
Unleaks your memory

Added Mods

- Aether II: Phosphor Not Included

- Alfheim Lighting Engine

- Crafting Tweaks Unofficial
- Mekanism Community Edition
- Mekanism Community Edition: GENERATORS
- Mekanism Community Edition: TOOLS
- Mouse Tweaks Unofficial
- Pillar Patched
- Red Core
- Roughly Enough IDs


Removed Mods
- Aether II
- Crafting Tweaks
- Hesperus
- FastFurnace
- Just Enough IDs
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mouse Tweaks
- Pillar


Updated Mods
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
- CensoredASM
- CraftTweaker
- Dimension Hopper Tweaks
- Ore Stages
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAvaritia
- PackagedExCrafting
- Zen Utils


General Changes
- Removed log spam regarding advancements, recipes and textures that could not be loaded
- Removed log spam regarding version checks and some other misc things that throw unimportant errors
- Fixed errors sometimes being thrown when damaging an Aechor Plant in the Aether
- Crazy mobs will now spawn 3x less particles
- Made particles cause less lag in general
- Stargates no longer generate in nether fortresses and other vanilla structure they were not supposed to generate in
- Removed cascading worldgen log messages since they are generally just a byproduct of low tps
- Enabled chunk generation limits to decrease the size and scale of tps drops while exploring
- Stopped some important dimensions from being forcefully unloaded so chunkloading can be utilized
- Fixed a crash from the silent gems guidebook
- Fixed tool progression support for ore stages
- Fixed staged blocks not rendering correctly
- Fixed the stargateOverworld stage being rewarded later than makes sense
- Tile entities now inherit game stages from the players or other tile entities who placed them down allowing them to properly access staged items, blocks, and recipes
- The XU2 mechanical miner can now correctly mine anything that an iron pickaxe can
- Removed more unnecessary JEI categories
- Optimized a bunch of recipe registration stuff related to the custom enchantment system
- Removed a bunch unnecessary JEI spam from soul vials, syringes, creeping moss, and various tinkers parts that seemed to facilitate a memory leak


Don't worry about the version number

Updated Mods
- Specified Spawning

General Changes
- Did not forget to include the changelog file in the exported build this time
- Fixed a sledgehammeer compatibility issue causing servers to crash while in The Betweenlands
- Fixed some issues with the mob spawning system that caused things to spawn at the wrong times in the wrong places (specifically the nether)
- Fixed a bunch of the stargate addressor recipes from ancient stargates having broken dimension requirements


Fixing annoying bugs

Removed Mods
- SpawnTableTweaker


Updated Mods
- Dimension Hopper Tweaks
- ExtraPlanets
- Multiblocked
- VintageFix
- Zen Utils


General Changes
- Fixed the grave dust duplicator recipe with normal infusion crystals not working if the crystals were damaged
- Added lunar Sapphire Ore to T3+ void ore miners
- Fixed the quest for signalum seeds requiring gold seeds instead
- Fixed the oredict for aquamarine ore
- Added names for most if not all dimensions in JER ore distribution graphs
- Fixed some crashes from events that needed null checks
- Fixed some issues regarding break speed that made blocks reappear after mining them too fast and nibobium pickaxes not work as intended
- Fixed the custom loading screen
- Potentially slightly increased loading times
- Potentially fixed a memory leak
- Fixed a crash after attempting to "wake up" from the good dream or nightmare dimensions
- Fixed the time in a bottle decreasing while holding it in non dream dimensions
- Made wind shrines 2.5x more uncommon since they were generating way too frequently
- Set the max RF capacity, input, and output of the controller for the Assembler multiblock to 1666667 so black hole tanks can be made
- Fixed all the ancient stargate addressor recipes
- All ancient stargates are now required to have a stone block from whatever dimension they are in as the 4 corners instead of heavy-duty blocks with the exception of venus which needs volcanic rock and lunalus which needs lunar blocks


A minor update...?


