成白名单)

"Item Use Whitelist" = false(是否将物品使用黑名单视为白名单)

#Blacklist for specific mobs and items they shouldnt use (e.g. skeletons already use bows)(下列是特定怪物和他们不应该使用的物品的黑名单。例如骷髅已经使用弓)(不应该使用的物品的黑名单,双重否定等于肯定,也就是允许特定怪物用这些物品)

#<entity registry name-item>(格式:实体名-物品名)

#For different items but same entity use multiple lines(对于不同的项目但相同的实体,请使用多行)

#Some special names are BOW, TRIDEN, CROSSBOW refering to every bow/trident/crossbow item (So you dont need to type e.g. every bow item)(一些特殊的名称是BOW、TRIDEN、CROSSBOW,指的是所有种类的弓、三叉戟、弩。所以你不需要键入例如每种弓的名称)

"Entity Item Use Blacklist" = ["minecraft:drowned;TRIDENT", "minecraft:illusioner;BOW", "minecraft:piglin;CROSSBOW", "minecraft:pillager;CROSSBOW", "minecraft:skeleton;BOW", "minecraft:snow_golem;minecraft:snowball", "minecraft:stray;BOW", "minecraft:wither_skeleton;BOW"](特定实体与不应用特定物品的黑名单)(当前名单有:溺尸-三叉戟、幻术师-弓、猪灵-弩、掠夺者-弩、骷髅-弓、雪傀儡-雪球、流浪者-弓、凋零骷髅-弓)

#Base chance that a mob can have one piece of armor(怪物拥有一件基础装备的概率)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0(范围,下同)

"Equipment Chance" = 0.1(拥有装备概率,当前为10%)

#Base chance for each additional armor pieces(拥有一件额外装备的概率)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Additional Equipment Chance" = 0.3(额外装备的概率,当前为30%)

#Adds additional x*difficulty% to base equip chance(额外基础装备获得概率提升,额外提升=难度×额外概率)(也就是基础概率+额外概率=最终怪物获得装备的概率。意味着难度越高,有装备的概率越高。后同)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308(范围)

"Equipment Addition" = 0.3(装备额外概率)

#Chance for mobs to have a weapon(怪物拥有武器的机会)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Weapon Chance" = 0.05(持有武器的概率,当前为5%)

#Adds additional x*difficulty% to base weapon chance(武器额外获得概率提升)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Weapon Chance Add" = 0.3(武器额外概率)

#Base chance for each armor pieces to get enchanted(每件盔甲、武器、工具被附魔的基础机会)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Enchanting Chance" = 0.2(基础附魔概率,当前为20%)

#Adds additional x*difficulty% to base enchanting chance(装备额外被附魔概率提升)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Enchanting Addition" = 0.2(附魔额外概率)

#Specify min and max enchanting levels according to difficulty. difficulty-minLevel-maxLevel(根据难度阶段,附魔的最低和最高等级。格式:难度-最低附魔等级-最高附魔等级)(类似附魔台附魔,附魔品质根据等级而定。此外附魔类别包括宝藏级附魔)

"Enchanting Calc" = ["0-5-10", "25-5-15", "50-10-17", "100-15-25", "200-20-30", "250-30-35"](附魔阶段,左侧对应不同阶段的附魔等级,如0~25难度阶段,附魔等级都是5~10;25~50难度阶段,附魔等级是5~15;50~100难度阶段,附魔等级是10~17;100~200难度阶段,附魔等级是15~25;200~250难度阶段,附魔等级是20~30;250之后的难度阶段,附魔等级是30~35。意味着难度越高,附魔品质越好)

#Blacklist enchantments from being applied to equipments(禁止将黑名单里的附魔应用于装备)

"Enchanting Blacklist" = [](附魔黑名单)(比如怪物有挖掘能力,手持铁镐,是可以被附魔的,难度高之后,铁镐会被附魔效率,怪物挖得更快了。如果你不想他挖得那么快,可以在黑名单里列入效率附魔代码,即"minecraft.efficiency")

