找到约 268 条结果,共约 9 页。 [耗时:698.8509ms]

...       I:general.mobAbilityChance=x# Mobs that won't have abilities that can be dropped via totems. You can add things like 'minecraft:pig'.    S:general.mobDropBlacklist < 这里是黑名单 可以设置不能拥有能力的生物     >    # The maximum rarity of totems to spawn when a player first logs in. [0-3], -1 disables totem spawning.    I:general.totemMaxi...
...sp;没有限制可言,每种水果的数量是无限的# SIMPLE - No more than one fruit type can be acquired via natural means (chests, leaves, fruit reincarnations etc) //SIMPLE - 通过自然方式获得的果实种类不能超过一种# EXTENDED - Extra rules are applied on top of the SIMPLE set that blocks any means (or as many as possible) of storing/hoarding fruits //没啥用,不解释了# NONE by default //NONE默认#Allowe...
...ountwhich displays current tamed count from player's dat file.- Improved performance when updating settings via commands and GUI.- Changed tall grass and leaves on the wyvern dimension blocks- Improvements done for the wyvern dimension FPS- Removed default resource config files since they are no longer used- Removed default configs from resources. All configuration will now be generated on the fly.5.1.5- fixed bug where crocodiles wouldn'...
...tsBack = false ——驯服的白头海雕是否会自动传送#List of dimensions in which spawning void worms via mysterious worm items is allowed.voidWormSpawnDimensions = ["minecraft:the_end"] ——虚空蠕虫生成维度#True if straddleboard enchants are enabled.straddleboardEnchants = true ——跨板附魔是否开启#Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature.warp...
...石绑定结)   Draconic evolutiontraits· evolved: unbreakable, runs on rf, upgradable via fusion crafting·arrow damage: increases damage of projectiles·arrow speed: increases range of launchers·attack aoe: increases aoe of weapons·attack damage: increases damage of weapons·dig aoe: increases mining aoe of tools·dig speed: increases mining speed of tools·draw speed: increases draw speed of launchers·energy capacity:...
...t #没有额外规则,每个水果可以存在无限个# SIMPLE - No more than one fruit type can be acquired via natural means (chests, leaves, fruit reincarnations etc) #每种果实只能存在一个# EXTENDED - Extra rules are applied on top of the SIMPLE set that blocks any means (or as many as possible) of storing/hoarding fruits #有额外的规则应用在恶魔果实的生成与存在上,阻止任何(或尽可能多的)储存水果...
...sp;没有限制可言,每种水果的数量是无限的# SIMPLE - No more than one fruit type can be acquired via natural means (chests, leaves, fruit reincarnations etc) //SIMPLE - 通过自然方式获得的果实种类不能超过一种# EXTENDED - Extra rules are applied on top of the SIMPLE set that blocks any means (or as many as possible) of storing/hoarding fruits //没啥用,不解释了# NONE by default //NONE默认#Allowe...
... of Stands excluded from Stand Arrow and /stand random pool.#    These stands will still be available via /stand give command#    Their Discs won't be added to the mod's Creative tab, but they can still be found in the Search tab (although they can't be used to gain a banned Stand)."#    The format is the same as for /stand give command (e.g., "jojo:star_platinum").bannedStands = ["joj...
...更品种,默认true。    # Enables changing of egg breeds via block or environment    B:"can eggs change breeds"=true    #是否让冰龙停留时令水面结成的冰永久存在,默认为false。    # refers to the ice breath for the dragon in&nbs...
...成蛋是否可以生成怪物,不想生成就true改成false)allowSpawnEggs = true#Should the entity spawn via mob conversion? i.e. villager -> zombie(该怪物是否可以由其他生物转化过来,比如说僵尸村民是否可以由村民->僵尸村民这种情况转化过来,不想就改成false)allowConversions = true#When enabled the entity type will be aggresively removed from worlds. This will bypass all other options....
...ed to this dimension. The dimension must be registered either via Dimensions in the worldconfig or via the /otg dim -c  console command.# 指定一个维度,玩家低于“DimensionBelowHeight”设定的高度时传送至该维度。DimensionBelow: Far From Home 6# When a player&nb...
...」修改)                #Show % of your ammo in your gun via a colored durability bar. Set to false to remove bar entirely for more realistic gameplay                weaponAmmoBar = false(是否显示枪械弹药条,注意这个条是显示为耐久度条,而不是右下角的 HUD,一般不需要开)        &n...
