




#Multiplies any haki gained by this amount


"Haki Exp Multiplier" = 1.0

#Allows big explosions to destroy water 


"Explosions can destroy water" = false

#Destroys the spawner after all its spawns are killed


"Destroy Spawner" = true

#Normally despawns traders and trainers even if they're nametagged 


"Despawn NPCs with Nametags" = false

#List with ability names that are allowed inside protection zones, the names should be written as resource locations similar to the below examples, if no namespace is provided 'mineminenomi' will be applied by default.


"Protection Whitelist" = ["example1", "mineminenomi:example2"]

#Allows mobs to reward doriki, bounty or items


"Mob Rewards" = true

#Defines which logic to apply after a player's death #定义玩家死亡后保留数据的选项

# NONE - nothing is kept #什么都不保留

# AUTO - only the faction/race/fighting style stats are kept #只保留阵营/种族/战斗风格

# FULL - everything is kept #保留所有内容

# CUSTOM - will use the 'Stats to Keep' section to determine which stats to keep #使用'Stats to Keep'选项来决定哪些数据要保留


"Keep Stats after Death" = "AUTO"

#Responsible for how player unlock Haoshoku Haki; 


# NONE - Haoshoku Haki cannot be unlocked naturally #正常情况下没有人可以解锁

# RANDOM - Only a few chosen ones receive it when they spawn #只有少数被选中的人才能解锁

# EXPERIENCE - Will unlock based on the total amount of Haki experience a player has #基于玩家的霸气经验总量解锁

# COMBINED - Combiens the logic of RANDOM and EXPERIENCE #结合玩家霸气经验总量和随机的方式解锁

# TRUE_RANDOM - Each world / server has its own pool of randomly chosen Haoshoku Haki users #每个世界/服务器都有自己随机选择的霸王色霸气用户池


"Haoshoku Haki Unlock Logic" = "EXPERIENCE"

#Multiplies any doriki gained by this amount


"Doriki Reward Multiplier" = 1.0

#Allows the players to pickup items while the combat bar is active 


"Combat Bar Pickup" = true

#Allows vanilla and other modded NPCs to use Busoshoku Haki, has no visual effect on their model however and its purely mechanical 


"Native Busoshoku Haki" = true

#Allows players to receive extra hearts based on their doriki


"Extra Hearts" = true

#Guarantees a minimum of 1 doriki per kill


# If used together with a Haki Exp Multiplier with a multiplier less than <1.0 it will convert it to chances


"Minimum Doriki per Kill" = false

#Sets a new limit for maximum haki exp a player may obtain 


"Haki Exp Limit" = 100

#Randomizes the player's race at spawn (making the player unable to choose a race themselves) 


"Race Randomizer" = false

#List with ability names that are banned, the names can be written in any case with or without spaces


"Banned Abilities" = ["example1", "example2"]

#Sets a new limit for maximum doriki a player may obtain 


"Doriki Limit" = 10000

#Please note that these settings only work if the "Keep stats after Death" option is set to CUSTOM!


[General."Stats to Keep"] #[总体."死后保留数据"] 

"Keep Fighting Style" = true #保留战斗风格(默认为true)

"Keep Doriki" = true #保留道力(默认为true)

#Percentage of belly to keep after death


"Percentage of Belly kept after death" = 33

"Keep Race" = true #保留种族(默认为true)

#Percentage of doriki to keep after death


"Percentage of Doriki kept after death" = 33

"Keep Haki Exp" = true#保留霸气(默认为true)

"Keep Bounty" = true#保留赏金(默认为true)

"Keep Devil Fruit" = true#保留恶魔果实(默认为true)

#Percentage of bounty to keep after death


"Percentage of Bounty kept after death" = 33

#Percentage of faction loyalty to keep after death


"Percentage of Loyalty kept after death" = 50

"Keep Faction" = true#保留派系(默认为true)

"Keep Belly" = true #保留贝利(默认为true)

"Keep Loyalty" = true #保留忠诚度(默认为true)

#Percentage of haki exp to keep after death


"Percentage of Haki Exp kept after death" = 33

["Devil Fruits / Abilities"] #["恶魔果实/能力"]

