

* Added new block - Creetle In A Jar

* Added new food item - Creetle Chip


* Fixed unknown trick arrow type crash


* Revamped Tesla Gun mechanics

* Explosions can no longer damage teammates, only yourself

* Tank class now only has 4 normal health, plus 1 armor

* Tank class can no longer use Mortar

* Infantry class can now use Mortar

* Reduced Mortar's blast radius

* Reduced Mortar's accuracy

* Reduced Automatic's windup time

* Increased Mortar's cooldown

* Increased Sniper's cooldown

* Increased Automatic's cooldown

* Increased Automatic's accuracy

* Increased Rifle's accuracy

* Increased Rifle's projectile speed

* Reduced Rifle's cooldown

* Increased Shotgun's projectile speed

* Fixed tournament mode John Wick start crash

* Fixed round end crash with many players

* Fixed Patreon gems rendering during FiskTag

* Fixed players being able to take damage in FiskTag lobby

* Fixed John Wick sound playing for other people

* Fixed headshots on teammates giving points


* Fixed crash when opening Suit Iterators
* Fixed crash when launching a server using Bukkit/Spigot


Additions & Changes:

* Added new block - Holographic Display Stand

* Display Stands can now be renamed using a name tag and display that skin

* Display Stands now display the name of the block at the top of their inventory screen

* Vanity alts no longer require you to unlock their achievements if in creative mode

* Mysterio's beams can no longer melt ice or smelt blocks

* Web ropes can now flip levers when pulled

* Webs can now activate buttons


* Fixed thrown shield Nether portal duplication glitch

* Fixed repulsor blast projectiles hit positions being incorrect at high velocities

* Fixed player limbs moving at normal speed when running on a treadmill

* Fixed non-sword weapons (like Captain America's shield) breaking blocks in creative mode

* Fixed suit blades & shields and releasing webs breaking blocks in creative mode

* Fixed being able to visually punch while blocking with a shield, even though it deals no damage

* Fixed dual items crashing with Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2

* Fixed crash when using Java 12 or higher

* Fixed crash when wearing a suit in first person with certain mod combinations

* Fixed first-person hand rendering being inaccurate to third person when wearing overlapping suit pieces

* Fixed first-person hand rendering not working with LLibrary

* Fixed Tachyon Prototype charging non-speedster suits when quickly swapping

* Fixed hardened clay display stands not being dyable using right click with a dye

* Fixed the inside of display stands' hat layers not rendering

* Fixed entity effects persisting after the entity is removed from view

* Fixed suit database search bar incorrectly filtering suit versions

* Fixed metahuman log not respecting custom mask toggle durations

* Fixed Zoom still having lightning flickers when wearing only the chestpiece

* Fixed crash when swapping to another item mid-use when speed is active

* Fixed crash when joining a world with "max fraterate" set to 0


* Added new "fiskheroes:night_vision" property to JS hero renderers

* Added "canUseTachyons" tag for the "fiskheroes:super_speed" modifier

* Added "canBreakGlass" tag for the "fiskheroes:sonic_waves" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:shield_throwing" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:heat_vision" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:charged_beam" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:energy_projection" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:flame_blast" modifier

* Added "canDoGriefing" tag for the "fiskheroes:ground_smash" modifier

* Fixed "canBreakGlass" tag for the "fiskheroes:tentacles" modifier having no effect

* Fixed "fiskheroes:grief_thrownshield" rule still allowing plants to be broken

* Fixed beam renderer core "color" tag only accepting decimal values

* Fixed breaking eternium blocks with the wrong tool counting towards the block_broken node criteria

* Fixed "fiskheroes:opacity" render property crashing with non-double values

* Missing resource warnings are now logged under the domain of the requesting pack, not the domain of the resource



* Added CurseForge integration through the new Heropack Marketplace, accessible through the 'M' button in the heropacks menu

* Added /heropacks command to servers, allowing remote installation of packs from the Marketplace

* Added mask toggles for Flash, Kid Flash, and Jay Garrick (Earth-90)