Added Mods
- ConfigAnytime
- JourneyMapStages Continuation
- Specified Spawning
- VintageFix


Removed Mods
- Caliper
- DupeFixProject
- FoamFix
- InControl
- JourneyMapStages
- Mixin 0.7-0.8 Compatability
- MixinBoostrap


Updated Mods
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life
- Athenaeum
- BDLib
- CensoredASM
- CraftTweaker
- Dimension Hopper Tweaks
- EnderCore
- Ender IO
- Ender IO Endergy
- Exchangers
- FancyMenu
- Galacticraft Legacy
- Had Enough Items
- Hammer Lib
- Hesperus
- JourneyMap
- MixinBooter
- Music Triggers
- Nothirium
- OpenComputers
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAvaritia
- PackagedExCrafting
- Placebo
- RenderLib
- StorageDrawers
- The Impossible Library
- Tool Progression
- UniversalTweaks
- Wanion Lib
- xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx
- Zen Utils


General Changes
- Redid the entire custom mob spawning system with Specified Spawning instead of InControl for better performance and easier manipulation of spawns
- All custom spawns that need specific game stages now require ALL players in the spawning dimension to have the necessary stage(s) with the exception of spawn removals which will happen if ANY player in the dimension has the necessary stage(s)
- AoA spawns are now gated via the new mob spawning system rather than via Mob Stages
- Disabled the satchel from thermal expansion and since it could crash lock worlds
- Fixed items and blocks that can hold LE power not being able to max out
- The LE to RF Export bus can now extract up to twice the RF to LE conversion rate per tick
- Reworked the RF Lightning generator so that it can input the RF to LE conversion rate amount of RF and generate lightning every tick
- Cut the cooldown time of lightning terminals in half
- Dimensional door gateways will definitely not spawn in dimensions they are not supposed to anymore
- Did some minor volume rebalancing for some of the custom music
- Aoptheosis bosses will now only spawn in cavenia and huge caverns rather than any cavern dimension
- Increased the auto save interval from 45 seconds to 5 minutes
- Enabled shield parrying from Universal Tweaks
- Disabled various unused mod integrations for mods that are not in the pack
- Fixed the coke oven outputting the wrong amount of creosete
- Fixed some weird and/or unrequired prologue quest progression
- Fixed Zollern Galaxy zinc being prioritized in recipe outputs instead of Extra Planets zinc
- Replaced Zollern Galaxy zinc recipe inputs with an oredict
- Fixed some space suits not having recipes
- Crazy mobs will now only show boss bars in cavenia
- Removed the sight check for crazy mob boss bars so they don't flash as much
- Decreased the total number of boss bars that can be rendered on the screen at once
- Cleaned up some log spam related to skill registration
- Redid blight fire rendering in a more optimized way so it isn't as laggy when there are a lot of blighted mobs in the same area
- You will now "wake up" after spending 15 minutes in the dream or nightmare dimensions unless you are holding a time in a bottle in your main or offhand that is not empty
- Fixed being able to convert between the 2 different aquamarine types in chapter 3 making it easy to skip intended progression and get softlocked
- Chaos essence shards are now needed to craft a device frame and by extension a factorizer
- Fixed the cavenic orb quest being skippable
- Fixed The End quest being locked by the Cavenia quest
- Removed the missing niter ore from void ore miners
- Replaced missing graphite ore in T3+ void ore miners with graphite dust
- The quest for the daedalus block now correct lists 2 blocks instead of 1
- Potentially fixed staging issues with some crafting containers
- Nerfed various methods of getting a lot more chaos essence out of chaos ore than intended
- Removed some unused JEI categories
- Fixed Europa stargates not generating
- Redid the staging for the stargate system so that each dimension where stargates can spawn has a unique stage to prevent potential softlocks and the need to remove stages of the same tier
- All quests that give a gamestage required to address a stargate now have autoclaim enabled
- The flint dimension now generates the correct type of flint blocks
- Flint blocks can now be broken down into flint and vice versa
- Almost all dimensional specific custom ore generation will now generates veins that are twice as big twice as frequently to decrease the number of mining trips to various dimensions needed
- Fixed amazing armor cores not being craftable
- Removed the unused phantom and cloud dimensions from the Dimensions for Sale questline as well as their respective stages
- Alternate blocks are now given alongside the alternate igniter in the Alternate Reality quest
- Added a recipe for the artisan worktables toolbox
- Proven Frames are now craftable so that Oblivion frames can be made
- End Clusters for End Seeds are now craftable
- Enabled the AoA wind shrines in the overworld
- All AoA staves that deal direct damage now have a base damage increase of 5x
- The mechanic of spawners spawning slower overtime and eventually breaking is now incremented by mobs that are killed rather than spawned
- Replaced the energy input of the Assembler multiblock with a 2nd fluid input and gave the controller the necessary energy capability for all Assembler recipes
- Fixed the Limbonic Energy Hatch
- Increased the max energy capacity, receive, and extract values of the Ectoplasmic Generator Controller so its endgame recipes are actually functional
- Undersand is now automateable before unlocking the T5 void ore miner
- Draconium ore is now available in the T5 void ore miner in addition to T6
- Quadrupled draconium vein size and doubled draconium vein frequency in the deep dark
- Added an earlier method of duplicating grave dust using a normal infusion crystal
- Made the Master Infusion Crystal a bit easier to craft
- Added Cerulean Ore and Geode Ore to T3+ void ore miners
- Added a recipe for the Creative Lightning Cell so the Infinity Infuser multiblock is usable
- The Last Stand enchantment now uses up 4x as much XP and has a short cooldown depending on its level
- The Dice of Fate from botania can now give duplicate relics
- Fixed the creative Mana Tablet recipe
- Eternal Fabric now tries to teleport you back to your respawn position
- Reran JER scans in most dimensions for updated ore distribution graphs


