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...dispell others. Useful if you have another mod installed that provides similar customization to any armor set.    B:"Armor Potion Effects"=true    # 切换盔甲是否会给予特定药水效果或解除其他的效果。如果你安装了其他对盔甲提供类似自定义功能的MOD,那么这一项配置会比较...
...// 描述蜜蜂的穴居性            Flower_Provider = "{allele uid}" // 描述蜜蜂的采蜜对象            Flowering = "{allele uid}" // 描述蜜蜂的授粉速度            Territory...
...ill expotentially speed up the closer to the end it is. This is a purely visual effect - raw fire immunity time provided stays unchanged. [default: false]    B:BlazingCoreTraitorBarEnabled=false    # 控制装备烈焰核心玩家在暂时激活免疫熔岩伤害时候,经验条会出现过热条,出现方式的效果。      既若填true,会翻转函数值,热条会呈现反函数形式,随着免疫...
...了    11.# True if Plastic item is disabled - alternative methods of getting rat cage deco will be provided. WARNING: Leave the restard the game after changing this. You must be      fun at parties. [default: false]    B:"Disable Plastic"=false    #如果禁用塑料物品,则为真,将提供获取鼠笼装饰的替代方法。警告:更改此设置后,请离开重新开始游戏。你...
... seen on the surface was during the "Abyss Walkers" invasion, they had a great knowledge of magic and provided a great support to the other races on the surface, but after the invasion ended they reclaimed some territories which started some conflicts. These days Tritons live in their ocean cities under the menace of pirates. 甚至在生物出现在海洋之前,崔顿主宰了海洋,它们是诙谐而害羞的生物,并且很少...
...enever a player or entity changes dimension from world A to world B, their coordinates are multiplied by worldA.provider.getMovementFactor() / worldB.provider.getMovementFactor(). Example: Overworld factor is 1, nether factor is 8. Traveling from overworld to nether multiplies coordinates by 1/8.# 维度移动系数。会获取两个维度的移动系数,将维度A系数÷维度B系数。比如8 ÷ 1,就会像下界中1格相当于主世界8...
...(当然同样可以使用已绑定的无线终端或先进无线终端)访问同一频段中所有设置为Provide Inventories for Remote Access的存储线缆连接器所连接的存储驱动器中的物品,但不会提供自身物品至设置为Provide Inventories for Remote Access的存储线缆连接器所连接的存储驱动器。反之亦然。关于面板右上角的锁样(🔒)图标,可以切换该存储单元为”private...
...he Dakimakura. If not added the directory name is used.author: Name of the author. Will not be shown if none is provided.image-front: File name of the front image. If not provided the mod will look for front.png, front.jpg or front.jpegimage-back: File name of the back image. If not provided the mod will look for front.png, front.jpg or front.jpegflavour-text: Flavour text that will be shown at the bottom of the item tool-tip. Will not be shown i...
...ced vertically in the core, you'll only need 4 horizontal lasers to stabilize it. A more powerful beam will provide more stability on that side of the artifact over a bit of time. Shooting too frequently is very inefficient and will eventually creates micro-explosion as the core tries to compensate for it. Hence you'll have to carefully adjust your laser shot levels accordingly.爱看就看不爱看可以直接跳过来看我的翻译和...
...●合金DisasterMoo edited this page on 3 Mar · 3 revisionsFor manipulating Alloy recipes a recipe builder is provided: // Import Alloy methods into your scriptimport mods.terrafirmacraft.Alloy;import mods.terrafirmacraft.AlloyRecipeBuilder; //Gets the recipe builder for the specified metal 注册合金AlloyRecipeBuilder builder = Alloy.addAlloy(String metal);//Removes the alloy recipe from registry 移除注册合金Alloy.removeAlloy...
...量200,升级一次为600,两次为1800。其他数值同理    # Modifies how much RF/t Hermal provides.    I:"Hermal - RF Generation"=1000    #活力马铃薯提供的电量}———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————"Tool Tweaks" {&nbs...
...明确可见的)奖励决定的。The content you pick is usually informed by the (also visible) rewards it provides.这时候再回过头来看这些流程...well:And when you look at the flow for that... well:有着完整可见性的视野是这一切的关键。The full visibility of the scope is the key here.现在玩家知道旅途中的每一步,也就能带着动机,目的而不散漫地去与目标交互。Now the player knows eve...
...me(BiomeType type, BiomeEntry entry)而注册到下界中则需要mixin注入来修改NetherBiomeProvider$parameters成员变量。另外最好将你的群系也注册一下前文提到的Forge的群系词典,以使其他模组添加的内容能够在你的群系中正常工作。额外说明一下Surface Builder,这个东西字如其名,是实现群系表面构造的,比如平原表层是草方块、下面是泥土,而...