* Added new air "dive" mode to the Iron Man and Falcon suits

* Added extra camera shake upon boost takeoff to the Iron Man suits

* Added camera shake upon sprint takeoff to speedsters

* Added running animation to speedsters

* Added unique running sounds for all speedsters

* Added sounds for speedster slow-motion

* Added sounds for Reverse-Flash vibration

* Added sounds for Zoom (Concept) vibration

* Added sounds for Zoom flickering

* Added sounds for Savitar walking

* Added sounds for Shazam (DCEU) super-speed

* Added sounds for Iron Man sentry mode

* Added sounds for Iron Man barrel roll

* Added sounds for generic flight entity impacts

* Added sounds for generic flight block impacts

* Added sounds for generic shield disarming

* Added sounds for diving after web-swinging

* Updated sounds for Falcon flight

* Updated sounds for Falcon shield

* Updated sound for Iron Man superhero landing

* Updated sounds for Agent Liberty blade

* Updated sounds for Savitar blade



* Overhauled Falcon's flight

* Sneak-middle-clicking a display stand in creative now copies its contents onto you

* Buffed Deathstroke's grenade ability

* Falcon can now use guns

* Super-speed now only increases your FOV when running

* Reduced the chance of mobs being able to hit players moving at super-speed

* Updated speedster skins

* Updated color of Reverse-Flash's eyes

* Updated color of Zoom (Concept)'s eyes

* Updated lunar block textures



* Fixed beams periodically causing JVM crashes

* Fixed server-side slow motion not working correctly on servers running Cauldron

* Fixed slow motion not working correctly alongside other tickrate-altering mods

* Fixed suit sounds getting mixed up for heropack suits

* Fixed hud elements causing concurrency issues when added late

* Fixed ground smash being able to move tile entities

* Fixed game freezing up for a split second when entering the heropack menu

* Fixed heropack icons getting loaded into memory multiple times

* Fixed super-speed step-down feature slowing you down

* Fixed utility belt HUD showing on top of gun ammo while using Deathstroke

* Fixed tachyon device & prototype glow not being visible on some graphics cards

* Fixed gravity wave sound cutting off early

* Fixed left arm moving too much while holding Chronos' Rifle and walking

* Fixed suit re-appearing on the user for a split-second after exiting with sentry mode

* Fixed mask close sound not playing when activating sentry mode with mask open

* Fixed "I Believe I Can Fly" achievement no longer triggering

* Fixed left-click-keybinds making neutral mobs aggressive

* Fixed left-click-keybinds breaking blocks in creative mode



* Added support for changing priority for item animations

* Added support for FSK animations on wings

* Added "barrelRoll" tag for the "fiskheroes:controlled_flight" modifier

* Added "diveSpeedRetention" tag for the "fiskheroes:controlled_flight" modifier

* Added "fiskheroes:moving" data variable to reliably check if the player is moving

* Added "disableMaskToggle" tag to suit alt entries in heropack.json

* Added new "LONG" data type

* Added new sound triggers for suits - EQUIP, UNEQUIP

* Added new sound triggers for "fiskheroes:super_speed" modifier - MOVE, SPRINT, STOP

* Added new sound triggers for "fiskheroes:sentry_mode" modifier - OPEN, CLOSE, EXIT, ENTER

* Added new sound triggers for "fiskheroes:controlled_flight" modifier - DIVE

* Sound event files can now separate the "condition" tag into "start" and "continue" sub-conditions

* Fixed JSDataManager being able to set illegal values for data vars

* Fixed "PackLoader is not defined" error

* Fixed sound event targets not working properly

* Fixed sound trigger overrides not respecting sound ranges

* Fixed "armor" tag on alts breaking subsequent tags

* Fixed STEP_HEIGHT attribute crashing when used on sentries

* Fixed suit attributes saving to NBT and becoming persistent

* Updated animation support to use FSK 2.5.0

* !!! Removed unused "fiskheroes:modifier.jetpack" sound effect


* Added new suit - Deathstroke (DCEU)
* Added new equipment - Grenade
* Added new block - Block of Iridescent Gold
* Added new creative tab for guns and bullets
* All bullet types are now listed in the creative inventory
* Updated the archery chapter of the Metahuman Log


