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...    "minecraft:oak_plank" : {      "sit_pos" : [0.75,0.5,0.5]    }  }}复制代码每个方块的ID下都有如下的键值对:sit_pos值为一个长度为 3 的数组,用来定义你坐在椅子上的相对坐标。顺序为 x,y,z。方块的坐标可以见文章末尾的示意图,在示意图中高度轴Y不表...
...    "nuclear_waste_cask" : {      "sit_pos" : [0.3125,1,0.5] ,      "ass_cancer" : true ,      "no_occlusion" : false ,      "shape_box" : [        [...
... is closed. When you open it, you can get in and start driving. To start the engine, right click your key while sitting inside the car. When the engine is running, you're ready to drive! You can also use horn (by pressing H, you can change this key binding as well) for fun or for scarying animals (animals get scared of car horn about once every 20 seconds).If the car is a truck, you can store items in it by pressing G while being inside the c...
...记得将 spongepowered mixin 添加到您的 build.gradle 中:buildscript {    repositories {        maven { name="sponge"; url 'https://repo.spongepowered.org/repository/maven-public/' }    }    dependencies {        ...   &nbs...
...辑器使用教程物品篇。附魔台的编辑则只有CustomName来决定方块实体的名称。Include Position为包括坐标,在添加实体部分可以指定坐标。Edit为编辑当前选中实体Weight猜测为权重,目前无法确定Add Entity为添加可刷出的实体,Remove则为从列表中删除被选中的实体AUW支持对刷出实体的详细配置1号位置的物品可以编辑物品生命值和物品存在时间,还...
...ffier and flowier, wagging realistically while they stand and run.#Also makes tamed wolves lie down instead of sitting. Hold up some meat and they'll roll over, too.#更蓬松的狗尾巴,摇动时恍若真物。此外,驯服的狼不再坐下,而是会趴下,给他们吃点肉他们将很乐意翻个身。"Playful Doggy" = true#This one is pretty kneat. It makes sheep actually bend down to eat grass.#It's no longer ...
...环播放ride玩家骑马  (驴)  时的动画循环播放ride_pig玩家骑猪时的动画循环播放sit玩家坐下时的动画循环播放idle无任何操作时的动画循环播放以下是八个并行动画 ,并行动画与主动画互相独立 ,也放置于main .animation .json文件中。用于制作那些无论在什么情况下均会播放的内容:尾巴、耳朵的摆动 ,眨眼动画等等。名称作用备...
...运算符]:可设置[EQUALS等于 DIFFERENT不等于 GREATER大于 LESSER小于][Value 值]:已知阵营【Inquisition】宗教裁判所阵营,与npc阵营友好【npc】竞技场经理,木头人和创造玩家使用物品生成cq_npc的阵营【npc_mercenary】平原村庄阵营(市场和旅馆)【Witches】章鱼哥村庄与Inquisition敌对【npc_Orcs】沙漠村庄【Orcs】沙漠村庄兽人,与Inquisition敌对【mob_undead】亡...
...储数据。而新驯服的宠物使用新的追踪/传送系统。- Added pet super amulet to facilitate transition to MoCreatures v.6- Added Name, Type, Owner to mouseover of new Pet Amulets- Added class name to amulet mouseover window- Added '/moc killall' command which kills all entities in loaded chunks ignoring tamed vanilla and mocreatures.Note: This new command will kill all entities in loaded chunks of all dimensions.- Added '...
...卷轴,就像这样:Spoiler: 然后用卷轴及其他材料做成拓印台。Spoiler: The feather and torch positions are interchangeable, but I believe the parchment must be in the middle.After you make the table, place it where you want it, and right-click to open the gui.Spoiler: You will need a parchment and a rune to get your first spell. In this example it was a blank rune, but you should know spells are randomized, per person and per wor...
...文此时“Date()”会报错,暂时不用管它。3.添加匠魂和JEI的相关库找到如下代码:repositories {    // Put repositories for dependencies here    // ForgeGradle automatically adds the Forge maven and Maven Central for you    // If you have mod jar ...