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[h1=简介]Regeneration​ Mod 是一个允许玩家在死亡后进行特殊再生的模组。模组受英国国宝级电视节目“神秘博士”的启发,也是“神秘博士”里时间领主的标志性能力。里面添加了一个 Fob Watch 的怀表,右击怀表你将拥有时间领主的血统,逃避死亡。[h1=模组特色]多人游戏友好,可用于生存模式,也可以用于极限模式!再生后物品...
[h1=概述]本模组需要在 Fabric API v0.55.3+ 和沉浸式传送门 v2.0.0+ 下才可以运行,否则将报错。本模组添加了来自英国广播公司(BBC)的科幻剧《神秘博士》中的塔迪斯(TARDIS)。同时也添加了剧中的其他生物,比如戴立克(Dalek)和赛博人(Cryberman)。但是目前只能通过指令生成塔迪斯可以到达任何地点,她目前拥有三个内饰,分别属于第一...
[h1=引言]“The lonely assassins, they used to call them - no one quite knows where they came from but they're as old as the universe, or very nearly. And they've survived this long because they have the most perfect defence system ever evolved. They're quantum locked. The moment they are seen or observed by any other living creature they freeze into rock - no choice, a fact of their biology. In the sight of any living thing, they l...