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...his usually goes unnoticed, many mods are unknowingly affected by it. One common example is a set of armor that provides the player with more than 30 points of armor. The vanilla game limits armor to 30 points, so any armor points above that are completely wasted. This mod significantly increases these caps to allow mods to work as they were intended. (Minecraft采用一套属性系统来做一些重要的计算,这套系统涵盖了护甲值...
...the cute catgirls in the downloads page.Gelbooru (nsfw): 下载页面中的可爱猫娘。Le_Alchemist for providing many hours of shameless fun.Le_Alchemist: 提供了许多厚颜无耻的快乐时光。MCPBot for always being there for my obfuscation woes.MCPBot: 总在我遇到困惑时前来驰援。ScottWears for hosting my website.ScottWears: 管理我的网站。The TConstruct and OpenBlocks teams for code snippets I to...
[h1=简介]本模组为 McHorse 制作的 Mod 的通用前置 Mod。作者的话:这个小巧整洁的模块提供了我在所有模块中使用的通用代码。如图形用户界面代码、数学表达式解析器、网络库等。原文:“This little neat mod provides common code I use across my mods. Such as GUI code, math expression parser, network base, etc.”[ban:title_menu]
以下curseforge上的原话:Library of common routines shared between OreCruncher's mods.  Does not provide any functionality on it's own.不添加任何物品,只是一个LIB。
...hey will.If you have any issues, feel free to report them at issues page, but they only will be reviewed if you provide your fml-client-latest.log file. You can use this mod in your modpacks freely. To be nice you could also tell me something like "added to modpack XXX" but this is not required. 
...6.x 1.7.2)前往Minecraft Forum页面下载传送门版权说明This MOD may be freely distributed in mod packs provided that they do not make money. Individual hosting and mirroring of this MOD is strongly discouraged (though not forbidden) in favour of linking to the official forum thread (https://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1932156-).——作者在Minecraft Forum官方页面上的原话简而言之就是,你可以任意将ATG加入整合...
...,提出了很有建设性的建议,同时也为原文介绍和模组标志作出了贡献!感谢 NASA Web Provider 提供对星体轨道计算的支持;以及下载本模组的你,感谢你使用这个模组!
...个惊人的软件,并允许我们将它用于 OMLib。作者原话:Library for OMT and its companion mods. Provides the basic functionality like change owner command and the support for offline mode and RF/EU conversion. In a future update (Soon) it will also provide a tool with which you can instantly mine your owned blocks. Modders who want to make an addon for OMT also depend on this and thus should check out its source, there is probably...
...1.20.1版本的精神续作正在开发中![h1=情况说明]本模组最初的原型“普罗维登企划(Providence Project)”存在大规模欠薪行为,在企划负责人的经营下成功倒闭。请注意,本模组(Providencraft)从来不是普罗维登企划所开发的模组,内容与普罗维登企划没有实质性的关系,开发组对普罗维登企划负责人的胡作非为表示愤怒,对旗下所属员工的遭...
...分发该字体。[h2=通过资源包添加字体]Caxton 添加了一个 caxton 类型的字体提供器(font provider),它支持 regular、bold、italic、bold_italic 等键。每一个都可以被设置为一个标识符,其中 : 解析后指向字体文件 assets//textures/font/ 。要指定其他选项,请使用如下对象,其中 file 键指定了路径:{  &nb...
Have you ever been in the solution of needing a chest but you dont have any wood on you?This mod provides chests made of Stone, Cobblestone, Andesite, Diorite and Granite.你是否有过想要制作箱子却缺少木头的窘境呢?这个模组为你提供了由石头、圆石、安山岩、花岗岩和闪长岩制作的箱子。将两个石材沿着对角线放置得到石板,4 个石板合成相应的箱子。这些箱子可以像原版箱...
...迟。[h1=已知问题]如果安装了 MineTogeher 且启用了 siv intregration 的同时未安装Server Info Provider,则会出现 tps 使用键绑定延迟问题,因为它们绑定键冲突。要解决此问题,请在 MineTogeher 下禁用 siv 集成,或者更换绑定键。
