

#Whether or not Unholy Grail should be enabled.

unholyGrailEnabled = true

该段文本为是否启用黑暗圣杯 如果为true则会启用黑暗圣杯这个物品如果为false则不会启用该物品 是否启用的差别在于是否会在地牢等箱子中进行物品生成同时原本可以被合成出来的物品也无法被合成


#Enable or disable certain features. Disabled items will not be craftable and will not generate in dungeons

["Accesibility Config"]


#Damage multiplier against undead enemies for Emblem of Monster Slayer. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 1000

monsterCharmUndeadDamage = 25

该文本是物品怪物杀手纹章的对亡灵伤害属性 该物品默认属性是+25%对亡灵伤害如果把monsterCharmUndeadDamage = 25这段文本的25改成50则会变为+50%对亡灵伤害

#Whether or not Emblem of Monster Slayer should provide double experience drop from monsters.

monsterCharmBonusXP = true是否开启怪物杀手纹章的双倍经验

#Whether or not Emblem of Monster Slayer should provide +1 Looting Level.

monsterCharmBonusLooting = true是否开启怪物杀手纹章的+1级抢夺等级

#Damage multiplier against agressive creatures for Emblem of Monster Slayer. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 1000

monsterCharmAgressiveDamage = 10怪物杀手纹章对敌对性生物的伤害加成默认为百分之10

#Default chance to behead an enemy with Axe of Executioner. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

forbiddenAxeBeheadingBase = 10该文本为行刑者之斧的基础斩首概率为百分之10

#Bonus percantage to beheading chance from each looting level applied to Axe of Executioner.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

forbiddenBeheadingBonus = 5该文本为行刑者之斧拥有的每级抢夺附魔所给予的额外斩首几率默认为每一级抢夺增加百分之5的斩首

#The radius in which Magnetic Ring will attract items.

#Range: 1 ~ 32

magnetRingRange = 8该文本为磁力指环的吸引半径默认为8格

#Range in which Scroll of Ageless Wisdom collects experience orbs when active.

#Range: 1.0 ~ 128.0

xpScrollCollectionRange = 16.0永恒智慧卷轴的经验吸取范围

#Cooldown of Etherium Broadsword ability. Measured in ticks.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

etheriumSwordCooldown = 40该文本为以太阔剑的后跳冷却时间 40ticks为2秒

#The depth of Etherium Pickaxe AOE mining.

#Range: 1 ~ 99

etheriumPickaxeDepth = 1以太镐范围挖掘的深度默认为1

#The radius of Etherium Pickaxe AOE mining. Set to -1 to disable the feature.

#Range: -1 ~ 99

etheriumPickaxeRadius = 3以太镐范围挖掘的范围-1为禁用功能

#The volume Etherium Waraxe AOE chopping. Set to -1 to disable the feature.

#Range: -1 ~ 99

etheriumAxeVolume = 3以太斧范围挖掘的范围-1为禁用功能

#Mining speed boost granted by Charm of Treasure Hunter. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 1000

miningCharmBreakBoost = 30宝藏猎人的饰物的挖掘速度加成属性 为百分比加成默认为30

#Whether or not Charm of Treasure Hunter should provide +1 Luck.

miningCharmBonusLuck = true宝藏猎人的饰物是否提供1点幸运默认为提供

#The volume Etherium Scythe AOE harvesting. Set to -1 to disable the feature.

#Range: -1 ~ 99

etheriumScytheVolume = 3以太镰刀的范围收获-1为禁用

#The radius of Etherium Shovel AOE digging. Set to -1 to disable the feature.

#Range: -1 ~ 99

etheriumShovelRadius = 3以太铲的范围挖掘-1为禁用

#The depth of Etherium Shovel AOE digging.

#Range: 1 ~ 99

etheriumShovelDepth = 1以太铲的范围挖掘的深度

#Radius in which Exptrapolated Megaspong absorbs water. Default 4 equals to vanilla sponge

#Range: 0 ~ 128

megaspongeRadius = 4超级吸水海绵的吸水半径默认为4

#The radius in which Dislocation Ring will collect items.

#Range: 1 ~ 128

superMagnetRingRange = 16超级磁力指环的吸收半径默认为16格

#Multiplier for experience consumption by Gift of the Heaven.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

heavenScrollXPCostModifier = 1.0天堂的礼物的飞行时的经验消耗


#How much fire-based damage instantly receives any creature that attacks bearer of the Blazing Core.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 512.0

blazingCoreDamageFeedback = 4.0攻击熔岩之心的持有者 攻击者会受到多少火焰伤害默认为4点

#How how many seconds any creature that attacks bearer of the Blazing Core will be set on fire.

#Range: 0 ~ 512

blazingCoreIgnitionFeedback = 4攻击熔岩之心的人将会受到多少秒的灼烧默认为4秒

#Active ability cooldown for Heart of Creation. Measured in ticks. 20 ticks equal to 1 second.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

enigmaticItemCooldown = 3创造之心的主动技能冷却时间 时间为tick默认是3tick也就是0.15秒

#The amount of armor toughness provided by Heart of the Golem when it's bearer has no armor equipped.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 256.0

golemHeartSuperArmorToughness = 4.0玩家在无护甲情况下傀儡之心提供的盔甲韧性默认为4

#Modifier for Magic Damage vulnerability applied by Heart of the Golem. Default value of 2.0 means that player will receive twice as much damage from magic.

