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...n模组了。在官网中作者对OreSpawn停止支持Minecraft及关闭Discord频道的相关说明:Good Riddance DiscordA quick goodbye to the most hateful, hurtful, nasty place I could ever imagine on the internet. Discord. It has been a horrible experience from day one. So many haters and no way to stop them. It's just a horrible, terrible place with endless drama that ended up making me dread just sitting at my own computer. So good ri...
...动速度、攻击伤害、攻击速度、护甲值、护甲韧性、运气。作者的介绍:Minecraft uses an attribute system to handle important calculations. It covers everything from armor values, to attack damage, to the maximum health of a mob. This system also introduced attribute caps, which limit how high any value can be. While this usually goes unnoticed, many mods are unknowingly affected by it. One common example is a set of armo...
...团队将整个模组的代码大面积回溯亦没能解决问题。在此过程中又意外地弄丢了 sans 源码,Mrbt0907 本人也在更新中承认他同时也导致凋灵风暴代码出现卡 Bug 消失的问题以及弄崩了整个智慧之书系统导致智慧之书全失效,现在整个模组处于大面积代码丢失状态,目前正在筹划找回代码或者重写中(模组作者的跟班 Xwan 向编者表示 0.8 ...
[h1=简介][ban:title_menu]ModTweaker 2 是 MineTweaker 3 /CraftTweaker的一个扩展,能够自定义其他模组的合成配方。最初由 joshiejack 和 Spitefulfox 制作,现由 Jared 更新到 ModTweaker 3 为 CraftTweaker 提供支持并保持维护。[h1=模组支持]ModTweaker 2 / 3 为大量模组提供了 MineTweaker / CraftTweaker 支持,其支持的 Mod 一览:1.12.2 版本目前支持的 Mod(CraftTweaker):实...
[h1=匠魂合金附加站内导航][ban:title_menu]匠魂合金附加;匠魂合金附加2;匠魂合金附加重栽版;匠魂合金附加二次重载版。Tinkers Alloying Addon - TAIGA(匠魂合金附加)TAIGA is an addon for tinkers construct. It aims to find new minable ores, new alloys and a bunch of new tinker traits for them.*TAIGA 是匠魂模组的一个附属,它旨在让你能够发现更多可挖掘的新矿物。而且“TA...
...电更加方便,从而无需下载其他模组来提供电力。[h1=通用机械系列][Mek] 通用机械 (Mekanism) - 本体。包含管道、除反应堆和工业涡轮的所有多方块结构、用电机械、蓄电设备、观赏性方块、产生热量的机械。[MekG] 通用机械发电机 (Mekanism Generators) - 即本模组,包含了反应堆和发电机。[MekT] 通用机械工具 (Mekanism Tools) - 包含了各...
...下很有用。作者原文介绍:Minecraft too easy for you? After playing the game for years, I can't help but feel it is. Or perhaps it's too hard with all the crazy mods you've added? Scaling Health aims to balance out modpacks, by allowing players, mobs, or both to gain extra health! Or players can start with less health, if that's what you want. The mod is highly configurable.This mod started as an unof...
[ban:title_menu][h1=简介]1.10/1.11 版本的 FTB Utilities 需要 CompatLayer 模组做前置。1.12 及之后版本的 FTB Utilities 已经被拆分成了多个模组。FTB Utilities 是 LatvianModder 开发的模组。它旨在在 FTB 平台提供多种有用的实用功能,包括团队列表、服务器配置实用程序、世界边界、指南系统和许多其他功能。配置文件位于 @ ./local/ftbu/config.json你可以通...
...、冰霜龙骨、火焰龙骨、龙霜钢、龙炎钢武器等联动冰火传说的内容。这些模型由 Janivire 提供。The recipes are a little funky as they use the Spartan Weaponry Hilt/Hafts instead of the Ice and Fire ones, possible future goal for this mod could be to implement an equivalent Haft for the Dragonbone weapon hilt and have recipes more in line with the default Dragonbone tools.1.16.5 版本移植:斯巴达的武器:...