What do you mean the pack needs to be playable?


- Fixed the magnite pickaxe being staged making the pack impossible to start without cheats enabled


Accidental performance enhancements?


Updated Mods
- CensoredASM
- Dimension Hopper Tweaks
- Exchangers
- Had Enough Items
- Multiblocked
- Zen Utils


General Changes
- Improved memory caches via CensoredASM now allow the pack to load faster and for memory leaks to take longer to freeze the game
- Fixed some Universal Tweaks config options that were reset to their default values
- Reenabled animated textures
- Fixed the block breaking animation
- Fixed occasionally respawning thousands of blocks away in the prologue
- Partially reimplemented/enhanced the final boss
- Made the 100% and 101% quests both visible and readable
- Capped empowering time at 50 seconds dramatically decreasing the amount of "AFK crafting" needed for things like capacitors
- Cut the power scaling of capacitor empowering in half with the exception of stellar capacitors and fixed some of them being annoying to automate
- Decreased the crafting time and scaling for custom ritual of the forest recipes
- Fixed the Tier 4 Thermal Padding quest being required
- Added magnite ore to the orechid ignem
- Added skyroot logs (T1+) palm logs (T1+), cherry logs (T2+), and weedwood Logs (T3+) to the void botanic miner separately from the generic log output
- Fixed the redstone max storage drawer upgrade not being craftable
- Added a method for automating gold leaves
- Added cycle recipes between thick glitter blocks and agate logs so they can be automated
- Added recipes to recycle neptunium tools and armor in an arc furnace
- Enabled the basic package crafter
- Replaced Immersive Engineering coke inputs/outputs used in recipes with the Thermal Foundation version
- Cut the molten superium needed to craft nether star blocks down to 8 ingots worth
- Fixed copper gears not being crafting in the beginning of ch 1
- Added fallen meteors to T3+ void ore miners
- Added undersand to T5+ void resource miners
- All void controller quests now ignore NBT data
- Fixed the space station quests not detecting
- Fixed the lightning infuser multibocks quests listing the wrong number of blocks
- Fixed morganite not generating on triton
- Fixed a bunch of incorrect quest gating


Removed Mods

- Modular Machinery

- RFTools Dimensions

Updated Mods

- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life

- Censored ASM

- Corail Tombstone

- Craft Tweaker

- Dimension Hopper Tweaks

- Dynamic Darkness

- Ender IO

- Ender IO Endergy

- Ender Tweaker

- FancyMenu

- Had Enough Items

- Konkrete

- Mixin Booter

- More Planets

- Multiblocked

- Packaged Auto

- ReAuth

- Zen Utils

- The Betweenlands

General Changes

- Added the epilogue

- Added quests for the rest of the extra planets bosses

- Fixed all of recipes that still depended on items from modular machinery

- Fixed aquamarine ore generation for newly generated chunks

- Fixed the statistics screen soft crashing and not being able to open

- Fixed a few memory leaks

- Fixed a rare ConcurrentModificationException from the skill token GUI

- Fixed all of the quest descriptions for planets, moons, and space stations to reflect the stargate system

- Fixed some hard to read quest text coloring

- Fixed various quest typos

- Fixed some multiblock quests and had more of them ignore NBT

- Fixed chapter 7 and 9 advancements being obtained whenever the dimension changed

- Tier 5 thermal padding is now an optional quest

- Removed the rest of the AoA daily/nightly events

- Hid and/or removed a bunch of unused stuff from JEI

- Added more information to the Multiblock'd quest to better explain how to properly input/output materials

- The rune of earth from botania is no longer gated to chapter 3

- The T2 storage drawer upgrade now uses a dark blue wisproot sapling

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