...nbsp;terminal. The terminal shows what items can be requested from the network and can request those items when provided with a requester. It can also craft items using crafters.
...rds have elected to experiment with you, wiping your mind and leaving you in this strange world.The mod aims to provide an interesting experience with many systems together to create a comprehensive view of what magic is like in the TSON universe before the corruption of the Overlords. (This event changed many magical items which is the reason why many of the items in TSON Craft appeared less magical and did slightly different things)
This is a library mod which provides utility functions to my other mods, such as: Simplified client/server syncingMultiblock handlingNetwork handlerTexture registeringAbstract code to prevent repeated code fragmentsConfig files Development versions can be found at my jenkins: https://darkhol.me:8080/job/Darkcore/(摘自作者介绍)
[h1=概述]本模组实现了对 应用能源2 和 机械动力 的简单集成。[h2=内容]添加了能量传输器(Energy Provider),一种可将机械能量传输进 能源接收器 的方块。用 机械动力 的 流水线装配 代替 应用能源2 的 压印器 配方。在未来可能会添加「P2P通道」与「机械能量」间的转移。[ban:title_menu]
[h1=介绍]This mod provides a number of different ways to enhance the vanilla experience of Minecraft and provide easier or alternative ways to obtaining materials or blocks. This is to allow you to focus on what you really want to do, BUILD.该模组提供许多方块和物品,用于更好的帮助你进行原版生存。该模组曾用名:wuestUtilities。[ban:title_menu]
特点:support for shulker boxes and other storage item's provided by Item Inventories by Emi.为Minecraft添加了重量系统,当玩家携带超过重量限制的物品时,玩家会被负重压倒,趴在地上。体重将影响移动速度,饥饿消耗,飞行速度等。甚至可能折断鞘翅。affected by strength/weakness potions.玩家会因为地形减速。在某些方块上移动会减缓或加快实体的移动速度。...
...中的模组文件夹中,或手动将其添加到类路径中。这是由于 Scorge 是通过 Language Provider 这种特殊方式由 FML 加载的,对此无能为力。[ban:title_menu]
...供更好的建议。[h2=示例][h2=其他]本 Mod 灵感来源于 SnaveSutit。相似模组:Suggestion Provider Fix
[h1=Suggestion Provider Fix][ban:title_menu]本模组通过调整 Minecraft 的指令系统,让它能够对任何模组的任何 Resource Locations 进行补全。不太理解?没关系,看两张图吧:[h2=没有本模组]这是原版的 Suggestion Provider,它根本不会想到游戏里还有 Dynamic Trees 的橡子存在。[h2=有本模组]这是本模组调整后的 Suggestion Provider,Dynamic Trees 的橡子在这种环境下就...
... Size Multiplier: 0.25;其他选项保持默认。 [h1=鸣谢]作者原文如下:Thanks to egeesin for providing Turkish translations.Thanks to Francy-chan for updating to 1.18.2.
...sp;    ["oak_leaves"], // categories that this soil provides        100, // growth ticks that this soil will provide, set to -1 for no modifier        0.5 // optional, growth modifier, example: 0.5 means...
...bugs / problems, if you find some please tell me so I can fix them. One advice from me at this point: Provide basic information like MC/Forge version and mod version.
此模组为 对不起,我们没有充足的资金为您提供一只末影龙 模组的非官方 1.18 重制版,已在 GitHub 开源。此模组会在世界生成时自动杀死末影龙。
...启用输出内存中的 ID;支持的数据类型:[生物群系、药水效果、附魔、维度、实体、Providers、DataWatchers(和 DataWatcher 的类型)];注:方块实体、物品、方块已经是自动分配 ID 了,因此该模组不会输出它们;已测试支持的模组:[天境、极限末地生存、深渊国度、混沌之地、动态环境/动态环绕、矿石菌种、铁路]。[h2=ID 扩展]将 DataWatcher ID ...

注册名: cookingforblockheads:sink

...bsp;the sink to require water to be piped in, instead of providing infinite of it.    B:"Sink Requires Water"=false将 Sink Requires Water 值其由 false 改为 true(默认为 false)则水槽需要由管道供水。从水源到水桶

注册名: thaumicenergistics:thaumicenergistics.block.essentia.provider


注册名: thaumicenergistics:thaumicenergistics.block.infusion.provider