#Invulnerability to avoid attacks


"Ability Invulnerability" = true

#Allows Gasu Gasu no Mi, Moku Moku no Mi and Suna Suna no Mi users to fly, this option does not affect flying Zoans which will be able to fly regardless

#允许吃下瓦斯果实, 烟雾果实和沙沙果实的玩家飞行,这个选项不会影响客户端的飞行选项(默认为true)

"Special Flying" = true

#Used to determine the logic for when a continuous ability is used while another continuous ability is being used;


# true - Currently used ability is stopped and the newly used ability starts its process #停止当前使用的技能,使用的新的技能

# false - The current ability is NOT stopped and the used ability has no effect #继续使用当前技能,新使用的技能没有效果


"Stop Continuous Abilities" = true

#Number of ability bars;


"Ability Bars" = 2

#Enables the shared cooldown between similar abilities


"Shared Cooldowns" = true

#Will randomize all visual aspects of a devil fruit, making them impossible to identify


"Randomized Fruits" = false

#How logias get affected by projectiles;  


# NONE - No projectile can damage logias #没有炮弹可以伤害到自然系恶魔果实能力者

# HAKI - Physical projectiles with buso cause damage #带有霸气的炮弹可以伤害到自然系恶魔果实能力者

# EXTENDED - HAKI + any attack considered special deals damage to logias #霸气以及任何特殊的攻击都可以伤害到自然系果实能力者


"Logia Projectiles Invulnerability" = "EXTENDED"

#Allows Yami Yami no Mi users to eat an additional fruit


"Yami Yami no Mi additional fruit" = true

#Will send a chat message to nearby players with the used ability's name


"Anime Scream" = false

#Allows logia users to have different effects when punched


"Logia Return Effect" = false

#Allows Devil Fruits to drop from leaves if higher than 0


"Chance for Devil Fruits to drop from leaves" = 0.0

#Enables logia's invulnerability


"Logia Invulnerability" = true

#Makes the fire and lava damage source to reduce fire resistance; only applies to move attacks from fruits 


"Special Source Events" = true

#Allows abilities to break or replace blocks; if turned OFF it will make some abilities completly useless


"Ability Griefing" = true

#Runs a check for all abilities on a player to remove dupes or suspicious abilities when the player joins the world


"Ability Fraud Checks" = true

#Makes getting out of water much harder as it's supposed to be


"Devil Fruit Extended Weakness Checks" = false

# NONE - No logic is applied, an infinite number of each fruit can exist #没有额外规则,每个水果可以存在无限个

# SIMPLE - No more than one fruit type can be acquired via natural means (chests, leaves, fruit reincarnations etc) #每种果实只能存在一个

# EXTENDED - Extra rules are applied on top of the SIMPLE set that blocks any means (or as many as possible) of storing/hoarding fruits #有额外的规则应用在恶魔果实的生成与存在上,阻止任何(或尽可能多的)储存水果,控制恶魔果实的转世


"One Devil Fruit per World Logic" = "NONE"

#These options only work when "One Fruit per World" option is set to EXTENDED!


#Sets the limit for how many fruits a player can hold in their inventory;


"Inventory Fruit Limit" = 3

#If the player already has a devil fruit then they will be unable to pickup any other fruit;


"Unable to pickup Devil Fruit as a fruit user" = false

#Defines how many days a player has to be offline before their Devil Fruits are removed


#A value of 0 means the setting is disabled and fruits will not be removed for inactivity!;


"Days for Inactivity" = 6

["Devil Fruits / Abilities"."Devil Fruits Reincarnation"] #[“恶魔果实/能力”.”恶魔果实转世"]

#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from an apple inside an entity's inventory


"Inventory Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 1.0

#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from a dropped apple


"Dropped Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 15.0

#Sets the % chance for a Devil Fruit to get reincarnated from an apple inside of a nearby chest


"Chest Apple Reincarnation Chance" = 1.0

[Structures] #[结构]

[Structures."Training Structures"] #[结构.“训练结构”]

#Allows training structures to spawn in the world


"Spawn Training Structures" = true

#Sets the % chance for a training structure to spawn


"Training Structure Spawn Chance" = 60.0

[Structures."Ghost Ships"] #[结构.“废弃的船”]