* Fixed 'Language!' achievement not being obtainable in singleplayer
* Fixed quiver and ammo bag inventories swapping on servers
* Fixed quantum matter brick stairs not having a crafting recipe
* Fixed illusion drones halting server thread when above voids
* Fixed bullet press & alloy smeltery crashing upon interaction when missing a tile entity
* Fixed miniaturized suit rendering interfering with animation tracking


* Fixed heropacks not being able to define sound ranges without a repository
* Fixed non-pack folders erroneously getting loaded as heropacks
* Fixed "WAVE" sound trigger playing at the user's location instead of the wave's for Gravity Manipulation


* Fixed heropack sounds not loading in the first time after being downloaded
* Fixed heropack back-compatibility with missing data variables
* Fixed default heropack not appearing in heropack menu if no heropacks are present
* Added missing Controlled Flight localization



* Added new suit - Wild Dog

* Added new modifier - Controlled Flight

* Added new weapon - Desert Eagle (single & dual)

* Added new weapon - Beretta 93R (single & dual)

* Added new weapon - Katana (single & dual)

* Added new weapon - Chokuto (single & dual)

* Added new weapon - Tactical Tonfa (single & dual)

* Added new weapon - Scimitar

* Added new block - Bullet Press

* Added new item - Bullet - customizable with different materials and stats

* Added new item - Ammo Bag - capable of holding up to 5 stacks of bullets

* Added sounds for Black Manta (DCEU) walking

* Added sounds for Black Manta (DCEU) flight

* Added sounds for Atom flight

* Added sounds for Firestorm flight

* Added sounds for Black Lightning flight

* Added sounds for Black Lightning lightning cast

* Added sounds for Mysterio flight

* Added sounds for Mysterio mask

* Added sounds for generic flight

* Added sounds for Creetle flight

* Added sounds for Illusion Drone shooting

* Updated sounds for Iron Man (Mark 46) helmet

* Updated sounds for Firestorm fireballs

* Updated sounds for Firestorm mask


Gameplay Changes:

* Gave Spider-Man his web Web Wings

* Gave Controlled Flight to all the Iron Man suits

* Gave Controlled Flight to Black Manta (DCEU)

* Gave Controlled Flight to Shazam (DCEU)

* Gave Controlled Flight to Atom

* Gave Controlled Flight to Vision

* Gave Controlled Flight to Doctor Strange

* Gave Controlled Flight to both Firestorms (Jax Jackson & Ronnie Raymond)

* Gave Controlled Flight to Martian Manhunter (Comics)

* Gave Controlled Flight to Martian Manhunter

* Gave Controlled Flight to Black Lightning

* Gave Controlled Flight to Mysterio

* Gave Shazam (DCEU) leaping

* Gave Martian Manhunter leaping

* Gave Martian Manhunter bullet immunity

* Gave Dark Archer smoke bombs

* Added Scimitar to Dark Archer's primary equipment

* Revamped Repulsor Blast attack

* Updated Shazam's eternium weakness to make him weak to eternium-based attacks as well

* Sounds tied to beams now emanate from the whole length of the beam instead of the shooter

* Sounds emitted by suits now scale with their size

* Suits now shrink/grow from their center of height

* Smoke bombs now give the user temporary invisibility


Visual Changes:

