
Aggressive Motion Checker is more aggressive now.


- Watchdog: Enables watchdog related features.

Infernal Mobs:

- Stall Watchdog: Prevents deadlocks from bad packets.

Multi Mine:

- Stall Watchdog: Prevents deadlocks from bad packets.

Potion Core:

- Cap Jump Boost: Prevents bugs with invalid jump boosts.




Battle Towers:

- Enforce Tower Destruction Config: Prevents clients from changing the tower destruction config

- Remove Unloaded Tower Destroyers: Removes tower destroyers from unloaded worlds

Better Survival:

- Replace Combo Handler: Replaces the blindness and combo handler entirely for performance

- Replace Enchantment Handler: Replaces the enchantment handler entirely for performance


- Disable Magnetic Enchantment: Option to disable the effect of Magnetic without unregistering it to avoid packet issues. Use this if the enchantment is broken.

- Fix Charged Emerald Crash: Fix charged emeralds crashing when being fired from a dispenser. (thanks Rainy Afternoon)

Dynamic Surroundings:

- Environment Service Delay: Delay the environment service for village detection so it runs every second instead of every tick


- Remove RUINSTRIGGER Functionality: Removes the command block RUINSTRIGGER feature, as nothing used it and it causes issues with player chunkloading

Serene Seasons:

- Replace Random Update Handler: (requires patch chunkTicks) Replaces the random update handler with a faster alternative for performance.

Spawner Control:

- Remove World Ticks: Removes world ticks, which are used to create smoke particles and remove obsolete spawners, to save performance.


- chunkTicks: Enables features for ticking chunk blocks

- serverCompatibility: Attempt to be compatible with alternative server software

The effects of the serverCompatibility setting are listed below


Charm beacon fix

Disenchanter crash fix

LootTweaker fix

Realbench patch fix


Charm beacon fix

LibrarianLib crash fix

LootTweaker fix

Realbench patch fix


LootTweaker fix

Pathfinding Chunk Cache patch is skipped if sponge is detected (skipped regardless of the serverCompatibility setting)




Mod now works server side only!

- Client still needs the mod installed for some features to work.


- Pathfinding Chunk Cache Fix: Stops ghost chunkloading when creating pathfinding chunk caches




Forge requirement is now 2859

- Changes to automatic config command to set max entity radius configs correctly

Better Survival:

- Mob Blindness: Whether blindness affects mob's pathfinding

- Mob Blindness Blacklist: Blacklisted mobs for the blindness effect

- Mob Blindness Percentage: How strongly blindness affects mobs

- Tunneling Cancelable: Whether tunneling should stop if the center block breaking is canceled

Fancy Block Particles:

- Fix Placement Ghost Blocks: Prevents ghost blocks from being placed when placement is restricted

Googly Eyes

- Entity Blacklist: Alternative entity blacklist that uses entity registry names

Infernal Mobs

- Use Enchantment Blacklist: Whether infernal mobs use the enchantment blacklist in the rltweaker minecraft config for their drops
