
1) Added meteor frequency option, added tridally-locked option, added rings.

2) Added falldamage parameter, rings for unreachable bodies.


1) Fixed turns blue stars into brown dwarves.


1) Changed limits, added spawnlists.

2) Now can add moons for Overworld. Distance for secondary stars.

3) Possible set custom star texture on planet/moon.

4) Added generation NBT structures.

5) Now all data load from resourcepacks.

6) White color star while body on orbit around Sun.

7) Custom habitable zones.

8) Remove TreeGen (now nbt structures).

9) Added gravity param for asteroids.

10) Now can add galaxies.


1) Fixed crash on server.

2) Now can register bodies in solar system.

3) Biome files for bodies.

4) Added "throwMeteors" par. for bodies.

5) Added asteroids body type.

6) Added multiply star systems.

7) Added thermal mod. parameter.

8) Fixed rain color. 


1) Blackholes, supergiants, hypergiants star classes.

2) Color clouds.

3) Lander type.

4) Gen lakes with custom liquid in biomes.

5) Eccentricity orbit.

6) Unreachable bodies.

7) Increased bodies limits.

0.0.3 BETA

1) Moons. Now can make moons!

2) Configurable start dimID for dimensions.

3) Removed GS dependences. 

4) Migrated to teleporttype from AC.

5) Added support for the solar system.

6) Test dynamic gen sky for moons/planets.

7) Liquid gen on bodies.

8) Grass gen, Tree gen.

9) Moving files through folders.

0.0.2 BETA

1) Added a resource folder for texture and language files for new planets.

2) Added possibility of changing the suns size in skyprovider.

3) Added config for custom oregen.

4) Added config for enable/disable rain/snow.

5) Added autogeneration config files.

6) Set minimum AC - 0.0.24

0.0.1 BETA

First beta release.