#Range: 1.0 ~ 256.0

golemHeartVulnerabilityModifier = 2.0傀儡之心受到的额外魔法伤害2.0意味着玩家将遭受到两倍的魔法伤害

#The amount of armor points provided by Heart of the Golem when it's bearer has no armor equipped.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 256.0

golemHeartSuperArmor = 16.0当玩家处于无护甲状态下傀儡之心给予的护甲值默认为16点

#Resistance to explosion damage provided by Heart of the Golem. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

golemHeartExplosionResistance = 40傀儡之心提供的爆炸伤害抗性默认为百分之40

#Resistance to melee attacks provided by Heart of the Golem. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

golemHeartMeleeResistance = 25傀儡之心提供的近战伤害抗性默认为百分之25

#Default amount of armor points provided by Heart of the Golem.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 256.0

golemHeartDefaultArmor = 4.0傀儡之心提供的默认护甲

#Resistance to knockback provided by Heart of the Golem. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

golemHeartKnockbackResistance = 100傀儡之心提供的抗击退能力默认为百分之一百的抗击退

#Base damage dealt by Darkness every half a second, when it devours a creature in proximity of bearer of the pearl.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

voidPearlBaseDarknessDamage = 4.0虚空珍珠对玩家旁边并身处于黑暗中的怪物的伤害这个伤害每秒触发一次每次打4点伤害

#Chance for Pearl of the Void to prevent it's bearer death from receiving lethal amout of damage. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

voidPearlUndeadChance = 15虚空珍珠抵挡致命伤害的概率默认为15

#Range in which Pearl of the Void will force darkness to devour living creatures.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 128.0

voidPearlShadowRange = 16.0以玩家为中心虚空珍珠对黑暗中的怪物的伤害范围

#Modifier for slowing down player's regeneration when bearing the pearl. This includes natural regeneration, as well as artificial healing effects that work over time. The greater it is, the slower player will regenerate.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

voidPearlRegenerationModifier = 1.0虚空珍珠对玩家生命恢复速度的减慢这个减慢包括进食带来的自然恢复和药水带来的人工恢复 这个值越大恢复速度越慢

#Amout of ticks for which bearer of the pearl will apply Withering effect to entities they attack. 20 ticks equals to 1 second.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

voidPearlWitheringTime = 100虚空珍珠持有者攻击其他实体造成的凋零效果的持续时间默认为100tick即为5秒

#Acceleration modifier for active ability of Angel's Blessing. The greater it is, the more momentum you will gain.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 256.0

angelBlessingAccelerationModifier = 1.0天使的祝福的主动技能的加速效果默认为1.0

#Active ability cooldown for Angel's Blessing. Measured in ticks. 20 ticks equal to 1 second.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

angelBlessingCooldown = 40天使的祝福的主动技能冷却时间默认为40tick即为2秒

#Separate acceleration modifier for active ability of Angel's Blessing when player is flying with Elytra.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 256.0

angelBlessingAccelerationModifierElytra = 0.6天使的祝福对玩家射出物品的加速度

#Range in which Eye of the Nebula can reach an entity when using it's active ability.

#Range: 1.0 ~ 128.0

eyeOfNebulaPhaseRange = 32.0星云之眼主动技能的传送范围默认为32格

#Range in which Eye of the Nebula searches for a position to teleport it's bearer to when dodging the attack.

#Range: 1.0 ~ 128.0

eyeOfNebulaDodgeRange = 16.0星云之眼遭到攻击时进行闪避的范围

#Active ability cooldown for Eye of the Nebula. Measured in ticks. 20 ticks equal to 1 second.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

eyeOfNebulaCooldown = 60星云之眼的主动技能冷却时间默认为60tick即为3秒

#Magic Damage resistance provided by Eye of the Nebula. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

eyeOfNebulaMagicResistance = 65星云之眼提供的魔法伤害抗性默认为百分之65

#Probability for Eye of the Nebula to teleport it's bearer from any attack without receiving any damage. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

eyeOfNebulaDodgeChance = 15星云之眼传送持有者闪避攻击的概率默认为百分之15

#Damage resistance against underwater creatures provided by Will of the Ocean. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 100

oceanStoneUnderwaterCreaturesResistance = 40海洋之愿提供的对水生生物伤害的抗性默认为百分之40

#Swimming speed boost provided by Will of the Ocean. Defined as percentage.

#Range: 0 ~ 1000

oceanStoneSwimBoost = 200海洋之愿提供的游泳速度加成默认为加成百分之200

#Active ability cooldown for Will of the Ocean. Measured in ticks. 20 ticks equal to 1 second.

#Range: 0 ~ 32768

oceanStoneCooldown = 600海洋之愿的主动技能冷却时间默认为600tick即为30秒

#Multiplier for experience consumption by active ability of Will of the Ocean.

#Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0

oceanStoneXPCostModifier = 1.0海洋之愿的主动技能的消耗倍数