通用机械工具v10Mekanism Tools v10[h1=概述]该模组是通用机械的工具拓展包。该拓展包会为通用机械增添如下内容:镐尖斧——一种将锹,镐,斧功能三合一的工具,其做法也是将三者绑在一起。锇锭、青铜锭、强化荧石锭、强化黑曜石锭、钢锭和青金石制作的镐、锹、斧、剑、锄、盾牌(V10)、头盔、胸甲、护腿、靴子。[h1=通用机械系列][Mek]...
...饥饿值也降低。下面是相关信息的翻译:支持 HarvestCraft,WeeeFlowers 以及 Natura。由 Iguanaman 制作。由 ProgWML6,Squeek502 和 Parker8283 维护。需要 苹果核 作为前置。强烈建议与 潘马斯农场 一同安装,保证十分抖 M。这个模组的主要作用就是改变饥饿的机制。作者的主要目标是让整个游戏变得更有挑战性。食物可不应该仅仅是点缀。为了平...
...机械改造 (Cyberware) 的后续版本,适用 1.12-1.12.2。经过原作者 Flaxbeard 的同意后由 An_Sar 接手更新维护使用方法基本不变,与旧版本(1.11.2、1.10.2、1.10、1.9.4)差异不大。官方入门教程:GitHub Wiki(英文)初次接触建议备份存档,避免误操作造成的无限死亡或无法操作。与时装工坊冲突,装机械义肢后会导致时装无法显示,在 Config 中把机...
...本中将值改为上一次正确记录的值;当 SystemTime 为 yes 时,优先使用系统时间。DawnSunAngle: (默认:2.5)- Dawn occurs when sun is at this angle.曙光(太阳)角度——当太阳处在所设角度时出现曙光;此项仅可在配置文件中修改,设定的值为进入游戏时的默认角度,在游戏过程中可使用命令 /B3M  set DawnSunAngle ...
...研究之一,但潜在的回报比所有的努力都值得。那么,你还在等什么?作者原话:You face an addon to both Thaumcraft 4 and Botania, designed exclusively for 1.7.10 version of Minecraft.This addon brings up a variety of powerful relics, mostly oriented to expand the horizons of endgame. Most of them are designed to serve you in battles, but there are some utilitary ones. New baubles, tools, spellbooks, and even a single piece...
注意:如果你安装了 VanillaFix 1.09 以上版本,请不要安装此 Mod,因为 VanillaFix 1.09 以上版本已包含该 Mod 的功能。IC2 经典版本的作者在发现 Minecraft 加载过程中会莫名其妙加载 2 次材质后制作的修复 Mod,配合 Foamfix 会让 Minecraft 内存占用稳定在 200MB 左右(不添加其他任何 Mod 情况下)原理:优化材质加载的方式。将这个模组加入游戏后,当...
...:  Mo' Structures is Fabric's best structure mod, carefully designed to enrich your world with many fun adventures to be had!    Do you want  to run through dark mazes, explore floating castles, and fight evil pillagers? Want to keep a simple vanilla world with no new blocks or items?  Then get this mod ASAP!    Mo' Structures is carefully designed to bring interesting lore to your Minecraft World....
... use of electricity in Minecraft. Mods which uses the Universal Electricity API have the ability to communicate and be compatible with each other. Above on the navigation bar are some Minecraft mods that uses the Universal Electricity API. If you are a modder and looking for a simple and modular API to use to allow your mod to be powered by a universal power source, then you have came to the right place! If you are just an average player, well we...
[h1=概述]这个模组是整合包The Vanilla Experience中的内容之一(此整合包与模组为同一作者)。Tree Harvester 是一个高配置度的模组,你可以用于快速砍下普通的树木、诡异/绯红菌以及巨型蘑菇。砍伐部分可以是树木的任意某一部分,并且会使用掉落物自动补种。模组内置了很多检查条件防止意外砍掉由原木制成的房子以及什么叶子应该腐烂掉...
