

[小火球]召唤一个静止的火球,类似于恶魂的火球,可以被击打来造成伤害。使用时消耗 2 级经验值。

[私人领域]在使用者的位置召一道闪电,且将使用玩家和3个方块半径内的所有玩家传送到Varskspace维度。消耗 25 级经验值。

[忠贞守护]召唤一个铁傀儡来保护使用玩家。消耗 1 级经验值。

[史莱姆 IV]生成高速移动的巨型史莱姆。消耗 12 级经验值。

[尖牙突刺]在距离使用者超过3个格的实体的位置召唤三个唤魔者尖牙,最远达到30格。消耗 3 级经验值。

[飞船]召唤一艘发光的飞船。消耗 1 级经验值。(什么外挂)

[群体治疗]为使用者半径 10 个方块内的所有实体提供瞬间治疗、饱和和再生效果。消耗 2 级经验值。

[自杀]清除使用者 2 个方块半径内的所有实体,包括使用者本身。消耗 2 级经验值。

[真实之光]为使用者方块半径 100 格内的所有实体给予发光效果 10 秒。消耗 3级经验值

[金刚之力]授予缓慢 10 级30 秒,凋零 35 秒。消耗 7 级经验值。

[翱翔]给予使用者漂浮效果 90 级 1 秒,以及摔落伤害免疫 10 秒。消耗 2 级经验值。

[霜锁]召唤一个半径为 25格 的效果云区域,所有接触它的玩家都获得缓慢 10 级。消耗 3 级经验值。

[散射风暴]使用者方块半径20格内的所有玩家都会被传送到20到30个格外的随机位置。消耗 3 级经验值。

[猩红火花]向用户提供 24 个刷怪蛋,在使用时会产生瞬间爆炸的烟花。消耗 1 级经验值。

[剑动万象]创建一把由使用者控制的巨剑,对它靠近的所有实体造成瞬间伤害 3 级和瞬间治疗 3 级。消耗 12 级经验值

[快速矿坑]创建一个螺旋向下的巨大镐子,在其路径上挖掘一个螺旋隧道。消耗 12 级经验值。

[沉默]使用者被一团闪闪发光的粒子包围,清除10个方块半径内的所有实体的所有效果。消耗 2 级经验值。


[虚空豪宅]左键本数据包能力书的将打开一个通往虚空的传送门。玩家将到达一个废弃的豪宅的前面。消耗 20 级经验值


[​Fireball] summon a stationary fireball that can be punched to fire in a targeted direction. Consumes 2 levels upon use.
[​Lightning Bolt] Summons a lightning bolt at the user's location, instantly teleporting them and all players within a 3 block radius to the Varskspace dimension. Consumes 25 levels.
[​Iron Golem] Summons an iron golem near the user to protect them from harm. Consumes 1 level of experience.
[​Tetra Slime] Creates an enormous amalgamation of giant slimes having enhanced movement speed. Consumes 12.
[​Fang Attack] Summons three snapping fangs at the location of entities more than 3 blocks away from the user up to 30 blocks away. Consumes 3.
[​Flying Boat] Summons a glowing, flying boat. Consumes 1 level of experience.
[​Mass Heal] Grants the instant health effect, saturation, and regeneration to all entities within a 10 block radius of the user. Consumes 2.
[​Kill] Kills all entities within a 2 block radius of the user including the user itself. Consumes 2.
[​Truelight Glow] Grants glow effect to all entities within a 100 block radius of the user for 10 seconds. Consumes 3.
[​Adamantine Will] Grants resistance effect x10 for 30 seconds and wither to the user for 35 seconds. Consumes 7.
[​Soar] Grants the user the levitation effect x90 for 1 second, as well as fall damage immunity for 10 seconds. Consumes 2.
[​Frostlock] Summons an area of effect cloud with a 25 block radius that grants slowness x10 to all players in contact with it. Consumes 3.
[​Scatterstorm] All players within a 20 block radius of the user are teleported to a random location 20 to 30 blocks away. Consumes 3.
[​Crimson Spark] Gives 24 spawn eggs to the user that creates firework explosions upon activation. Consumes 1.
[​Swordfall] Creates a giant sword that is directed by the user, dealing instant damage x3 and instant health x3 to all entities it gets close to. This instantly kills most mobs but leaves high-health mobs unhurt. Consumes 12.
[​Worm-toothed burrower] Creates a giant pickaxe that spirals downward, carving a spiral tunnel in it's path. Can destroy any block but is disabled in the End dimension. Consumes 12.
[​Great Nulifier] The user is surrounded by a cloud of sparkling particles, clearing all entities within a 10-block radius of all effects. The nbt data of mobs within the radius are also changed. Horses become instantly tamed, creeper explosions get neutralized and vexes and endermites have their short lifetimes made even shorter. Consumes 2.
[​Recall] Stand on top of an enchantment table and click the book to set a home point at that location. Now, regardless of what dimension you are in, clicking the book again will teleport you back to your home point.
[​Magnificent Mansion] Clicking the book will open a portal to the void. After stepping through, the player will arrive at the front of an abandoned floating mansion full of strange rooms to explore. Players can leave by taking the exit portal ahead of the front door. Consumes 20 levels.