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这是 Mod Logo(或许是曾经的),封面的则是0.7版本的 Logo[h1=一些无聊的碎碎念][h2=废弃计划]源自作者偶然翻到的旧笔记盐复合物被称为“Seasoner's Pallette”;什么,调味剂调色板(?)将被用来制作“Reinforced Nuts”(一个新东西)这将允许玩家在一个名为"Mechanicalist"的新状态效果期间像带了护目镜一样看机器,还能提供抗性提升。...
内容来自于本模组中的 Mantle:item.mantle.manual.test.name ,右键打开后显示的文本。Tinker's Log #1: Today is a new day. I finally left home and decided to wander around in the wilderness until I find a good place to call my home. Tinker's Log #2: I've decided to keep a log of my creations and machinations, as well as some insights into what I'm doing. I haven't actually built anything yet. Th...
[5.2.5]- 增加了新的使用全局世界存储的驯服宠物数据存储系统,新系统将自动重构老的存储数据。而新驯服的宠物使用新的追踪/传送系统。- Added pet super amulet to facilitate transition to MoCreatures v.6- Added Name, Type, Owner to mouseover of new Pet Amulets- Added class name to amulet mouseover window- Added '/moc killall' command which kills all entities in loaded chunks ignoring tamed ...