* Revamped cape physics on suits

* Redesigned Firestorm's flames

* Redesigned Firestorm's flight particles

* Redesigned Mysterio's glyphs

* Redesigned Atom's shrinking

* Redesigned Batman (DCEU)'s cape glider

* Reskinned Dark Archer

* Updated the look of Atom's boosters

* Iron Man (Mark 46)'s helmet is now movie accurate, and folds up fully

* Martian Manhunter's cape (Comics) is now full width

* Doctor Strange now puts both shields up when aiming

* Doctor Strange now puts both arms up using shield

* Mysterio's charged beam glyph is now visible in first person

* Black Manta's spine lights now sequentially light up when using charged beam

* Atom's visor is now translucent

* Vision's cape is now translucent

* Firestorm now has white eyes

* Firestorm (Jax & Ronnie)'s splicers now glow

* Adjusted color and contrast on The Flash (Hunter Zolomon)'s skin

* Adjusted color and contrast on The Flash (Jay Garrick)'s skin

* Adjusted contrast of blue on Spider-Man's skin

* Adjusted colors on Deadpool (X-Men)'s skins

* Adjusted lights on Atom's skin

* Adjusted lights on Shazam (DCEU)'s skin

* Adjusted head and body detailing colors on Vision's skin

* Adjusted color on Martian Manhunter's skin

* Adjusted Iron Man (Mark 45)'s skin

* Adjusted Green Arrow (Earth-X)'s skin

* Adjusted Green Arrow (S4)'s skin

* Adjusted Green Arrow (S5)'s skin

* Remodeled katanas

* Remodeled Quiver

* Updated Captain America's shield model to include better straps

* Updated Captain America's shield texture

* Updated Tactical Tonfa texture

* Updated Regeneration I & II Suit Database icon textures

* The third person camera now lags behind when growing or shrinking

* The Suit Database starting screen now only displays "levelable" nodes

* Added separate overview screen for non-suit nodes in the Suit Database

* Added new "pruned branch view" display setting in the Suit Database

* Added search bar to the Suit Database

* Creetles are now able to spawn with and use guns



* Restored compatability with Et Futurum Requiem's spectator mode

* Fixed first person arm crash from conflicts with mods with "similar code"

* Fixed HeroPacks with broken sound package links breaking sound indexing for all packs (including the base mod)

* Fixed spell whips used by duplicates crashing if they have no owner

* Fixed third-person camera immediately snapping back into place after player stops gliding

* Fixed animation stuttering when exiting gliding

* Fixed heating up other players also heating up you

* Fixed Iron Man Mk 50 & 85 detransforming when timer runs out also detransforming others

* Fixed Iron Man Mk 50 & 85 not playing the detransforming sound when timer runs out

* Fixed Shazam's super-speed keybind still showing when under Eternium Affliction

* Fixed tomatoes dropping from zombies only when other rare drops are dropped

* Fixed data variable syncing triggering change loops

* Fixed suit step sounds playing while swimming

* Fixed changing size allowing you to phase through ceilings

* Fixed Guardian's shield not using the right damage profile

* Fixed Iron Man sentry mode suit closing animation not showing when getting back in

* Fixed Iron Man sentries with additional step height crashing the game

* Fixed HeroPack selection screen not being able to move folder-format packs

* Fixed body part tracking breaking down at larger scales and with irregular player sizes

* Fixed RGB-supporting particles changing color with scale

* Fixed flight collision still happening while intangible

* Fixed player size getting restricted while intangible

* Fixed spell duplicates crashing when casting whip spell

* Fixed aiming arm-spin glitch

* Fixed shrinking suits not being able to grow back fully in a 2-block space

* Fixed smoke pellets, fire blasts, icicles, and rotten tomatoes not triggering FX when impacting entities

* Fixed suit animations getting stuck if the suit is swapped while they are playing



* Added custom JS-based hero renderer support for suits (/renderers/heroes/*.js)

* Added custom texture stitcher support for tx.json files (/textures/stitchers/*.json)

* Added custom shape & animation support for capes (/models/mesh/*.js)

* Weapon item textures can now be changed with the new "fiskheroes:livery" effect (JS-format only)

* Added new "damageTypes" tag to heropack.json - allows packs to add custom damage types

* Added new "minVersion" tag to heropack.json - allows packs to set a minimum required version of FiskHeroes