...经验值的乘数warpPlateXpCostMultiplier = 0.0#The multiplier applied to the base xp cost when teleporting via the inventory button.#Range: -1.7976931348623157E308 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308#通过背包内传送按钮传送时,所消耗的经验值的乘数inventoryButtonXpCostMultiplier = 0.0[restrictions][限制条件]#If enabled, only creative players can place, edit or break waystones. This does NOT disable the crafting recipe.#若...
...态加载。    # IDs to load at startup, and keep loaded until server stops. Can be added via /gckeeploaded    I:"Static Loaded Dimensions" //开始时一直静态加载的维度,不建议服务器开启,可能会卡服。    # Set this to 0 for no borders (default).  If set to e.g. 2000, players will land on the Moon inside the x...
...nbsp;RP), 1 = Hard (all research items need to be solved via the research table)    I:research_difficulty=0    //研究的难度,-1下所有研究都是直接消耗要素解锁,1下所有的研究都是需要研究台解笔记来解锁}  #####################################################################################...
...某些游戏通过自身架构的特点扩展了它的可见性。Some games implicitly expand their visibility via the nature of the structure.例如《精灵宝可梦》系列在开头给予了有8个道馆可供挑战的信息,但在进入道馆之前你会经历什么你是不会知道的。For example, Pokémon gives you the vague visibility that eight gyms exist, but you don't get to see what's in between them.一个有着世界/...
...炸箭的射击距离倍率[loot]#Set to false to disable spawning Iron Weapons in Village Weaponsmith chests via loot table injectionadd_iron_weapons_to_village_blacksmith = true使村民可以交易该mod的铁制武器,默认true为允许,false为禁止#Set to false to disable spawning Longbow and Heavy Crossbow-related loot in Village Fletcher chests via loot table injectionadd_bow_and_crossbow_loot_to_village_fletcher = true使村民...
...sabled, they won't do that. See individual wyrm stat configs to set their block griefing capabilities (via block hardness), setting their values to below 0 disables their griefing capability. Default: true    #一些wyrms(那些被标记为diggers或sapients的)会试图破坏方块。如果这个被禁用,他们就不会这么做。请参阅各个wyrms stat配置以设置其可破坏的方块(通过方块硬...
...每超出一个背包增加n级减速},"client": {// Enables tool cycling via keybind (Default Z) + scroll combination, while backpack is worn//装备背包时可通过绑定的按键(在游戏设置中修改,默认Z键)+滚动轮循环背包中的工具格"enableToolCycling": true,// Allows tool cycling using keybi...
开发团队 MinecraftEnliven
A team dedicated to improving Minecraft's exploration via adding new animals, monsters plants, other blocks, and more.
...速工艺]fastcraft-1.25.jar) UCH gokiStats{1.0.0} [gokiStats] ([1.7.X]Core-gokiStats-1.0 cn_via_CI010.jar) UCH craftguide{1.5.2} [CraftGuide] ([G键合成表]CraftGuide.zip) UCH inventorytweaks{1.58-147-645ca10} [Inventory Tweaks] ([R键整理]InventoryTweaks.jar) UCH flammpfeil.slashblade{mc1.7.10-r87} [SlashBlade] ([拔刀剑]SlashBlade-mc1.7.10-r87.jar) UCH B...
...meTemperatureLeak, hugeScreenshotLeak][22:17:28] [main/INFO] [MixinExtras|Service/]: Initializing MixinExtras via ca.fxco.memoryleakfix.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.2).[22:17:28] [main/INFO] [Smooth Boot (Reloaded)/]: Smooth Boot (Reloaded) config initialized[22:17:31] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] [minecraft/Bootstrap]: ModernFix reached bootstrap stage (32.21 s after launch)[22:17:31] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] [ModernFix...
...{}[20:51:22] [Render thread/INFO] [minecraft/RecipeManager]: Skipping loading recipe toolbelt:pouch_upgrade_1_via_sewing as it's serializer returned null[20:51:22] [Render thread/INFO] [minecraft/RecipeManager]: Skipping loading recipe supplementaries:sign_post_lament as it's serializer returned null[20:51:22] [Render thread/INFO] [minecraft/RecipeManager]: Skipping loading recipe supplementaries:sign_post_red_mushroom as it's serializer re...