...H Type.80运动飞机布里斯托Mk.32客机比奇TV-1运动飞机福克F.1战斗机*Te 131直升机安东诺夫An-225运输机歼-20威龙战斗机FC-31战斗机P-3A猎户座反潜机F-11战斗机*Fr.552E战斗机*CM-71客机*W-98-3C客机F-117A战斗机Ho.229轰炸机AM-84战斗机MiG-17战斗机MiG-21战斗机MiG-29A战斗机Su-24攻击机Ju.G-24客机CM-93轰炸机桑德兰 S.25水上飞机Tu-95轰炸机Tu-16轰炸机幻影 Mk.3战斗机Sunsh...
SpawnerCraft允许你制作刷怪笼以便于你的生存和发展。使用方法:打开配置文件.minecraft\config\spawnercraft.cfg找到 # Is it possible to craft an Empty Monster Spawner from iron bars?    B:"Is Empty Spawner Craftable"=false(把false改为true)
一个真实的工业风格的模组,旨在让你在工业领域的视觉体验更为真实。An industrial style mod that aims to make the aesthetic part of your industry much more real.这个模组处于开发阶段,有大量功能型内容尚未完成。但是绝大部分的工业装饰方块已经添加了,所以也可以当成一个普通的工业向装饰性模组。
...,感谢他创造了这个惊人的软件,并允许我们将它用于 OMLib。作者原话:Library for OMT and its companion mods. Provides the basic functionality like change owner command and the support for offline mode and RF/EU conversion. In a future update (Soon) it will also provide a tool with which you can instantly mine your owned blocks. Modders who want to make an addon for OMT also depend on this and thus should check out its s...
Planar Artifice模组是神秘时代6模组的一个处在开发中(WIP)的全新附属,主要的内容与对维度的操纵有关。目前,模组已经添加的内容有:(注:下文中作者指的是最后一个Beta版本0.0.7,实际上目前最新的模组版本至少为Release版本1.1.6)给魔导手册添加了一个新书签。添加新的材料Alkimium,作为炼金黄铜锭的升级;同时附加了揭示之护目镜的...
...Boss制作音乐)虚空蠕虫Boss战音乐链接:传送门作者原话:So recently, Alex's Mobs had an update adding its first boss, the Void Worm. 近来,Alex的生物有一次添加了其第一个boss——虚空蠕虫的更新。It seems to be inspired by the Eater of Worlds from another sandbox game known as "Terraria". 它似乎受到了另一款名为“泰拉瑞亚”的沙盒游戏中的世界吞噬怪的...
...地牢,亟待玩家的探索。首先你必须召唤并杀死一座巨大的飞行魔法结构 BOSS(summon an kill a huge flying magical construct,模组内为 Awakened Star)(适用于 MC 1.16.5 及其以上的新版,该 BOSS 改为 Wither Skeleton Commander),而后你就可以开始探索这个模组构造的瑰丽世界了。[h2=模组添加了]6 个新维度30 多种新生物120 多种新方块14 套新护甲20 种新植物11 ...
...用的生成器:空岛地形生成器主世界地形生成器Scattered Block GeneratorFluid Pocket GeneratorHanging Crystal GeneratorDeformed Sphere GeneratorCell Noise GeneratorLayer GeneratorIce and Snow GeneratorBiome Block Replacement GeneratorVanilla Fire GeneratorVanilla Lava Pocket GeneratorVanilla Glowstone GeneratorVanilla Quartz GeneratorVanilla Decoration GeneratorVanilla Animal GeneratorVanilla Cave GeneratorVanilla Ravine Generator...
...simple mod that nerfs Mending without making it useless. Should you install it, you'll find the following changes in your game:Unmending是一个非常简单的小模组,它削弱了经验修补,但并没有使之变得无用。如果你安装了它,你将在游戏中看到以下变化:Items that already have the Mending enchantment will no longer repair with XP.已经拥有经验修补的物品不会再吸取经验来回复耐久。M...
...本,这些文本非常快速而且混乱。Version Checker is a small mod that will show updates for mods in an easy list. Mods currently add version checkers which will spit out a bunch of text to the chatbox at startup of a game, which get's cluttered very quickly.当它检测到一个过时的 Mod 时,本模组会在主菜单上添加一个小按钮。数字表示发现过时 Mod 的数量。当你点击按钮时,一个界面会出...