#Allows ghost ships to spawn in the world


"Spawn Ghost Ships" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Ghost Ship to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Ghost Ships Spawn Chance" = 30.0

[Structures."Watch Tower"] #[结构."瞭望塔"]

#Sets the % chance for a Watch Tower to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Watch Tower Spawn Chance" = 5.0

#Allows watch towers to spawn in the world


"Spawn Watch Towers" = true

[Structures."Sky Islands"] #[结构."空岛"]

#Allows sky islands to spawn in the world


"Spawn Sky Islands" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Sky Island to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Sky Islands Spawn Chance" = 5.0

[Structures."Medium Ships"] #[结构."中型船"]

#Sets the % chance for a Medium Ship to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Medium Ships Spawn Chance" = 70.0

#Allows medium ships to spawn in the world


"Spawn Medium Ships" = true

[Structures."Large Bases"] #[结构."大型基地"]

#Allows large bases to spawn in the world


"Spawn Large Bases" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Large Base to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Large Bases Spawn Chance" = 80.0

[Structures."Small Ships"] #[结构."小船只"]

#Allows small ships to spawn in the world


"Spawn Small Ships" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Small Ship to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Small Ships Spawn Chance" = 10.0

[Structures."Large Ships"] #[结构."大型船只"]

#Allows large ships to spawn in the world


"Spawn Large Ships" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Large Ships to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Large Ships Spawn Chance" = 30.0

[Structures.Poneglyph] #[结构."历史正文石碑"]

#Sets the % chance for a Poneglyph to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Poneglyph Spawn Chance" = 30.0

#Allows poneglyphs to spawn in the world


"Spawn Poneglyphs" = true

[Structures."Small Bases"] #[结构."小型基地"]

#Allows small bases to spawn in the world


"Spawn Small Bases" = true

#Sets the % chance for a Small Base to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Small Bases Spawn Chance" = 70.0

[Structures.Camps] #[结构."营地"]

#Sets the % chance for a Camp to spawn, the % is calculated per chunk (16x16)


"Camps Spawn Chance" = 60.0

#Allows camps to spawn in the world


"Spawn Camps" = true

[Quests] #[任务]

#Allows quests to reward players with abilities, otherwise all abilities will be unlocked from the beginning


"Quest Progression" = false

#Allows quests to be accepted / completed


Quests = true


#Enabled retaking of already completed challenges


"Retake Challenges" = false

#Enabled the challenges menu and activation by players


Challenges = true

["World Events"] #[世界事件]

#Allows random aggressive faction NPCs to spawn in the world (Marines/Pirates/Bandits enemies)


"World NPCs Spawns" = true

["World Events".Trainers] #["世界事件".训练师]

#Allows Trainers to spawn in the world


"Trainer Spawns" = true

#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts


"Time Between Trainer Spawns" = 1800

#Determines the % chance for a trainer to spawn


"Chance for Trainer Spawns" = 15

["World Events".Ambushes] #["世界事件".伏击]

#Allows Ambushes to spawn in the world


"Ambushe Spawns" = true

#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts


"Time Between Ambushes Spawns" = 3600

#Determines the % chance for a ambush to spawn


"Chance for Ambush Spawns" = 15

["World Events".Traders] #["世界事件".商人]

#Allows Traders to spawn in the world


"Trader Spawns" = true

#Determines the % chance for a trader to spawn


"Chance for Trader Spawns" = 1

#Determines the time (in seconds) between two spawn attempts


"Time Between Trader Spawns" = 1800

[Ores] #[矿石]

#Kairoseki count per chunk


"Kairoseki Count" = 5

#Kairoseki maximum height


"Kairoseki Height Spawn" = 64

[Crews] #[团队]

#Bounty Requirement for creating a crew; 0 means no requirement


"Bounty Requirement" = 0

#Disabled the friendly damage between crewmates


"Disable Friendly Damage" = true

#Sends a message to all players when a new crew gets formed


"World Message" = false

[Bounty] #[赏金]

#Allows wanted poster packages to drop from the sky


"Wanted Poster Package Drops" = true

#Time it takes for another package to drop


"Time Between Package Drops" = 18000