...件定义“字体”。该文件定义了一个字体集(Font Set),包含一组字形提供器(Glyph Provider)。不难发现,Minecraft 的“字体”类似于 Modern UI 字体合集,而字形提供器类似于字体家族,但只能包含一个 Minecraft 格式的标准体,且不满足 TrueType 和 Unicode 规范。为什么要定义一组字体而不是一个字体呢?一个 TrueType 字体最多包含65535种字形,而...
...deusCore/core.conf(AsmodeusCore是星空的前置),在第28、29行找到:# Enable/Disable Advanced Sky Provider on Overworld (Not support shaders).B:enableSkyOverworld=true将true改为false,下图是已经修改后的结果,此时MC的地球天空就不会被星空影响了,其他星球依然是星系/星空的效果。
...RecipeUnlocking=true自动解锁所有新玩家的所有配方。# Allow axes to chop things on chopping board. Provided for mod pack creators.B:AxeChopping=true允许斧头与砧板交互。为整合包作者提供。I:Axe Chopping Planks Output=6砧板砍木头产出木板数I:Axe Chopping Stick Output=4同上,木棍 # If true, bamboo can be used as a blowpipe which can shoot seeds.若此项设为true,则竹子可以当作吹管,可...
...recipe definitions.  Order is name, input, number of inputs, output.  Input may also be an itemstack, provided examples use oredict.     S:Recipes
...末影人刷怪笼的卡顿问题。无Starlight重写原版光照引擎,大幅提高性能。无Suggestion Provider Fix让指令补全系统支持模组注册名。无TexTrue's Rubidium Options铷视频设置优化。无
...; // adds ejml to the dev env    // The 'provided' configuration is for optional dependencies that exist at compile-time but might not at runtime.    // provided 'com.mod-buildcraft:buildcraft:6.0.8:dev'    // These dependencies ...
...n.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "MyOwnPlanetDimensionID", -30).getInt(); DimensionManager.registerProviderType(dimID, new PlanetWorldProvider(), false); DimensionManager.registerDimension(dimID, dimID);The first line loads the configurable dimension id from a config file. It should be configurable because if another mod uses that same id, then you have a compatibility problem. If you allow the user to confi...
...p;{    # Amount of LP the Coat of Arms should provide for each damage dealt.    # Min: 0    # Max: 100    I:coatOfArmsConversion=20              //斗士铠衣转换LP的比例    # Am...
...ript类型注释了。比如/** * Get the "biggest" element among provided entries, "big" is defined by `comparator` * @param list provided entries * @param comparator If not specified, will use `(a, b) => a - b` * @returns the "biggest&q...
...[]]    S:beast_coin_fluid     # Max bonus that adding fluid can provide [Default=0.99]    D:beast_coin_max_bonus=1} 最后一行代码:    D:beast_coin_max_bonus=1【意思就是:一次提供的最大金币数量=1】 改为你想要的数字即可。比如: D:beast_coin_max_bonus=100  就是,得到RF能量之后,货币矿机每过1秒会为您提供...
...  }    }}   这里需要注意一下,在IWorld、IWorldInfo和IWorldProvider中都有一个获取世界时间的Method,其区别如下://获取世界总游玩时间player.sendChat(".getWorldTime():"~player.world.getWorldTime());player.sendChat(".getWorldTotalTime():"~player.world.worldInfo.getWorldTotalTime());//获取世界昼夜更替时间pl...
...truelichUndeadFriendly = true非人造铁傀儡和村民会对巫妖产生敌意(默认:开)#If Villagers provide negative Reputation to Liches and non-Player Iron Golems are automatically aggressive against them, Default: truelichVillagerHate = true巫妖每次消耗灵魂能量治疗的数值(默认:5)#How much Soul Energy is cost to heal the Player per configured second if they've become a Lich, Default: 5#Range: > 0lichHeal...
...大!这主要是真对下界的一次更新以下为作者原话,内容发布后会更新资料I wanted to provide one last update before the end of this year, so we start development of a larger content-oriented update! v0.7 was called Bitter Sweet, and v0.9 will be called: IncinerationYou can probably take a guess as to what this update will focus on, Nether-themed content.This update will most likely not make any changes to pre-existing co...
...ext.lookup(Registries.PLACED_FEATURE);    context.register(BiomeKey.Biome,BiomeMaker.biomeProvider1(p,c));//这里分别是你之前注册的群系ResourceKey与构造群系实例的方法。}最后我们需要将其在GatherData事件中使用它。这个事件不会在正式启动游戏后的任何时间触发,只能在开发环境中使用专门的gradle任务来调用。代码如下(假设上一步的方法在BiomeR...
...------------------------------------------------------#    # Information to provide to players.    ##########################################################################################################    information {        # These are your information info lines in th...