#Turn the enchant blacklist to a whitelist(将附魔黑名单改成白名单,即只许附魔特定魔咒)

"Enchanting Whitelist" = false(是否将附魔黑名单视为白名单。false为假,true为真)

#Chance for mobs to have an item in offhand(怪物副手有一件物品的基础机会)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Item Equip Chance" = 0.05(副手有物品的基础概率,目前为5%)

#Adds additional x*difficulty% to base item chance(副手有物品的额外概率提升)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Item Chance add" = 0.2(有物品的额外提升概率)

#Should mobs drop the armor equipped through this mod? Will not change drops if the mob obtained the armor through other means (e.g. vanilla)(是否允许怪物掉落本模组给予的装备?通过其他途径获得的装备不在此允许范围内,比如原版自然生成的装备)(掉落概率类似原版装备掉落)

"Should drop equipment" = false(是否允许掉落本模组提供的装备,false为假,true为真)

#Settings for attribute modifiers(属性修改设置)


#Health will be multiplied by 1 + difficulty*0.016*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的生命值=1+难度×0.008x下行血量增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Health Increase Multiplier" = 1.0(血量增长系数)(系数为0时,怪物的血量将不随难度变化)

#Health will be multiplied by at maximum this. Set to 0 means no limit(血量增长总上限=原血量×上限系数。血量到这个总上限后就不会增长了。)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Max Health Increase" = 5.0(上限系数)(如果系数为0,那么血量增长无上限,只要难度在长,血量就一直长)

#Round health to the nearest x. Set to 0 to disable(计算存在小数点,四舍五入后增长的血量要接近的数值。设置为0时将禁用此功能)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Round HP" = 0.5(增长血量四舍五入后结果最接近的数值)

#Damage will be multiplied by 1 + difficulty*0.008*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的攻击力=1+难度×0.008x下行攻击增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Damage Increase Multiplier" = 1.0(攻击增伤系数)

#Damage will be multiplied by at maximum this. Set to 0 means no limit(伤害增长总上限)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Max Damage Increase" = 3.0(上限系数)

#Speed will be increased by difficulty*0.0008*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的速度增长量=难度×0.0008x下行速度增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Speed Increase" = 1.0(速度增长系数)

#Maximum increase in speed(速度增长量总上限)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Max Speed" = 0.1(上限系数)(算的是增长量)

#Knockback will be increased by difficulty*0.002*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的击退抗性增长量=难度×0.002x下行击退抗性增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Knockback Increase" = 1.0(击退抗性增长系数)

#Maximum increase in knockback(速度增长量总上限)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Max Knockback" = 0.5(上限系数)

#Magic resistance will be increased by difficulty*0.0016*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的魔法抗性增长量=难度×0.0016x下行击退抗性增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Magic Resistance Increase" = 1.0(魔法抗性增长系数)

#Maximum increase in magic resistance. Magic reduction is percentage

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0

"Max Magic Resistance" = 0.4(魔法抗性增长量总上限)

#Projectile Damage will be multiplied by 1 + difficulty*0.008*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的投掷物伤害=1+难度×0.008x下行投掷物伤害增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Projectile Damage Increase" = 1.0(投掷物伤害增长系数)

#Projectile damage will be multiplied by maximum of this(投掷物伤害增长总上限)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Max Projectile Damage" = 2.0(上限系数)

#Explosion Damage will be multiplied by 1 + difficulty*0.003*x. Set to 0 to disable(怪物的爆炸伤害=1+难度×0.003x下行爆炸伤害增长系数)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Explosion Damage Increase" = 1.0(爆炸伤害增长系数)

#Explosion damage will be multiplied by maximum of this(爆炸伤害增长总上限)

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308

"Max Explosion Damage" = 1.75(爆炸伤害增长总上限)



 "__comment": [

    "Mobs will be able to equip items declared here",

    "The first number is the weight while the second number is the quality",

    "Weight is the weight of an item. Higher weight means that the item is more likely to get choosen",

    "Quality is a modifier applied to the weight. The final weight used is weight + quality * current difficulty"





 "物品代码": [





    "minecraft:bow": [







