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魔法巫师在 .minecraft\versions\[版本文件夹]\config 路径下拥有两个配置文件(图 1-1):
客户端(Client)配置:列出了可用于暗影之书的字体;0.3.2 版本后新增了 本 Mod 自带的动态光源配置。
Client - 客户端配置
List of Extra Fonts - 额外字体列表
#list of fonts that can be used, mainly for the book of shadows
font_list = ["minecraft:default", "hexerei:fancy", "hexerei:bloody", "hexerei:earth", "hexerei:seattle", "hexerei:medieval", "hexerei:augusta"]
# 可使用的字体列表(主要用于暗影之书)。
Dynamic Light Toggle - 动态光源开关切换
#Dynamic light toggle
dynamic_light_toggle = true
# 设置动态光源是否开启。
Entity Light Level - 实体光照等级设置
#Light level an entity should emit when dynamic lights are on
#Example entry: minecraft:blaze=15
entity_lights = ["minecraft:blaze=10", "minecraft:magma_cube=8", "minecraft:spectral_arrow=8"]
# 动态光源开启时,一个实体该发出多少光照等级。
Item Light Level - 物品光照等级设置
#Light level an item should emit when held when dynamic lights are on
#Example entry: minecraft:stick=15
item_lights = ["hexerei:moon_dust=8", "minecraft:redstone_torch=10", "minecraft:soul_lantern=12", "minecraft:glow_ink_sac=10", "minecraft:verdant_froglight=15", "minecraft:blaze_rod=10", "minecraft:shroomlight=10", "minecraft:lantern=14", "minecraft:soul_torch=10", "minecraft:glow_berries=8", "minecraft:glowstone_dust=8", "minecraft:pearlescent_froglight=15", "minecraft:nether_star=14", "minecraft:glowstone=15", "minecraft:torch=14", "minecraft:ochre_froglight=15", "minecraft:lava_bucket=15"]
# 动态光源开启时,一个物品该发出多少光照等级。
Common - 普通配置
Herb Jar Settings - 药草罐设置
#Disabling allows jars to hold any item
jars_only_hold_herbs = true
# 禁用允许药草罐容纳任何物品,true 则仅允许药草罐储存药草和作物。
Sage Burning Plate Settings - 鼠尾草灼烧盘设置
#Range of the Sage Burning Plate, setting to 0 will disable completely
spawn_disable_range = 48
# 设置鼠尾草灼烧盘的效果半径范围,设置为 0 则禁用。
Sage Bundle Settings / (0.3.2) Sage Bundle Durability - 鼠尾草燃烧设置
#Duration of how long each bundle will last while burning
sage_bundle_duration_in_seconds / (0.3.2) sage_bundle_durability = 3600
# 设置每个一捆干燥的鼠尾草的燃烧时间,默认 3600 秒。
Broom Brush Durability - 扫帚尾耐久设置
#100 durability will be about 16 minutes of flight time
broom_brush_durability = 100
# 100 耐久值大约能提供 16 分钟飞行时间。
Enhanced Broom Brush Durability / (0.3.2) Herb Enhanced Brush Durability - 增强的扫帚尾耐久设置
#200 durability will be about 32 minutes of flight time
enhanced_broom_brush_durability / (0.3.2) herb_enhanced_brush_durability = 200
# 200 耐久值大约能提供 32 分钟飞行时间。
(于 0.3.2 添加)Moon Dust Brush Durability - 月尘扫帚尾耐久设置
#Moon Dust brush durability
moon_dust_brush_durability = 200
# 设置月尘扫帚尾的默认耐久值。
(于 0.3.2 添加)Thruster Brush Durability - 推进器扫帚尾耐久设置
#thruster brush durability
thruster_brush_durability = 400
# 设置推进器扫帚尾的默认耐久值。
Broom Netherite Tip Durability - 防水扫帚头耐久设置
#1 second of active time per 1 durability
broom_netherite_tip_durability = 200
# 扫帚在水中时,防水扫帚头每秒消耗 1 点耐久值。
Broom Waterproof Tip Durability - 下界合金扫帚头耐久设置
#1 second of active time per 1 durability
broom_waterproof_tip_durability = 800
# 扫帚在熔岩中时,下界合金扫帚头每秒消耗 1 点耐久值。
Biome Generation - 群系稀有度
#rarity of the willow swamp biome, 0 to disable
#Range: > 0
willow_swamp_rarity = 2
# 柳树沼泽生物群系的稀有度,0 则禁用。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Witch Hut Spacing - 巫师小屋生成间距设置
#spacing between witch huts, lower both spacing and separation to increase spawn rates
witch_hut_spacing = 20
# 将数值调小,即可提高巫师小屋生成率。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Witch Hut Separation - 巫师小屋生成间隔设置
#separation of the witch huts, lower both spacing and separation to increase spawn rates
witch_hut_separation = 8
# 将数值调小,即可提高巫师小屋生成率。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Dark Coven Spacing - 黑暗巫师公会生成间距设置
#spacing between dark covens, lower both spacing and separation to increase spawn rates
dark_coven_spacing = 29
# 将数值调小,即可提高黑暗巫师公会生成率。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Dark Coven Separation - 黑暗巫师公会生成间隔设置
#separation of the dark covens, lower both spacing and separation to increase spawn rates
dark_coven_separation = 11
# 将数值调小,即可提高黑暗巫师公会生成率。
Crow Pickpocket Cooldown - 乌鸦偷窃冷却时间设置
#time (in ticks) for crow being able to pickpocket again (base 1 minute 30 seconds)
crow_pickpocket_cooldown = 1800
# 乌鸦能再次偷窃的游戏刻间隔。(最小冷却时间为 1 分 30 秒)
(于 0.3.2 移除)Crow Generation Weight - 乌鸦生成权重设置
#weight of the crow generation (how often it'll spawn)
crow_generation_weight = 20
# 即乌鸦生成有多频繁。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Crow Generation Min Count - 乌鸦最小生成数设置
#min number of crows spawning per group
crow_generation_min_count = 2
# 每组乌鸦生成时的最小数量。
(于 0.3.2 移除)Crow Generation Max Count - 乌鸦最大生成数设置
#max number of crows spawning per group
crow_generation_max_count = 5
# 每组乌鸦生成时的最大数量。
Coffer Item Blacklist - 储物箱物品黑名单
#blacklists items from being placed inside of coffers
coffer_blacklist = ["minecraft:shulker_box", "minecraft:white_shulker_box", "minecraft:orange_shulker_box", "minecraft:magenta_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:yellow_shulker_box", "minecraft:lime_shulker_box", "minecraft:pink_shulker_box", "minecraft:gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:light_gray_shulker_box", "minecraft:cyan_shulker_box", "minecraft:purple_shulker_box", "minecraft:blue_shulker_box", "minecraft:brown_shulker_box", "minecraft:green_shulker_box", "minecraft:red_shulker_box", "minecraft:black_shulker_box", "hexerei:coffer"]
# 禁止放入储物箱的物品列表。默认不允许将其他储物箱和潜影盒放进储物箱中。