* Added new "maskToggleTicks" tag to suit alt entries in heropack.json

* Added new "target" tag to sound event range entries in heropack.json

* Added new "resetWithoutSuit" tag to data var entries in heropack.json

* Added new "resetOnDeath" tag to data var entries in heropack.json

* Added new "maxDistance" tag for particle entries in particle emitter files

* Added new "hero.setTickHandler" function allowing suits to execute code with JSDataManager access every tick

* Added new "hero.addSoundOverrides" function allowing sound events to be overridden by alts

* Added new "hero.addPrimaryEquipment" function allowing for multiple primary equipment slots

* Added support for new anim.json filetype, allowing FSK files to be stitched together or sequenced

* Added support for changing the properties of a suit's default alt - accessible under the "$DEFAULT" keyword

* Added support for packs to check if other packs are loaded (PackLoader.isPackLoaded(...))

* Added support for tx.json files to have multiple transform operations

* Added support for tx.json files to perform operations while having no getters

* Added support for multiple data inputs for player animations

* Added support for "parent" tag for particle emitter files

* Added support for accessing built-in animation variables now also in model animations

* Added support for beam aspects with different start and end opacities

* Added support for anchor-independent first person effect rendering

* Added support for opacity for all effects

* Added support for changing web textures with the new "fiskheroes:webs" render property

* Added support for tx.jsons and light layers for the "fiskheroes:shadowdome" render property

* Added new texture operations - MULTIPLY, ADD, and STITCH

* Added new damage property - "ADD_KNOCKBACK"

* Added new beam render type - "LINE"

* Added new "spin" tag to shape file entries

* Added "gliding" tag for the "fiskheroes:gliding" modifier

* Added "collision" tag for the "fiskheroes:gliding" modifier

* Added "knockback" tag for the "fiskheroes:gliding" modifier

* Added "canJumpActivate" tag for the "fiskheroes:gliding" modifier

* Added "speed" tag for the "fiskheroes:repulsor_blast" modifier

* Added "spread" tag for the "fiskheroes:repulsor_blast" modifier

* Added "radius" tag for the "fiskheroes:repulsor_blast" modifier

* Added "OrDefault" variants of JSEntity.getData functions

* Fixed JSEntity.is(type) not detecting entity types

* Fixed JSEntity.isPlayer() and JSEntity.as("PLAYER") not properly casting to player accessors

* Fixed "fiskheroes:item_destroyed_by_player" criteria trigger not detecting when food is eaten

* Fixed "fiskheroes:shadowdome" effect not applying

* Fixed "fiskheroes:lines" effect bleeding into the effect pool and disabling lighting

* Fixed "LASER" beam render type not rendering bloom when core is null

* Made cape width fully configurable

* Updated animation support to use FSK 2.4.0

* Expanded support for TBL 5 format Tabula models

* Missing texture errors are now logged in chat upon pack reload

* !!! Changed sound debug directory from "/.minecraft/assets/fiskheroes/dev/" to "/.minecraft/sounds/fiskheroes/dev/"

* !!! Renamed "fiskheroes:energy_blast" modifier to "fiskheroes:energy_bolt"

* !!! Renamed "fiskheroes:repulsor_blast" modifier to "fiskheroes:energy_blast"

* !!! Removed "fiskheroes:ticks_gliding" data variable

* !!! Removed "fiskheroes:ticks_since_gliding" data variable

* !!! Removed "fiskheroes:glide_flying_timer" data variable - replaced by "fiskheroes:gliding_timer"

* !!! Removed "sendToAll" sound event range entry tag - "sendToAll": true is now "target": "ALL"

* !!! Remapped item "fiskheroes:deadpools_swords" to "fiskheroes:katana"

* !!! Remapped item "fiskheroes:prometheus_sword" to "fiskheroes:chokuto"

* !!! Remapped item "fiskheroes:black_canarys_tonfas" to "fiskheroes:tactical_tonfa"

* !!! Remapped item "fiskheroes:katana_blade" to "fiskheroes:sword_blade"
